
Sunday, August 19, 2012

Country Roads

Once a week I have a day all to myself to shop.

I enjoy these special days without obligations or housework as I am free to do what I like.

Of course, that includes replenishing the pantry.

But that is something I really enjoy.

I especially enjoy the little drive to and from my favorite grocery store.

This time of year the sunflowers are in bloom. All around this little greenhouse these tall, sunny flowers were growing alongside a small air strip.

You can't see it through the trees, but Mount Rainier looks down over the landscape.

I love driving this small country road and seeing this unusual sign.

This is a private airstrip for the residents who live alongside.

Once in a while, I get to see a little 'air show' of small, colorful, antique planes.

The last time, I did not have my camera, which prompted me to make sure I always take it with me!

You can see the beautiful runway with homes along each side. Every home has a large building to house their small plane! This runway continues across the street with more homes built alongside.

This is one of two private airstrips in the nearby countryside. Wouldn't it be wonderful to take a little flight to view the scenery on a day like this?

You can see the orange wind tunnels hanging down. On this day, they were allowed to rest, as it was very still.

Not only are there antique airplanes, but there are also antique cars that frequent our back roads. I enjoyed following this one along.

We have a 50's style hamburger stand in town that hosts antique car gatherings every once in a while. The town also hosts an antique car show every year. I missed it this year, but will be sure to go next time and bring my camera.

I drive by this little farm every week. It reminds me of my childhood trips to New Hampshire to stay at Butler's Cabin. The cabin was built alongside a small mountain flanked by a large dairy farm. This scene brings those memories flooding back to me.

As I approached the fence to take my pictures, I discovered this young Jersey cow lying in the grass. The horse strolled over to say hello.

And if you look towards the trees, you can see a little surprise.

An ancient tree fort! The many, many times I have traveled this road I have never noticed this before!

Once upon a time, a very special place for some lucky children.

Then, as I took a small side road to turn around, I discovered this long abandoned playhouse sitting next to a very old piece of farm machinery. I believe it is a hay mower.

I had a playhouse when I was young. We had many happy hours making mud pies, picking wildflowers for the table, serving blueberries and huckleberries on leafy plates.

Did you have a tree fort or a playhouse when you were a child?

I am nearly to my destination, a road I have traveled for many years, and yet every time I travel down this sweet country road, I find something new to see.

Thank you for coming along!

Weekly Top Shot


  1. What a fun little tour! Reminds me of my drive to the grocery store. I have a neighbor with an airstrip too! It's just one family though. Thanks for sharing your drive with us!

  2. Hi Karen,

    How lovely to grace these back roads with antique cars. I too would love the drive to the grocery store and all the beautiful scenery.

  3. nice drive indeed. We have country roads behind us that we take instead of the interstate for a ways. nice to see's really not that far away! Hugs! Thanks for sharing!

  4. I did have a play house/fort when I was younger. Such great memories!

  5. Love seeing your side of the world...very peaceful♥ So nice to see the sunflowers...haven't seen them in years.
    Laurie @ Pride in Photos

  6. That is the wonder of traveling with your inspires you to see everything with a fresh eye. It amazes me that there are so many of these 'air villages'. We have two in our is where John Travolta lives and the other is just down the road from us. I love the one that is down the road from us because it is similar to yours...very quaint and farm friend lives there and raises chickens ;) Love the tour to the grocery store!! It's funny...I love knowing our shelves are stocked.

  7. P.S. Did you change your header? I think you did. I love the photos that you used.

  8. Thank you for coming along with me on my little drive to the grocery store! I do love hearing about your own experiences, so similar and yet all so far away. Have a beautiful week. xx

  9. Oh, Karen, you live in such a beautiful place! I lived in a small town in Ontario, Canada for 3 years and worked in a city. My drive to work was about 50 minutes each way, but I didn't mind it as it was via country roads. They were beautiful in any time of year. I imagine your roads are too.


Thank you for stopping by! Your comments are important to me and are very much appreciated. xx Karen