
Friday, November 17, 2023

Grateful Heart


"Nothing is more honorable than a grateful heart."

- Lucius Annaeus Seneca -


Hello, Dear Friends, I've been thinking of you
and want to let you know how grateful I am 
for all of your kind words and sweet visits
over these many long years. 
I started blogging in 2011, and have had the privilege
of connecting with so many wonderful people. 
It reinforces my belief that the world 
is still full of kindness and generosity, 
despite news to the contrary. 

"Let us be grateful to people who make us happy;
They are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom."

- Marcel Proust -


As we approach Thanksgiving, I've been thinking 
about gratitude, and how, sometimes we 
can take so many things for granted. 
I think it is important to remember, 
'But for the grace of God, go I'. 
 None of us are entitled to our blessings.
They come with a responsibility to honor 
them with reverence and grace, and to have compassion towards 
those who would dearly love to have 
the very things we so easily take for granted.  

"For each new morning with its light, 
For rest and shelter of the night,
For health and food, 
For love and friends, 
For everything Thy goodness sends."

- Ralph Waldo Emerson -


We've had the prettiest sunrises this month. 
Since we have turned back the clocks, 
I've been awake to witness them! 
Although sometimes, I do go back to sleep! 


Beautiful roses from my dear daughter, Heather. 

"When we give cheerfully and accept gratefully, 
everyone is blessed."

- Maya Angelou -

My sweet sister-in-law, Donna, 
sent me this little dish 
for my birthday. 

The heart at the top of this post 
was also from her. 

You can see her charming garden on my side bar. 

I added the dish to my fall vignette.
My dear daughter, Jennie gifted me the little plant. 
It seems to like it here with a bit of morning sun. 

Donna also sent me this cookbook holder. 

I hung it next to the stove. 

That weird little thing underneath is a digital temperature gauge. 

Lately it has been cold at night, in the 30's, 
and there has been ice on the deck in the mornings. 
It warms to about 50 degrees during the day, though. 

I recently went to a flea-market with 'the girls'. 
I spied this vintage Bauer pitcher and 
my sweet daughter-in-law, Jen bought it for me
as a birthday present. 

I found lots of treasures, and the girls bought most of them 
for me! 
I will share them when I decorate for Christmas. 

They also took me out to lunch. 
Love my girls. 

"We can only be said to be alive in those moments when our hearts
are conscious of our treasures."

- Thornton Wilder -

The cedar trees have carpeted the ground with golden needles. 
Not only does it look magical, it fills the air with fragrance. 

"For my part, I am almost contented just now, 
and very thankful. Gratitude is a divine emotion:
it fills the heart, but not to bursting; it warms it,
but not to fever."

- Charlotte Bronte -

Maple and cottonwood trees in their full glory with

little puffs of mist from the river that runs through the valley. 

Wing-nuts on the big maple tree by the deck. 

Our native Douglas squirrels love these. 
It's so fun to watch them scamper back and forth 
along the tree limbs, chattering at one another 
and scolding the dogs. 

Can you see it? Look on the lower left limb. 
They are tiny - a little bit larger than a chipmunk. 

We had a big storm last week which blew all the pretty leaves down.
(The evergreen branches belong to a cedar tree directly behind it).
The storm also blew a 'small' tree down next to it, 
which hit the deck rail with a loud, 'thump-thump'
at 2 a.m. which woke us up. 
Miraculously there was no damage except to an old 
half barrel below the deck which was crushed. 
"O Lord that lends me life, lend me a heart
replete with thankfulness."

- William Shakespeare -

This is how it looked in all its splendor. 
This is a 'Big-leaf Maple' tree. 
These trees have leaves that can grow a foot wide. 
They need lots of room and are native to Washington State. 

I've had to sweep the deck several times. 
The dogs wait until I make a nice pile, 
then they race through it! 

They get a running start, then they slide into it! 
It's hilarious. 

"If having a soul means being able to feel love
and loyalty and gratitude, then animals are better off
than a lot of humans."

- James Herriot, 'All Creatures Great and Small' -

I bagged all the leaves and stashed them by the compost. 
The Mr. pokes holes in the bags, then adds two or three
 shovels-full of dirt. 
Eventually it will make wonderful leaf-mold for the gardens. 

We have several of these large maples and have to rake the leaves 
off the gardens or they will smother the plants. 
We use them on woodland paths 
to keep them from getting grown over. 

Nature's recycling! 

Afternoon light highlighting the golden trees 
amidst a sea of evergreens. 


"Reflect upon your present blessings, of which
every man has plenty; not on your past 
misfortunes, of which all men have some."

- Charles Dickens -

Charlotte in her web. 
Aren't spider webs amazing? 

Tree mushrooms on a dead hemlock. 

Big Leaf and Japanese maples. 

Pretty views on my way home from the grocery store. 

"As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the 
highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them."

- John F. Kennedy -

Majestic black cottonwood trees against blue skies. 

"He is a wise man who does not grieve for the things which 
he has not, but rejoices for those which he has."

- Epictetus - 


"The deepest craving of human nature is the need to be appreciated."

- William James - 


I appreciate you, Dear Friends. 


  1. I always look forward to seeing your photos of that beautiful mountain, which shows limitless variety of natural beauty in four seasons.
    Have a nice weekend.

  2. Such wonderful gifts you were given, Happy Belated Birthday! So fun to see all the goodies they have at Flea Markets and such, I haven't done that in quite some time.
    Beautiful sunrises you have captured, yes I see more of them too now that the time has changed, but I don't have the same pretty view only houses that are behind us.
    That is so cute that the dogs love to play in the leaves.
    Wishing you and your family a lovely Thanksgiving!

  3. Thank you for the beautiful and important post, dear Karen! In your posts there are always reflections that make also the reader think, learn and understand something better. I'm really happy to be able to "visit" your beautiful home through your blog. We have "known" each other for quite a while by now. :)
    There would be so much to comment on in this post but because I'm in a hurry now I mention only one super funny thing: I didn't know also dogs love running through piles of leaves. :)
    Have a blessed weekend! xx

  4. Good Morning, Karen! This was a nice post about gratitude. I love that table runner, it's so unique and pretty. And the roses look lovely on it. The green pitcher was a nice find too. I bet the squirrels enjoy those wing nuts. Your dogs are having the best time running through the leaves you just raked. I just had a landscaper rake, gather, and haul away all my leaves in the front yard. There were so many of them! Yes, spider webs are amazing, and I look forward to reading Charlotte's Web to baby Charlotte sometime. Your Japanese Maple is a beauty. So full of color and looks just like Autumn. The drive home from the grocery store looks like a peaceful one, and that red roof on the barn really stands out, doesn't it? That was a nice dish your sister-in-law gave you. I can't wait to see the other goodies you bought on your Christmas posts ahead. Sounds like a fun shopping day.

    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving, Karen, and I'm thankful for blog friends like you who share a little goodness with us every day.


  5. Beautiful beautiful pictures! To be grateful and see the best in all situations is a gift, something to handle with love...
    Have a happy week!

  6. A beautiful post full of lovely photos and words. The Maple and cottonwood trees with mist is my favourite. The squirrels here love to stop by our backyard to collect black walnuts. It's fun to see them scampering up and down the walnut and redwood trees. Wishing you a very happy belated birthday!


  7. A lovely post, I always enjoy seeing your photographs.
    Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.

    All the best Jan

  8. A lovely collection of words and pictures!

  9. Your girls are so precious - noting any more special to a momma's heart! Love your green pitcher - and all the beautiful photos of your area, and the wonderful quotes you shared too! Just such a lovely wonderful post full of good things to warm the heart! I love that you use the leaves to make compost for your garden - I would love to do that too! I am hoping our hardwood trees get big enough soon so my garden can benefit from the leaf compost. I just love your pictures of Mt. Rainer - what a gorgeous mountain it is! Many blessings to you dear friend!

  10. Oh dear, I'm a bit behind in finding your post and owe you a Happy Birthday and a Happy Thanksgiving! No doubt you will have forgotten all about that now! Your photos are full of a colourful magic, the leaves look wonderful against the blue sky. What a good job the fallen tree didn't cause any damage, it must have given you a fright at that time of the morning. Have fun. x

  11. This is such a beautiful post. It has started my morning out on a positive note. Thank you.


Thank you for stopping by! Your comments are important to me and are very much appreciated. xx Karen