
Friday, February 10, 2023

Sentimental Heart


Hello, Dear Friends, I want to wish you a Happy Valentine's Day
and send you this token of affection. 

You all know that I have a sentimental heart, 
  and holidays are always special to me. 
It gives me an opportunity to mark the passing of time,
as that is something that always seems to slip away 
much too quickly. 

I've been having fun decorating, 
and putting together some sweet vignettes. 

I've always wanted one of those tiered servers, 
but they all seem too large and too rustic for my 
small cottage kitchen. 
So I created one that was just the right size!
I used a vintage coffee tin, a white candlestick, 
a metal jar lid, and an egg cup! 
My Grandson made the little heart from play-clay
a couple of years ago. 

Ramblin' Man found this little mail box 
for the play-hut, but I borrowed it temporarily. 

It goes with the post box that I already had.
Ramblin' Man finds heart rocks for me, 
and he painted this one. 
He's a sentimental fool, just like me. 

He bought me these silly little pillows a couple of years ago, too. 

Polka dots and plaid. 

So pretty when the sun shines, 
which is rare this time of year!
Whenever it does shine, it makes me
so happy. 

I wish you could come over for a cup of tea
and a little treat! 
In a perfect world we would all live close by, wouldn't we? 
But then we would not be able to share our unique 
little corner of the world with one another! 

My vintage crochet pot-holder collection has a new
addition - a little dress. 
These were popular in the 30's and 40's. 

Vintage blocks. 

My refrigerator was decorated by my grandson. 

My fancied-up candy boxes. 

I was thinking about how many ways we use the word, 'heart' to describe 
our feelings or someone's personality. 

I came up with quite a list! 
I'm sure you can think of some, too!

Tender Hearted
Brave Heart
Heavy Heart
Bleeding Heart


Happy Heart 
Lonely Heart
Broken Heart
Mended Heart

Captured Heart
Caged Heart
Key to my Heart

Gentle Heart

Loving Heart
Weary Heart
No Heart
Cold Heart

Big Heart
Heart Sick
Empty Heart

Singing Heart
Grieving Heart
Hopeful Heart
Simple Heart

Leaping Heart
Cheating Heart
Cruel Heart
Lying Heart

A Heart full of love. 
A Heart full of woe. 
Heart's Desire
Heart Breaker

Heart Stopper
Crazy Heart
Heart Song
Heart Felt 
Giving Heart

What describes your heart, Dear Friends?

Mine is a Grateful Heart for having such 
wonderful friends as you. 

I also have a Grieving Heart for all those 
suffering in the world right now. 

But I have a faithful and hopeful heart, 
that mankind will live up to its name. 


"Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries.
Without them, humanity cannot survive".
- Dalai Lama -

"There never was any heart truly great and generous, 
that was not also tender and compassionate".
- Robert Frost -

"There is no charm equal to tenderness of heart". 
- Jane Austen -

"Goodbyes are only for those who love with their eyes.
Because for those who love with heart and soul
there is no such thing as separation".

- Rumi -


  1. It doesn't seem a year has almost passed when we were celebrating Valentines Day last year ... once again our shops are full of goodies and special things to buy.
    I wish everyone a Happy Valentines Day

    Lovely photographs you've shared here.
    I do like how your refrigerator was decorated by your grandson.

    Enjoy your February days.
    Sending my heartiest good wishes :)

    All the best Jan

  2. What a beautiful, beautiful post, dear Karen! Your home is ready for Valentine's Day. With your imagination and skills you create important moments and memories to your loved ones.
    There is much suffering in the world... we can only pray for peace and love between nations and individuals... and try to do our own small part in it.
    Happy Valentine's day! <3

  3. I love how you made your own server, and it makes it extra special too! So glad you could enjoy some beautiful sunshine, I am with you sunshine always warms my heart and makes me feel so good inside! Your decorations are so wonderful, I didn't get mine out this year, I just took care of all my snowmen that I put out after Christmas, so I decided to skip Valentines and after a good cleaning I will start on Spring and Easter :) You came up with so many heart sayings, my heart goes out to those especially in Turkey and Syria right now, so thankful that today they had still pulled more people out alive!! The amount that has perished is so hard to wrap my head around.
    May you enjoy a lovely week ahead!

  4. Karen, I loved your Valentine post today. The clay heart that your grandson made is a treasure for sure. I really like the Special Delivery box, it's so cute. I also am a lover of heart rocks, so I thought it was so sweet to see that your husband found one and painted it for you. The crocheted dress is darling. And those vintage Valentines you shared made my heart sing. What describes my heart? I try very much to have a "peaceful heart" because when we have peace in our hearts, everything else follows.

    Happy Valentine's Day to my precious friend.


    1. Karen, the kitten belongs to Mia. She has been wanting a cat, and Nel decided to get her one. They thought Felix was a boy, but discovered shortly that she was a girl, but I think they will still call her Felix. Mia loves the kitten and is getting close to it. But as you saw in the picture, cats can get a little feisty haha. I'm more of a dog person, and have had dogs all my life. And my Cinnamon (a dachshund) was my favorite when I was a little girl. I hope you have a sweet Valentine's Day. ~Sheri

  5. Your handmade tiered stand is just darling, Karen. I haven’t succumbed to one yet, but I do like how people decorate them. The crocheted dress pot holder is so cute! Yes, I’d love to share some tea and a treat with you. My oh my, but you have shared so many ways that we describe a person’s heart, along with such sweet vintage Valentine images. Happy Valentine’s Day to you and your Ramblin’ Man! 💕

  6. Wishing you a very Happy Valentines day in amongst the hearts and flowers. x

  7. Hi Karen! I always love how you are so clever with making sweet decorations for you home. I wish I were that talented. ;) I love all the Valentines touches. And all the heart words you thought of. I think I definitely relate with a grateful and faith filled heart. (& have had a shattered heart and mended heart and several other kinds thrown in through the years 😉 ) I hope you had a wonderful ♥️ day with Rambling Man and all of your sweet grandkiddos. Blessings to you. xoxo

  8. From this post and the previous [Cabin Fever] I can see that you are managing the mid-winter doldrums well. Winter in south-central Kentucky is far milder than in my native Vermont or in Wyoming where we spent 12 years. Still there is that point where I long to be outdoors more. Creative projects help to fill the days and the long evenings while we wait for spring.

  9. Karen your posts are always so delightful, and enjoyable! I loved all your heart expressions! I think you just about covered every one! I absolutely the tray you created with your coffee can and old metal lid - that is so creative, and beautiful! I far prefer a vintage tray like this than a fancy silver one bought in a store! Love your decor style, your home is just so lovely. Loved all the lovely Valentine's you shared. Many blessings to you dear friend!

  10. If only the whole of mankind would just be kind. So, so many sadnesses and tragedy in the world right now. All the Valentine vignettes are lovely, Karen. Your special touches throughout your home are filled with love and whimsy. Your tiered server is genius and I love that your grandson decorated the fridge. Such a sweet little heart he has. Sunshine makes me happy, too. In just a little while spring will arrive at your doorstep and hopefully warmer, sunny days.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Your home looks so pretty for this holiday! You always make everything beautiful! Sweet hugs, Diane

  13. I have a happy heart after visiting your lovely holiday home and your words of joy. (even though I'm late to the party -- it is never too late to be reminded of love.)

  14. Karen, I love the way you decorated your house for Valentine's Day. The tray is so pretty and festive. I hope you had a nice time with your husband celebrating Valentine's Day.

  15. Love the decorations and the vintage cards. Hope you had a wonderful Valentine's Day.

  16. Dear Karen I am still in trance of your magical post!
    What an ideal and beautiful way to speak your heart. Above all you certainly have a Loving Heart my beautiful friend :)
    Love is most powerful emotion and necessity to each heart but those who share it further with all around them live surly a "luxurious spiritual life fulfilled with love"
    I find that "fulfillment" in every bit of your beautiful world dear Karen :)
    This is truly grace of good God that he always keeps promises of giving us back what we deliver to this world.
    You sowed love and reaping it with all your grateful heart. This is one of the most beautiful things to see for me.

  17. I never get tired of looking at your seasonal and occasional arrangements. Your gorgeous home is shining with the theme of love :)
    Smile stays on my lips throughout my visit here but got deeper when you called your husband sentimental fool. Because this is what we both call ourselves :)
    Loved each decoration thoroughly my friend

    Life without emotion of love is curse. May our soul be blessed with love for eternity amen.
    Hugs and blessings.

  18. Your home is so lovely! The vintage cards are just amazing...
    Love from Titti


Thank you for stopping by! Your comments are important to me and are very much appreciated. xx Karen