
Monday, January 27, 2020

Thoughts on a Rainy Day

Hello, Sweet Friends, I hope that you are keeping to the 
high road, as we navigate our way through 
this challenging new year. 

We are currently having abundant rain, 
here in the Pacific Northwest, but 
the temperatures are milder, and for that 
I am grateful. 

Although I love the sparkling, quiet beauty 
of snowfall, it does make life difficult for 
the wild things, and for getting around 
on icy, hilly roads. 

Which brings me back 
to my 'high road' metaphor......who wants to 
slide down a slippery slope? 

I usually stay home.


Our current temperature. Just warm enough to get by 
with a sweater. 

But with boots and an umbrella! 

The glacier pansies that I planted this past fall,
are peeking out of their protected
corner under the eaves, curious about 
what is going on in their little world. 

Just some sleepy succulents, pots of ivy and groundcover
to keep them company. 

We've had so much moisture this winter. 
Even the rocks are mossy! 
No rolling stones here :)

My bird-cage angel also sports a hint of green, 
but the hellebore considers this weather perfect. 
(I did hide them under the eaves during our recent snowfall.) 

A slow fire takes the chill off inside. 

We have electric heat as back-up, 
but there is nothing like a warm fire. 

 Ramblin' Man likes to load it up
like a boss...…:) and really heat things up!

I have to keep an eye on him.....
(Notice the ladder outside on the deck. He likes to 
climb those when nobody is around)

I love all of the good wishes and advice 
on my last post announcing his retirement.
Thank you so much!
I know it is going to be an adjustment!
All that 'man-splaining', tramping in and out
with dogs, and messing up my kitchen.....

 I have tried to plan for that. 
His retirement gift was a new workshop built 
 last fall. I'll share a few photos soon. 
He still has to finish up the interior, 
so it is a work in progress. 

Can you tell that I am looking forward to spring? 

Some of my flea-market paintings. 

My tall cabinet holds the television, stereo and other electronics. 

I found this vintage basket at a European antiques wholesaler 
when I had an antique shop many years ago.
My Mom was my partner, but when she 
became ill with lymphoma, we had to 
close shop.  

(My Mom recovered and went on to live another 30 years!)

It seems that I was always called back home. 
Sometimes, not entirely by choice. 
At the time, the children were young and I 
could not work full-time. 

So I put my dreams on hold. 

That's not to say I sat around on the sofa all day! 

I did work outside the home, but the jobs 
I took were mainly focused on the hours 
when my children were in school, so I could 
be home with them when their Father wasn't. 

My children were all close in age - four children 
in five years. So leaving them to daycare was too 
expensive and besides, not many people could handle 
 them all at once. 

This buffet was one of the pieces in the shop. 
So was my kitchen queen and daybed. 

I sold my crafts and antiques for a while in shows and shops, too.
I was even accepted into a gallery and at Seattle's Pike Street Market
for my weavings. But the long commute, hours, and sacrifice
of time proved too much for me and the family.

So, I took on jobs close to home and with flexible hours.
I worked as a teacher's aide for a while
and served as PTA vice president.
I loved helping out in my children's school,
and even helped start an art program
and an after-school activity program,
that continues to this day.

I started my own housekeeping business when they
were teenagers so I could be home in the afternoons for all of their
games and many activities.

Once they were all driving and more self-sufficient,
I took night classes to become an administrative asst.
I worked all day and then went to classes for 5 hours,
5 nights a week for a year.

But the teenagers found trouble and my elderly parents
became frail (my Dad was diagnosed with Alzheimer's
and my Mom with heart disease),
and I was needed at home once more.

But I did learn to use a computer
and most of the programs!
I was completely clueless before the classes.

Life is what happens when you are busy making other plans. 
- John Lennon -

When you are handed lemons, you must make lemonade. 
Although, you might need a splash of vodka once in a while. 

Just sayin.....

Seriously, though, I would never regret spending 
 precious time helping my teenagers get on the right path, 
and helping my parents in their final years. 

Time that can never be replaced. 

I was very fortunate to have my hard-working Mr. 
to take care of us all and make 
it possible for me to stay home when I 
was most needed.
We sacrificed income, 
but have peace of mind that we did the right thing.   

This handcrafted sign with
my grandson's little hands and feet, 
truly says it all. 

Now I am helping with the grandchildren, 
and when I look back on my life, 
everything becomes clear.
I was meant to be exactly who I am. 

Domestic Diva! 

And I have new dreams now. 

I am slowing down and those old dreams 
no longer apply. 

Now my dreams are much simpler. 
Gardens and road trips, flea markets and galleries, 
family gatherings and grandchildren,
and time to be creative. 

Time to notice the magic. 

Everyone must follow their heart. 
It's all about the journey. 

Thank you, dear friends for your wonderful friendship. 
Some of you have been dear friends for a very long time. 
Even though we are only friends through 
blogland, we will always be friends through time. 



  1. always just so much beauty to see... happy week to you!

  2. What a lovely post in photos and your thoughts. God's continued blessings on you, the Ramblin' Man and your children and their families. ~ FlowerLady

  3. Happy New Year and here's to the next excitements. A lovely catch up on where you are in life and where you are placing your energies and priorities. I'm hoping your Spring is not too far away altho' your rainy day makes for a stunning photo!
    Wren x

  4. Hello Karen, how wonderful that the weather is not so cold by you and happy to see your pansies. It must be a sign that spring is on the way. I enjoyed reading a little bit about your life. I know you will be happy to be creative and spend more time with your husband and grandchildren. Take care. Hugs, Julie xo

  5. Isn't it funny how our lives don't always go how we had planned but they are what is best for us in the long run. My husband being in the air force meant that he would come and go all the time at all hours and never really had a schedule so we made the decision that I wouldn't work outside the home, but I had time to do my crafts and that was fulfilling to me, as well as bringing up our daughter, she really appreciated that I was there for her and that lets me know we made the right decision. How wonderful to have your grandkids so close by, I know many grandparents that don't get to see theirs as often as they would like. Love that first picture. How great to have flowers, even in the winter time!

  6. Amazing post,dear Karen...Exactly what I needed...Your pictures,your home,your life...They are all adorable!Thanks for such encouragement and beauty!Blessings!

  7. What lovely things have greeted me here. Your warm and inviting home, your sweet dog, your deep thoughts. Yes, magic, too. I'm the slightest bit envious your grands don't live far away. We're a little over an hour, which isn't too bad but hard to pick one up from care or have one come after school. The fog and the pines? Magnificent. If it was mine, I'd have it printed large on canvas and hang it. Truly stunning. Thanks for your recent visit, too. Always valued and appreciated.

  8. I loved reading your thoughts on a rainy day. It seems that January is a "still" month, and it gives us time to reflect on things. I was always home with my kids too, but like you, worked part time as a teacher's aide when they were in school. But as soon as they were out of school, mom was right there taking care of their needs. That's wonderful that you sold your crafts and antiques at your shop that you and your mother had. It's so hard for our children nowadays. It seems both parents have to work. I feel for them. I've always admired your buffet - it's beautiful. It's always a pleasure to see bits of your charming home, Karen, and it looks like Spring is trying to make its way inside your house. I just wanted to tell you that I'm very familiar with taking care of aging parents, and my father had the same illness as your mother. They are always in our hearts, aren't they?

    Have a blessed weekend, dear Karen.


  9. Oh, that first foggy forest photo was so dreamy. I find I slow down a lot in winter due to rain mostly. Board games, movies and cuddling wins.

  10. Oh I must go back and read this all again, I might have missed something. I understand where you came from and where you are now.My daughter has 4 children quick and was a stay at home mother until maybe 3 years ago. I like the pacific north west I have 2 children around Portland Oregon area.
    My friend gave me a hellebore and it is green in all my snow here in Missouri. She said hers blooms in cold weather.Love your basket and I still go to flea markets and estate sales as I'm off to sale today.


  11. It's always wise to look back but looking forward is a good thing! We’ve had weeks of no sun which is starting to get to me🤪.

    Winter is my time to rejuvenate!

    Its been a rather warm Winter for us with very little snow which is good in one way but bad in another!

  12. Another great post, telling so many of our stories too. A great life, well lived with lots more to look forward to with those lovely grandchildren. x

  13. Thank you for letting us in, Karen, both to your beautiful home and to your thoughts and memories. This is what blogging is all about. Glad you're staying in, nice and cozy, with your sleepy succulents and snuggly sofa.

  14. Greetings Karen, I just can't believe how much rain we are getting. I guess it is better than being snowed in for a week. I for one am looking forward to sunny and drier days.

    Love all the fun pictures and post.

    Hugs Diane

  15. I bet rainy days are beautiful where you live. I like rainy days, it brrings back sweet memories of childhood. Hope February is a great month for you!

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. I loved this post and I enjoyed reading about your life throughout the years and your new plans for the future.. Now that I am retired. I am adjusting my dreams too!! After working for over 42 years, I am happy with finally being able to stay home and do the things that bring me joy like decorating, rafting ad being with my family!! I look forward to your next post and hearing about your life with your newly retired hubby!!

  18. Hi Karen!
    Love this so much. I feel our paths are so similar. I did the social work things many years. Then stayed home with my kiddos and was head of PTA and all of those things too. Then caregiving for my MIL with Alzheimers. And now volunteering in hospice as I figure out what other endeavors I want to tackle. But I don't regret stepping back from my career and being front row for family one bit.
    I love seeing your cozy home, crafts, gardens and recipes always. So keep them coming - even in the slowing down of life a bit. And the grandchildren have to be THE BEST part of all! 😉 Blessings to you beautiful Friend. 💜

  19. What a lovely post this is.
    So nice to read your thoughts and see your photographs.

    My good wishes to you and the family, enjoy life, enjoy family …

    All the best Jan


Thank you for stopping by! Your comments are important to me and are very much appreciated. xx Karen