
Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Wearin' O' the Green

 Hello, Dear Friends, I hope that you are seeing a few signs of spring
after this very long winter!
I know that some of you already are, some of you are still 
dealing with Old Man Winter, and some of you are just now
moving towards autumn. 

Here in the Cascade foothills of Washington State, 
we are seeing a few signs of spring, such as crocus, 
early daffodils, pansies and some tiny buds on the trees.

Although, we do still get a few snowflakes or hail drifting this way. 

So, while I wait for the warmth of the sun, 
I've been busy bringing a bit o' the green inside. 

With a little help from my friend, Kai. 
(Who always has to be the center of attention,
which we lovingly indulge.)

I guess he is a little bit bored! Shhhh!
Let sleeping dogs lie. 

The sun finally came out, with rays shining through the skylight. 

I made the little heart pillow with a crochet edge a few years ago. 
The green check and gingham pillows are sewn from tea towels. 
I've had my 'Irish Lace' pillows so long that they are 
considered 'vintage'. 
As am I. 


'The older the fiddle the sweeter the tune'
-Irish proverb-

I imagine that this could be a scene from the Irish countryside, don't you think?

'May you never forget what is worth remembering
nor ever remember what is best forgotten'
-Irish Proverb-

Pretty, hand-painted plates. 

Those of you who have followed my blog for a while,
know that I am mostly Scots Irish, so I always
try to celebrate St. Patrick's Day. 

This is the 12th anniversary of the start of my blog, 
by the way! 
Time certainly likes to fly by. 
I have made so many talented, kind and creative friends 
during this time. 
All truly kindred spirits. 
Thank you for your dear friendship!
It means so much to me. 


What's a green polka-dot bucket without two green birds?

I love green depression glass. 
I've been collecting it for years - a little at a time. 
It's not so popular anymore, and pieces are harder to find, 
but I always keep my eyes open to add to my collection. 

The 1930's is definitely my favorite era. 
My (and Ramblin' Man's) grandparents lived through the Great Depression,
and our parents were born in that decade. 
Times were very hard and they told us stories 
of their lives growing up during that time. 

Of gathering coal, fallen from railcars along the tracks
to heat the house. 
Of having only two sets of clothes, down to the socks, 
and washing them out by hand in the sink to 
make sure they always had something to wear. 
Of going barefoot in the summer, to save the only pair 
of shoes they had for church. 
Of buying one soup bone for the week
and making stew every night with that one bone to 
feed a family of ten, with vegetables they picked
as wages. 
Of my father selling newspapers on the streetcorner
at only five years old to help make ends meet, 
and a well-to-do couple approaching my grandparents 
about adopting him, and my grandparents saying, "No, 
we might be poor, but we are blessed with an abundance of love."

What shines through all their stories is their love 
for one another, and their resilience and determination 
to work hard throughout their lives to make 
sure their children and grandchildren had 
better lives. 

These pretty dishes are symbols of the hope and desire 
to make the best of a difficult situation during 
those trying times. 

Amazing that they have survived this long to be 
enjoyed by the descendants of those brave homemakers 
all those years ago. 

This little honey-pot was a gift from a dear loved one. 

All ready for a spot of Irish tea. 

A sweet embroidery - a thrifty find. 

The measuring cup was the first piece I found, many years ago,
when I was a young homemaker. 

There are two bowls, one inside the other. 
I'm sure there is a middle size, 
because the bowls don't quite nest properly, 
so, I will keep my eyes open for that. 
The spice jar is one of 3 and is a reproduction. 

My Irish angel. 
A gift from a dear one. 

The Ball canning jars were a re-issue of a vintage style
that I bought new a few years ago. 

My shamrock mugs were a 'lucky' on-line find. 

May the sun shine all day
long, everything go right and 
nothing wrong.

May those you love, bring love
back to you, and may all the 
wishes you wish come true! 

The green egg cup is a survivor of a set from 
one of my Mom's wedding gifts in the early 1950's. 

A Dear Friend gave me the shamrock mugs: 'Herself and Himself'. 

I have only two of these pretty transferware plates. 
I feel another collection coming on...

I am ready for some serious tea drinking. 

I need to dig out all of my scone recipes! 

The 'Happy' mug, plaid plate and small green teapot 
are sweet gifts from loved ones. 

My son, Gabe, painted this when he was in Jr. High School! 

He's never pursued his artistic talents beyond this, though, unfortunately. 

He's a very busy husband and father, with a demanding 
job in the tech industry, so no time for artistic pursuits at the moment. 

A basket full of St. Patrick's Day cards sent to me over the years. 

Vintage cards I have collected here and there. 

Postmark 1909. 
Not really a St. Patrick's Day card, but could pass for one. 

Sweet little tokens of remembrance from so long ago. 

Some blooms from my indoor garden. 

I've had this orchid for years - a gift from my daughter-in-law. 
This is the first time it has rebloomed! 
Such a sweet surprise. 

These are 'Donkey Tail' cactus blooms. 
Believe it or not, I've had these plants for over 30 years. 
They are easy to propagate, and so I have quite a few. 
It always makes me happy to see them bloom. 

Flowers outside my windows. 


I've been incredibly busy the last few weeks. 
Ramblin' Man has had a few minor health scares, 
which didn't seem so minor at the time, but are resolving 
themselves in a positive way. 

That has been pretty stressful. 

We've also been very busy with the grandboys - having them over, 
going to a science fair (a home-made volcano was exhibited),
and visits with the family. 
I had a nice lunch date with my two daughters recently, 
and everyone (all four families) are coming over on Easter. 

A good friend of ours also had a health scare, 
and that has us worried, too. 
We are having him and his wife over on St. Patrick's Day for dinner. 
They've had a rough time of it the last few years, 
having lost their son to an undiagnosed heart condition, 
 and also losing several friends and siblings. 
Their positive attitude and resilience are truly 
inspirational and they are wonderful 
role models for their daughter and 4 grandchildren, 
two of whom lost their father (their son).


I've been busy trying to empty an upstairs bedroom
to turn into a guest room for grandboy sleepovers, and guests. 
It was once my craft room, (after my boys grew up) but then it turned 
into a sort of storage space for miscellaneous orphaned things. 
In other words - a big mess. 
 Ramblin' Man has been busy doing yard work 
in between all the health issues, and we are having gutter guards
installed next week to keep him off the 30 ft. ladder. 

Oh, and we had Covid a 2nd time, but thankfully 
it was a relatively mild case. 

So please forgive me if I have been distracted lately and 
not around much. It seems since Ramblin' Man retired, 
we haven't had much time to actually 'retire', but 
that's what keeps you going, I guess.
Still, sometimes I'd rather be sipping something tropical on a beach!


' May the most you wish for be the least you get'
-Irish Proverb-

But, for now I am just grateful for many small blessings and positive outcomes. 
And the beautiful view of Mt. Rainier whenever the clouds lift. 

Spring is here, the flowers are blooming once more, the birds are singing, 
and we can finally put Old Man Winter to bed once more. 

I know so many are dealing with terrible weather, still, 
and disastrous in some places, and my heart and prayers are with you. 

"There but for the grace of God go I."
-John Bradford-

May there always be work for your hands to do.
May your purse always hold a coin or two.
May the sun always shine on your windowpane.
May a rainbow be certain to follow each rain.
May the hand of a friend always be near you.
May God fill your heart with gladness to cheer you. 



  1. What wonderful views of Mt Ranier in your blog today, Karen! I love all your pretty green glass especially with a gentle light behind it, it certainly looks as if you are enjoying some sunshine, which your plants are really lapping up. The donkey tail cactus is very unusual, I like a plant that just carries on for 30 years without a fuss! Have a great time with your family at Easter and your friends on St Patrick's Day, it sounds as if they have had a tough time. x

  2. I love the glow your green curtains gives to your room.
    I agree when you hear of all our parents and grandparents went through it is very hard to feel sorry for ourselves and what we may have to go through.
    Good to hear your hubby is feeling better, that can be very scary when you don't know what is happening at the time.

  3. So much green loveliness at your house for St. Patrick's Day, Karen. The sun shining through the skylight would be a nice warmth to the bones during the Winter days. Your green heart pillow you made is sweet, I really like that. And the picture of the countryside scene looks charming above your sofa. I smiled at your table centerpiece with the polka dot pot and daisies and sweet birds. Daisies remind me of my dear mom. : ) The green depression glass looks so pretty on your hutch. I loved hearing about the stories of your grandparents and parents. I, too, have many of them that I keep close to my heart. Our parents are surely a hopeful inspiration during times of struggle, aren't they? Your son's painting is a special treasure, and all the green he used is perfect for St. Patrick's Day. I'm so sorry to hear you got the dreadful virus again. And I hope your husband is feeling better also from his health issues. Your dear friend has been through a lot also, I'm so sorry to hear that. You know how much I love to see Mt. Rainier on your posts. This photo is really incredible. Such a grand mountain. Happy St. Patrick's Day, Karen, and enjoy your wonderful heritage. : ) No Spring here yet, but the sun is shining today, and I just saw a mourning dove on my front yard. Oh, and I almost forgot to mention your Irish angel, she is just beautiful. It's always a delight looking around your home at all the different goodies you put out for each holiday. They add a personal touch that is all your own.


  4. Hi Karen. I hope your sweet man is feeling better and not having any more scares. I know how scary they can be. You have so many beautiful "green" treasures and everything looks so pretty. I don't have a lot of green in my arsenal and to be truthful I didn't even think about it being St Patrick's Day so soon. I don't know where the time is going but I just can't seem to keep up. I am hopeful that when the nicer weather comes and stays it will give me more incentive again..Happy Weekend..xxoJudy

  5. Happy St. Paddy's Day my fellow wee Lass. πŸ˜‰ 🌈 ☘️ I love all of your green touches. I love depression era antiques too. My dear former MIL that passed from Alzheimers (I still miss her every day) collected pink depression glassware. And my FIL depression era cobalt vases. I collect depression era Roseville pottery. Your green dishes are SO beautiful and that's the color I'd collect if I had room for another collection. Lol
    I share a bit 'o the Irish with you as when I had a genealogist do some researching as a gift to my Mom I found out I'm more Irish than I realized. And they even found the town in Ireland where our people came from there. Pretty cool.
    Prayers for continue healing for Rambling Man and for your friends having such a difficult time. πŸ™ I complain about this endless winter and snow and my slow healing herniated disc - but things could be far worse and I keep focusing on my abundant blessings. Especially hearing of others suffering in so many ways.
    And if you need a friend for that tropical beach- I'm in! Lol I'll bring the margarita mix πŸ˜‰

  6. Your posts are wonderful, Karen! Lovely glimpses of your home and garden, delightful and nostalgic collectables, interesting proverbs and your own thoughts and stories! We still have lots of snow and temperatures below zero but I too have introduced some green colour to our home. It's so energizing. :)
    I wish a very happy Saint Patrick's Day to you, your family and friends... and good health to everyone! xx

  7. I never imagine touches of green being so beautiful but you always decorate with such style. I love the old linens on a table and the heart pillow is adorable. Enjoy your day my friend!

  8. Lovely to read through your blog and see your photographs.
    I do like all of your green touches, perfect for St Patricks Day :)

    I do hope your husbands health issues continue to improve.
    Take care of yourselves.

    All the best Jan

    PS Happy 12th blog - anniversary wishes.

  9. I love green - inside and outdoor! The pictures of the mountains are just amazing, wow!!!!
    Love from Titti

  10. It was lively to see your home all decked out in green treasures, Karen. I hope you enjoy lots of tea and scones. I’m glad that your hubby’s health scares seem to have resolved.
    Happy 12th year of blogging, and enjoy your emerging Springtime!

  11. You have a beautiful collection of green depression glass. It goes well with all the other greens you have in your cozy home. Tea and scones sound like a wonderful way to enjoy these last days of winter/spring. Congratulations on 12 years of blogging! I hope your husband's health concerns are quickly resolved and you will be able to move on to enjoying retirement together.
    That's an amazing view of Mt. Rainier!

  12. Karen, you decorated your house so pretty for St. Patrick's day. I hope you had a nice celebration. I hope your husband is on the mend. I always enjoy seeing photos of the mountain and I hope you have a nice spring.

  13. I just love your home, Karen. So welcoming. Hope you husband is feeling better.

  14. Just wanted to stop by again and see all your green lovelies in your home. Your house is so charming, Karen, and I do think you inspire people to decorate their own homes. My house is small, but there's so much we can do even in a simple space. Happy Spring to you, sweet friend.

  15. Happy Spring Karen! I loved being reminded of the beautiful early spring season in the Pacific Northwest . And then back inside your welcoming home, as always I so enjoyed your special collections and nostalgic decor . Every object in your home has a wonderful story and you share them so beautifully (both words and pictures.) I hope all your medical scares (both of you) are behind you now and the rest of your Spring days are completely filled with joy and laughter.

  16. Hello Karen your home is as warm and comfortable and full of love as always.I love the way you weave the memories of your collections into your post. I'm sorry Rambling Man has had health issues, such things stop you in your tracks, we all need good health. Wishing you your sip of tropical something in summer days ahead.
    Wren x


Thank you for stopping by! Your comments are important to me and are very much appreciated. xx Karen