
Friday, July 7, 2023

Sweet Summer - Reflections on Independence Day

Hello, Dear Friends - I hope that my American friends
 had a bit of fun for Independence Day weekend,
 celebrating the Red White and Blue! 

There were many years when either The Mr. or I had to work 
on this day, when we were raising a family, 
but we always tried to celebrate the 4th in simple ways.
Ramblin' Man was more often working than I, 
as he was in the snack food industry and this was a major 
holiday for 'salty snacks'. (Potato chips, pretzels, popcorn, etc.)

Most of the time, I took the kids to a picnic with extended family at 
the local fireworks venue, and The Mr. would join us later. 
One 4th of July, the carnival and fireworks display at the county fairgrounds
was rained out, on a rare holiday that the both of us were able to go together
with the family. 
It rained and rained and never let up, and we had four disappointed 
little faces staring at us in the rearview mirror as we drove away. 

But the local burger and ice cream business was still open, 
so we pulled into the drive-through to get some dinner. 
The Mr. pulled around to the back parking area so we could 
eat, facing a large field and the foothills beyond. It was 
dusk, and as we ate, passing around ketchup packets
and napkins, I looked up to a wonderful sight. 
Through the steady swishing of the windshield wipers, 
we could see the county fair fireworks! 
We had the best seat in the house! 
And we all had ice-cream sundaes for dessert. 

I hope that even if you had to work, or got rained out, or 
had no plans at all, that you took some time to remind 
yourself, in an indulgent way, (hopefully with ice-cream), 
how wonderfully patriotic you are and raised a flag 
to celebrate!
We went on a sentimental journey this year.
Our daughter, Jennie and her husband, Steve, 
have sold their little lake house where we've 
celebrated the 4th for the last few years.

They were celebrating one last time with family and 
friends. It was a hard decision for them, as
they put so much love into remodeling and landscaping it. 
But with so much on their plate right now, they just didn't 
get to use it that often.

A lovely new family will be able to make new memories 
in this magical place. 


It's nearly a 2 hour drive from our foothills home. 
We wind our way down to the river valleys and on 
to the city of Tacoma, which lies along a section of Puget Sound 
known as Commencement Bay. 

We pass the Tacoma Dome with beautiful flags flying. 

The city of Tacoma from our freeway vantage point. 
The far right is Commencement Bay. 
There's an old Union Station that has been 
completely restored.  You can see one of its archways 
on the lower right. 

The Tacoma Art Museum and Chihuly Glass Museum is right on the 
waterfront, next door.
Union Station has Chihuly Glass in its massive arched windows. 

It is a lovely place to spend an afternoon exploring art, 
then sitting at an outdoor table for lunch, watching the ships go by. 

The Port of Tacoma is out of view to the right. 
It's one of the most important container ports on the west coast.  

You can see Puget Sound in the middle of this photo, with 
a freeway bridge over the water.
This is a small section of 'The Sound' as we call it here. 
It branches off with many 'fingers' dividing the land in between. 
The sun sets over the Olympic Mountains (out of sight to the left), with a view 
of the Cascade Mountains and Mt. Rainier on the right side of the water. 
A gorgeous place to have an evening dinner.
Whenever we have out of town guests, or a special occasion, 
we have dinner in one of the beautiful restaurants here. 
And I am long overdue for a day at the museums, too.


The spire of a church peeks out over the decorative freeway wall. 
I read that this church is set to be demolished due to 
neglect and lack of funding. 
That was some time ago and good souls were trying to save it. 
I hope they succeed. 

A gigantic flag over the gateway towards the Puget Sound peninsula. 

This bridge has quite a history that you can read about in the link. 
It's almost a mile wide and spans a narrow arm of Puget Sound
to connect with the Kitsap Peninsula. 

I snapped this going across. 

Looking up. 

There were flags everywhere! 
Even on top of a silo in a gravel pit. 

After that it was very rural. 

You can see the Olympic Mountains peeking through the tall trees. 

About an hour later we were there! 

Our sweet hostesses, daughters Jennie and Heather,
put this yummy food together. 
Love the fruit flag! 

Sweetly Patriotic! 

Tortilla chips in paper bags, and bean dip with sourcream, shredded cheese, 
chopped tomatoes and chives. 

So easy to eat and who cares if you double dip! 


Later we had bbq pulled pork sliders, coleslaw, beans, pasta salad
and other assorted yummy offerings. 
Everyone brought a dish. 

Our little host, Jack. 

 A visiting float plane (neighbor's). 

Steve, taking one of many trips out for touring, 
swimming, and towing the teenagers 
on the inner-tube. 

Cool Dude, Grandson, Gavin. 

His brother, Declan, contemplating whether he wants to try his first 'cannon-ball'
 dive off the boat. 
He ultimately decided he would leave that decision to another time. 


Son, Dustin on his electric wakeboard. 

His wife, Jen has one, too. 
Later, Son-in-law, Eric took a turn.

Ah! To be young again! 

Mom, Heather swimming with two of her boys, Gavin and Liam. 
Declan was still on the boat contemplating...:)

Buddy waits for the ship to come in :)

While Buddy patiently keeps watch, Lovey steals his bone. 

It's the dachshund way. 
When you are small, you resort to trickery and stealth
 to get what you want. 


You can see Steve standing, captain of the boat. 
He is also captain of his fire department
and head of water rescue. 
We were in good hands. 

Family and close friends participated in the traditional 'boat parade' 
that began informally around sunset. 

Papa and I stayed behind with the dogs and to take photos. 

People who live on the lake decorate 
their little boats in flags and buntings, 
and throw bags of candy to people on the docks, 
who, in turn, throw candy at the boats! 
(Everything is in a baggie and fished out quickly
if there is a miss.) 

Off they go to join the parade! 

I snapped a few pics of the boats as they floated by. 
Love the bunting and patriotic hat on this one! 

Another full boat with flag bunting. 

This one was so colorful! 


There were kayaks and jet-skis. 
This guy wore an eagle costume. 

There were even remote-control boats! 

You can see part of the flotilla as it travels around the cove. 

Everyone had a good time! 

As the sun slipped behind the trees, the little boats gradually floated back to dock
for the fireworks celebration. 

The boys with their sparklers. 

A beautiful day of sweet memories.


The Mr. and I didn't stay for the fireworks display. 
We had a 2 hour drive home to two anxious,
and traumatized pups who absolutely hate 
all the noise and commotion. 

But on the way home, we watched a spectacular orange sunset
in our rearview mirrors. 
And then, we had the most amazing experience! 
Fireworks displays were everywhere! 
Every viewpoint, in all the hills and valleys, 
even along the side of the road in some places. 
(Which I'm sure was illegal!)

All along the way we watched the brilliant bursts 
of colorful stars, twinkling and falling in every direction. 
As we drove with our fellow travelers on the highway of life, 
we felt a sort of patriotic comradery. 

A beautiful ending to a wonderful day,
helping to alleviate the sadness of 
leaving a place we will never visit again, 
except in our memories.


"When one door closes another door opens"

- Alexander Graham Bell -


"Change in all things is sweet"

- Aristotle -


"There is nothing permanent except change"

- Heraclitus -


"Change is the law of life, and those who look
only to the past and present
are certain to miss the future"

- John F. Kennedy -



  1. Karen, it sounds as if you enjoyed a lot of fun and celebration with your family for Independence Day. Fabulous you were able to gather at the lake house but sad too, that it was the last time. I'm sure that wherever your family gathers next year it will be a wonderful family celebration.

  2. Lovely photographs of this special day celebrating with your wonderful family.
    More great memories to cherish.

    All the best Jan

  3. The lake is so pretty, and what a fun celebration they have on the water. Jennie and Heather look cute in their patriotic t-shirts. I love the fruit flag, it looks so refreshing. And those cookies and cupcakes! That's a creative idea to put the chips in a bag for each person with the bean dip on the side. The people really decorate their boats for this occasion. The one with the balloons is such a grand one. It looks like you had a wonderful 4th, Karen, and I hope your pups were Ok when you returned home. I heard that pets get so scared on this day and don't like the fireworks at all. Loved hearing your story about the 4th of July at the drive through with the kids. I'll always remember the 4th of July's at grandma's house when the kids were little, and the block parties we went to every year. Sweet memories. Have a blessed week ahead, dear Karen.


  4. you and your families have a lot of fun.....
    thank you for sharing interesting series of photos and details... love them all.
    Happy July 4th


Thank you for stopping by! Your comments are important to me and are very much appreciated. xx Karen