
Saturday, May 27, 2023

Flora and Fauna - Saturday's Critters


Hello, Dear Friends, I hope that you are enjoying 
the beautiful springtime - or if you are in the 
southern hemisphere, the beautiful autumn. 
Both are an equally gorgeous time of the year. 

This is a very busy time of year for all who love to garden
or seek to enjoy nature, as the weather is mild
and the air is filled with lovely scents, carried on the breeze. 

I've been spending all of my spare time outdoors, 

pulling weeds, fertilizing, and potting flowers, and the time 

has just slipped away. Forgive me for staying away 

for so long! 

We also have a new member of the family! 

His name is Maverick and he is a Dachshund/mini-Aussie mix. 

You can see that he and Kai are similar in size, except 

for height. Maverick (we nick-named him, Ricky)

has been *blessed* with legs from the dachshund 

side of the family. I can relate...


He is adjusting to his new life slowly but surely, and

Kai is very happy to have a best friend. They are already 

playing and exploring together!

He's very sweet and we are patiently helping 

him get used to his new surroundings. 

 We had a couple of visitors recently - two Black-tail deer.
These photos were taken from my window!  

They are very pretty, but love to eat my flowers. 

 I had to shoo them away when they stood in the middle 

of my garden and decided to help themselves! 

We have lots of Hedge Rabbits, too. 

They seem happy to just nibble the Dandelions

and lawn Clover. 

Nobody likes to eat Forget Me Not. Not even slugs! 
So I enjoy large swaths of blue every spring. 

Cleavers seem to thrive, too. 

 I have to protect the Pink Current with chicken wire, though. 

The deer consider it a delicacy, despite the fact that 

it grows just 10 feet from the house! 

The deer sneak in late at night while we are all fast asleep. 

Reminds me of when my children were teenagers!


We had a nesting pair of Steller's Jays this year. 

They look for bugs and other treats hiding in the moss. 

They are the 'watchdogs' of the forest - alerting everyone 
to predators by screeching loudly, or imitating the cries 
of hawks. 
They are large jays, (11 inches) a little smaller than a crow. 
I love finding their beautiful feathers. 

Herb Robert, otherwise known as 'Stinky Bob', because of it's 
pungent scent, is a delicate, but prolific wildflower. 
It is an import from Europe, brought by the early settlers. 
I spread the seed all over the edges of the lawn. 

A large choke-cherry tree was in full bloom right near our back deck. 
The scent is intoxicating and attracts bees and butterflies. 
It is popular in the fall with migrating birds who 
love the tiny, bitter-tasting cherries. 

Our native Douglas squirrel entertains us by chasing each other 
around the trunks of trees, and chattering and squealing 
whenever they spy the dogs. 

They love to eat the maple wing-nuts being formed 
by the pendant flowers this time of year. 

Wild bleeding heart likes to grow in large colonies 
in open areas of the forest floor. 

Oregon Grape is a low-growing ground cover with arching, evergreen, 
holly-like leaves. The clusters of yellow flowers produce bluish 
berries, or 'grapes' that are loved by wildlife and were used by 
our native peoples as an important food source. 

These are growing along my long driveway. 
They form large colonies that are very pretty all seasons of the year. 

We have dark-eyed juncos that like to harvest 
the moths that gather around our back deck lights. 
They come in the morning to gather the resting moths. 

This is a female yellow warbler. They arrive at the end of April
and start to migrate back to the southern states, Mexico, Central
and South America in August. The males are bright yellow
and arrive 2 weeks earlier to scout out territories. 

A Band-Tailed Pigeon caught my eye as it landed in the cedar tree 
by the house one day. 
You can see that it spied me taking photos! 
These are large birds about the size of a small chicken - 14". 
They nest nearby in scattered groups, 
and raise 2-3 broods a year. 

The beautiful blooms of Salmon Berry illuminated by the sun. 
These are tall, (10-12 ft) spindly, woody shrubs that grow in 
colonies and produce a bland, salmon-colored berry
similar to a raspberry, which the birds love. 
I've watched robins hover in mid-air, awkwardly
trying to pluck the berries off the stems. 

I was drinking my morning coffee on the deck one day
when this flock of buzzards circled overhead. 
I was a little alarmed for a bit, but they moved on, 
much to my relief. 

A Northern Flicker sat in a tree with his one-note piercing call, which 
caught my attention. They also have a 'wacka-wacka- call when they fly. 
They are the only woodpecker that feeds on the ground, 
primarily eating ants and beetles. 

This was his view. 
The tree he was sitting in is on the right. 
Many different birds like to sit in these trees 
as the sun starts to set, singing their final songs of the day. 
Mt. Rainier forms its own weather, as you 
can see by the swirl of clouds circling around it. 

As the sun sets (to the right, out of view), 
Mt. Rainier reflects the colors of the sky. 

We watch in awe as the birds sing their last songs of the day
and twilight ushers in the creatures of the night. 

We shut the gates, close up the house, and settle in for a quiet evening, 
counting our blessings after the gift of another day. 


"Like music and art, love of nature is a common language 
that can transcend political or social boundaries."

- Jimmy Carter -

"The wilderness holds answers to questions man has
not yet learned to ask."

- Nancy Newhall -

Today I am joining Saturdays Critters
Won't you join the fun? 


  1. Hello Karen,
    What a lovely nature post. It is so nice to see you and your post. I just love all your garden birds and critters. Your new dog Ricky is a cutie, I am happy that Kai has a friend to play with. Your flowers are all looking beautiful, spring is a lovely time of the year. I did not know there was a wild Bleeding Heart, they are pretty. The Salmon Berry blooms are a favorite too, they are lovely. Beautiful views of Mt. Rainier and the pink sky! Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great weekend. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

  2. You've shown everything that I love...birds and flowers and sweet dogs! The Stellar's Jay is very special. It's a great time to be outside. I've been away from my computer more lately too! I love it! Happy weekend!

  3. This post is absolutely fantastic. The first picture is particularly captivating to me. I adore the stunning views, the rich flora, and the diverse fauna.

  4. What beautiful photos.
    What sweet dogs you have.
    The Steller's Jays and the Northern Flicker are great.
    The cloudy skies at the mountains are great, what a view you have there.
    Greetings Irma

  5. ... the Steller's Jays stole the show for me until I saw Mt Rainier.

  6. Hi Karen! What a cutie Maverick is! I can relate with the short legs too buddy. Lol I bet Kai loves having a steady friend now. ;) And I love seeing all of the similar birds and flowers to here...and also all the differences too. You caught some amazing shots of some of those birds. I didn't know some of those varieties get so big!! But when Mt. Rainier is putting on its most majestic show - well I don't know if there's anything more stunning. Must just take your breath away sometimes.
    Loved catching up! Blessings to you as we all dive into summer. 🌸 💗 xoxo

  7. Both Kai and Maverick are beautiful, it must me so wonderful to see them play together. It truly is a busy time for gardeners. You have a beautiful garden, it really shows all your hard work. Beautiful photos of all the visitors and specially of Mt. Rainier.


  8. you are so lucky to have a wonderful garden..
    lovely critters...
    Thank you for sharing beautiful photos and details

  9. Karen, your nature photos made my heart sing. I just love to see all the different birds and flowers and critters around your house. Your new dog is a nice welcome to your family. And a good companion for Kai. I LOVE that first photo of Kai with the flowers. What a sight those deer must be on your lawn! I just saw a couple on the side of the road trotting up from the deep woods. The forget me nots are so pretty, and you have quite a few. A blog friend once sent me a packet of them in the mail. I never planted them, but I still have the packet, which means so much to me. When the buzzards hover the skies, you know that they have found some sort of prey to feast on haha. The northern flicker is an attractive bird. And your photos of Mount Rainier get me every time. The quotes you shared are wonderful. It was truly a joy to see your nature pictures today. I lost all my photos and photo files somehow. But I have been wanting to go through them and organize, so I guess this was a faster way. It gives me a chance to create new photos and new moments in nature. I'm so glad nature brings you peace as well, Karen.

    I hope you have the most wonderful June days. : )


  10. A beautiful post, full of lovely photographs.
    So nice to see Maverick, pleased that he is settling in well.

    Your last three photographs of Mount Rainer are wonderful.

    As we say goodbye to May, I wish you a happy new month of June.

    All the best Jan

  11. A big welcome to Ricky, it looks like he's well settled and definitely has plenty of new furry, feathery friends to keep him interested. No doubt the grandchildren love him to bits when they visit. I loved seeing all the wildlife, how fantastic and of course dear Mount Ranier always puts on a show for us. Have a happy June! x

  12. Congrats on the new member of your family, such a cutie :) I am sure they both like having a friend to hang out with. Everything is blooming so pretty and so fun to see all the different birds that we don't see here. So far this year everything is staying out of my garden but it is early yet, my green peppers are coming up already and the cherry tomatoes will be ready to eat here in a couple weeks by the way they are growing.

  13. well, no doubt you have been busy, having fun in and around your garden!! you get a wide variety of birds...many i see here but our jays are quite different than your stellar jays. your pups are so cute, i think maverick is adorable, it's nice for them to have a partner in crime!!

    it is wonderful to see the deer, ours have white tails here. beautiful views, you have so much to be thankful for!! have a great weekend!!

  14. Some beautiful pictures and what a lovely nature you have! Friday again and June is here - how great :)
    Love from a windy island & Titti

  15. Hello Karen! Your flora and fauna photos are so nice! You have a good camera lens for it. I enjoy getting the sense of the wonderful place that you live. Thanks for stopping in at my place! J.

  16. So many pretty photos, dear Karen. I enjoyed all wild life and pretty flowers. Our city is infested by wild boars and they are pretty much the only animals we see now. I like yours better.


Thank you for stopping by! Your comments are important to me and are very much appreciated. xx Karen