
Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Late Summer Walk

Swallowtail Butterfly

Oregon Grape
Shasta Daisy
Bird's Foot Trefoil

Tansy (not yet in bloom), Sweet William, Bird's Foot Trefoil

False Nettle

Douglas Squirrel

Nikko Blue Hydrangea

Walks are quiet affairs in these late summer hours, with newly dropped leaves crackling underfoot and the slightly sweet scent of ripening foliage, fruit and seeds. The light is longer, slanted and thinner, just slightly so, but a reminder of shortened days soon to come.

The birds are mostly quiet now, except for twitterings and chatterings, and little off-notes sung by this year's fledglings practicing their songs.

The butterfly bush sends it's spicy aroma around our little forest clearing on even the slightest breeze. The Nikko Blue Hydrangea's fall over, so heavy with blossom, they bend to the ground. I fill up buckets and pots, along with sprigs of butterfly bush to scent the rooms, a lovely luxury this time of year.

With the markets full of fresh fruit, vegetables and berries, I indulge in meals of extravagant portions savoring the sun ripened, sweetened goodness.

I love these quiet late summer days. A time to savor, reflect on the season, and enjoy each precious day of lingering sunshine.

What is your favorite part of this season?


  1. Dearest Karen,

    What a poetic story about your late summer walk!
    How I envy you for those tansy flowers. We used to have them in The Netherlands (still they do...) but here in Georgia they don't exist. We tried to grow some nursery varieties but no luck. Sad thing for giving up. Love their special smell and I always made huge bouquets with them, plucked while walking and than enjoying inside their happy yellow and head-strong appearance.
    Your Nikko Blue Hydrangeas are happy and HUGE. What a joy.
    Are you eating your berries with Greek yogurt too? I could not quite tell, it looks thick enough.
    Love your table setting, so joyful and special with the paper doilies used for making an elegant and relaxed presentation.

    When we walked this evening I could already hear the different noises of weather starting to cool down and nature slowing down... Makes me melancholic a bit; saying farewell to all the color and bounty of a rich harvest of flowers, seeds and whatever. We got plenty of toadstools in our garden now; indicates that the underground (forever) living mycelium got activated by the heavy rain showers.

    Hugs to you,

  2. Dear Mariette, oh thank you, so sweet! Tansy must be only for Northern Latitudes...I did not know it grows in the Netherlands..a little nostalgia for you. Yes, Greek yogurt is on my berries, I eat it every day.

    Glad to hear you have had some rain to bring on your toadstools! A sure sign of fall just around the corner.

    xox Karen

  3. It's late summer in Paris, too - days are already getting shorter. But in Louisiana, oh still about another month or two of warm weather. You are surrounded by beauty up there in your mountain cabin. <3

  4. Such a sweet post Karen! Nothing like a summer walk, here in California it must be an evening walk because it is so hot during the day! Love all your blooms and beautiful property! xox

  5. My favorite parts of summer...
    you've covered most of them.
    Warm days outside.
    Dogs to walk with.
    And just yesterday evening...
    strawberries, blueberries, vanilla yogurt and a sprinkling of pecans.
    Thanks for refreshing my memory.

  6. Beautiful images of a beautiful day!

  7. WOW - can I just come and take a walk with you -- I have fallen in Love your surrounds - beautiful - I've never seen the flower in number 3 photo it's a yellow flower, pretty cool looking! And I could use a bowl of fruit at any time of the day..

  8. Dear karen,

    Thank you for your kind comment on my blog. I enjoyed looking and reading of your summer walk. Your part of the world looks so different than ours.

    Enjoy your day!



Thank you for stopping by! Your comments are important to me and are very much appreciated. xx Karen