
Saturday, November 27, 2021

A Sweet November Country Drive

Hello, Dear Friends! As we prepare for the cold, dark days ahead, 
come along with me on a sweet November drive to say
 our final goodbye to another lovely autumn.

This is the road we travel to and from our home in 
the foothills of the beautiful Cascade mountains
 near Mt. Rainier in Washington State. 
I've traveled this road a thousand times. 
It always takes me home. 

 The trees have lost their leaves, revealing their lovely form against autumn skies.  

Red berries of viburnum glow above the tawny colors

of dried grass and underbrush. 

The subtle, soft hues seem so beautiful to me. 

The birds love these berries, which sustain them throughout the long, cold winter.


"Some of the days in November carry the whole memory of summer

as a fire opal carries the color of moonrise."

- Gladys Taber -

The tall, black cottonwood trees are the last to lose their golden leaves.


" How beautiful leaves grow old. How full of light

and color are their last days."

- John Burrough -


Looking back. 


Green and gold. 

An unharvested pumpkin patch. 

Did the farmer overplant? Did he lose an account? 
Did he become ill or injured?

A bonus for migrating geese and other wildlife.  


"October is the month for painted leaves. Their rich glow now flashes round 
the world. As fruits and leaves and the day itself acquire a bright tint just before 
they fall, so the year near its setting. October is the sunset sky; November
the later twilight."

- Henry David Thoreau -

Goats and sheep in a pretty little farmyard. 

Pastel barns for tranquil horses. 
A timeless scene. 

Rural America. 
It looks rather lonely here. 
The corner ahead is the scene of many deadly accidents
and a farm further on was the tragic scene of domestic violence 
murders a few years ago. 

Do you believe that certain places have bad Karma? 
Have you ever arrived someplace that gave you bad vibes?

I'm sure we all have tales to tell! 


" I know that I have died before - once in November."

- Anne Sexton -

Sunlight breaking through to illuminate golden trees
brightens the spirits as we move on. 


" Now in November nearer comes the sun 
down the abandoned heaven."

- D. H. Lawrence -

A railway bridge over the river has been converted
 into a pedestrian bridge through 
the Rails to Trails project. 


" The river this November afternoon
Rests in equipoise of sun and cloud:
A glooming light, a gleaming darkness shroud
Its passage. All seems tranquil, all in tune."

- Cecil Day-Lewis -

" November at its best - with a sort of delightful menace in the air."

- Anne Bosworth Greene -

An old loading shute by the now defunct railway station. 

I'm sure these walls could tell some tales. 

This little town reminds me of a favorite book and movie;

I am a big fan of nostalgia. 

Another movie I love; 'Sweet November'
starring Charleze Theron and Keanu Reeves. 

I am also a hopeless romantic. 

Such pretty fencing amidst the tall evergreens. 


"The unwelcome of November rain had perversely stolen
the day's last hour and pawned it with that ancient fence, 
the night."

- F. Scott Fitzgerald -

 Mist-shrouded mountains. 


" So dull and dark are the November days. 
The lazy mist high up the evening curled, 
and now the morn quite hides in smoke and haze;
The place we occupy seems all the world."

- John Clare -

On a clear day, you would see 14,411 ft. Mt. Rainier 
in the middle of this photo. 

An eagle stands guard in the tree. 

Can you imagine waking up to this view every day? 

A very lucky cow. 

 Mt. Rainier rises above the mist like a mirage. 

" The house was very quiet, and the fog - we are in November now - 
pressed against the windows like an excluded ghost."

- E. M. Forster -

Pigeons on the roof. 

A logging truck glides past as we return home.  


These remind me of an Arthur Rackham illustration. 

" Not yesterday I learned to know
The love of bare November days
Before the coming of the snow, 
But it were vain to tell her so, 
and they are better for her praise."

- Robert Frost - 

Almost home. A hole in the sky over Mt. Rainier. 

" It was November - the month of crimson sunsets, 
parting birds, deep, sad hymns of the sea, 
passionate wind-songs in the pines."

- L. M. Montgomery -


Thank you for coming along, Dear Friends! 

Today I am linking with: Saturday's Critters.


  1. ...WOW, what a country drive. Thanks Karen for taking me along, take care and enjoy your week ahead.

  2. Hello Karen,
    It is nice to see your post. I hope you and your family had a very happy Thanksgiving. Your drive home is lovely, so many scenic views. The Autumn trees and colors are beautiful. I can see Mt Rainier which is always stunning. I enjoy traveling the back roads where you can see the farm animals like the goats, sheep and the horses. Wonderful quotes and photos. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a happy weekend! PS, thank you for leaving me a comment!

  3. I love nostalgia and am a hopeless romantic too. I love your pictures but sad about the pumpkins there is a shortage of canned pumpkin!!! you have such a spirit I'm drawn to... gentle and respectful, with whimsey thrown in! LeeAnna

  4. Hello, dear Karen, and thank you for the beautiful and thought-provoking post.
    The cold and dark winter days are coming and it's lovely that we have Christmas to look forward to. :)
    Thank you for your comment today. Here it's -16°C (3°F) today.
    Have a blessed Sunday!

  5. I really enjoyed the drive around your wide open spaces with the huge skies and dear Mount Ranier keeping a watchful eye over the all comings and goings. All those pumpkins just lying there, such a shame. Over here we have quite a few footpaths created from closed railway lines which we love walking along seeing some of the old railway paraphernalia along the way, often they are a quick route through the cities. Bristol, where we have just visited, has a 13 mile track to Bath which must be a great one to cycle along. x

  6. I love those drives that take you out into the countryside! How sad to see those pumpkins going to waste though. Lovely views and still some pretty trees and gorgeous mts! Enjoy your day!

  7. Your November drive tells so many stories, Karen. And they were all interesting to hear. I love the field of pumpkins - there's so many of them! The picture of the pigeons on the roof of the red barn was another favorite of mine. I see the logging trucks all the time here too, as that's the main street to get to the stores and all the places we need to go. That is a lovely picture of the opening of the clouds over Mount Rainier. What an incredible sight that must be. I can't believe November is almost over. And the Christmas season has begun! Taking long drives is such a good thing to do. We get to experience so many different things along the way, and usually we have a sweet story to share after. So glad you got a chance to do that. : )


  8. What a lyrical November drive in the country. Beautiful photos, each that could tell many stories of their own, and the ending is breathtaking. It was pure joy reading this narration of a drive that I imagine tells a slightly different story every time it is taken. A sweet ending to the month of November. Take care.

  9. What a lovely and beautiful country tour! Some fantastic pictures...the mountains are just amazing.
    Have great week and take care!

  10. Such a lovely ride along the roads around you, love all the farms and you got some great pics of the mountain, so sad when the trees and fields go to sleep for the winter.
    Hope you enjoyed a lovely Thanksgiving!

  11. These seems like an amazing ride and looks like you had a wonderful time. Great pics.
    Wonderful and Lovely Post dear! xoxo

  12. the road that takes us home is always special, this road is extra special...with extra special views. that sure is a lot of pumpkins unharvested, not sold...i hope they become food for the wild animals!!

    the farms and barns are gorgeous, i especially liked the small farm and the big red barn!!

    pretty verses and beautiful views of the mountains and pink skies. you live in an especially lovely place!!

  13. That certainly was a lovely ride.
    I enjoyed seeing your photographs and reading the verses too.

    Enjoy these last November days and my good wishes for the new month of December.

    All the best Jan

  14. Karen, this was beautiful. I loved coming along on your sweet November ride with the quotes and poems as passengers. You and I love alot of the same things, my friend. What a beautiful part of the country you live in and what a beautiful road to take you there..Happy Monday..xxoJudy

  15. WOW, you've captured some beautiful photos and dramatic skies. It was a lovely journey.

  16. I hope you had a nice Thanksgiving Karen. I enjoyed looking at the beautiful photos of where you live. Take care and I hope you enjoy the holiday season.

  17. Karen, your way home could not be more beautiful -- How I enjoyed the journey. Thank you for the guided tour with beautiful quotes and your own equally lovely descriptions. (And of course I especially loved the reminder and memories of the beautiful Pacific Northwest .. my true home.

  18. Hi Karen, I feel lucky that you left me a comment on my blog ... that allowed me to find your blog. Wow, your blog is impressive. I love the way you take us along on your outings and snap photos along the way. The way you incorporate descriptions and quotations is excellent. I admire your view of Mt Rainier! :-) I am your newest follower. Congrats on publishing an excellent blog! John


Thank you for stopping by! Your comments are important to me and are very much appreciated. xx Karen