Native Pink Current blooming in the garden |
Hello, Dear Friends - Happy Earth Day!
I have been busy since spring has arrived,
taking care of my little piece of this sweet Earth.
Everything is blooming at once!
We have had a long stretch of warm, sunny weather.
One day it was in the low 90's here,
in the foothills near Mt. Rainier,
breaking all records.
That was a little too warm for me - I'm
used to cool, misty weather.
So on hot afternoons I kept busy inside.
It was so nice to open all the windows wide,
with a light breeze blowing in the perfumed air.
Today we are back to our usual weather,
rain and cool temperatures in the 50's.
Here are five things I have been doing on these
wonderful days of spring.
Bleeding Heart and Bugle-Weed are an accidental
combination that I am enjoying right now.
I had set a pot of Bleeding Heart here to plant elsewhere,
but loved the combination, so here it stayed.
This is a shady garden under the sweeping branches
of a large Hemlock tree.
Hydrangea leafs out from the half barrel.
This garden includes native deciduous Fern and Forget-me-not.
A white Camellia blooms alongside the path cut into Yellow Archangel,
across from the Hemlock tree.
Camellia loves it here in the acid soil and sun dappled
conditions. This is also a sheltered spot from our
sometimes fierce winter winds.
Camellia is very slow-growing and this one is
over 20 years old.
It is full of saucer sized, waxy blooms that light
up the edge of the forest.
Our parking area is right next to this little beauty,
so we enjoy her blooms coming and going.
Columbine enjoys the garden alongside variegated ivy
in a half barrel.
I've made a note in my garden journal to purchase
more of these lovely plants, along with Bleeding Heart,
for next year.
I've planted three more here.
There were four, but one didn't 'take'.
A low branch of a Crab-Apple brings out the
pink Bleeding Heart against the old picket fence.
The broken slats at the far left were caused
by a very large Black Bear climbing over
for some bird seed a few years ago.
We keep the patched fence as a souvenir :)
I also bought a wind-chime.
It's a family legend now :)
Now that we're back up on the deck.....
This pretty Clematis is blooming through the slats.
(I have to stain these this summer)
It didn't bloom last year and I thought I had lost it,
but this year she has taken off and given us a show.
This pretty evergreen Clematis is growing from a large pot.
Looking out from the deck, we see Weenie Baby,
my daughter's mini-dachshund.
I have been doing a lot of pet-sitting :)
My dogs and I love the company.
The lilac is peeking out from the left.
It is very tall.
Here you can see Kai and Peanut,
Weenie Baby's sister.
If you look close, you can see the little blue
Forget-me-not blooming everywhere.
The lilac reaches to the second story.
I can't tell you how wonderful the scent is.
It fills the whole garden
and floats into the windows with the slightest breeze.
I planted two more right beside my deck this year.
So far they seem happy. It will be a few years
before I get blooms.
Here you can see the lilac through my sewing room window, upstairs.
My pet Cockatiel is perched on the curtain rod enjoying
the warm spring sunshine, while I enjoy the scent of lilac.
He comes out every day to spend time with me while I sew.
Chattering to the birds outside.
This brings me to the second thing I've been doing,
Playing in the Sewing Room
I've been working on a very special
project for a little Grandson
who is about to have his very first birthday.
I can't give away too much....but let's just say
it involves a lot of planning, cutting, and sewing.
I do enjoy working here in this bright and
very feminine room.
This room was where my two little girls grew up
before I cluttered it up with all my sewing
and craft supplies.
I have been doing a lot of cutting.
I'm sure you can guess what I am making :)
Cleaning up.....
Some home-made sachets keep things sweet.
Waiting for the next session.....
Tucked away beside the cutting table.
The sachets keep the cats away!
Everything is a potential bed in the cat world.
Am I right?
Some of my buttons. The hand-painted trays and bowl
are used for sorting.
The sweet and well-used pin cushion says it all.
A-hem! Speaking of cats and beds......
Maggie loves mine.
This brings me to the third thing I've been doing -
Something beachy for a certain little someone.
I usually put in a few rows here and there when I
get the chance, then do some serious crocheting
while I watch late night comedy shows in bed.
I am currently watching 'Frazier' on the Hallmark Channel.
One of my favorites.
Pomposity meets humility :)
I will keep you posted on the finished project soon.
Since we are in the house now, I'll tell you
the Fourth thing that I have been doing -
Spring Cleaning
Can you ever do enough housework?
Yes and no.
Right now I am washing rugs and curtains
and all those things you do at the start of a new season.
Some days it is like this, and you whistle while you work.
Other days it is more like this.
Isn't this the cutest?
It was a greeting card sent to me. xoxo
This little bank is my incentive for finding loose change.
Flowers are my incentive for a neat and tidy house.
Somehow they just don't look as pretty if things
are messy.
From Ramblin' Man <3.
A gift to myself.
While we are in the kitchen, I
want to share the fifth thing I've been doing.
Eating strawberries!
This delicious salad has strawberries two ways;
sliced atop baby spinach and in a rosy-hued dressing.
Here is the recipe:
Strawberry Salad with Gorgonzola
Strawberry Balsamic Vinaigrette
serves 4
1/2 cup sliced strawberries
1 tsp honey
1 tsp Dijon mustard
1 Tbsp balsamic vinegar
1/4 tsp kosher salt
1/4 cup grape seed or canola oil
In a blender, puree' strawberries. Add honey, Dijon, balsamic vinegar and salt.
Blend to combine. While blending, gradually add oil and blend until smooth.
2-4 cups baby spinach, tough stems removed
2 cups sliced strawberries
1/4 cup sliced, toasted almonds
2 oz. Gorgonzola or blue cheese, crumbled.
What are you doing this spring?
Today I am linking with: