
Tuesday, December 31, 2019

A New Year - Vintage Wishes

Hello, Dear Friends!
As I write this, it is the last day of 2019.
The last day of the decade!

Will we be entering the roaring 20's once again,
or will we create a brand new world?

My word for 2020 is 'Magic'.

I am on a search...…...
Sometimes we forget to look
for the magical, the miracle,
the divine in all things.

My wish for all of you as the New Decade dawns,
is to find a little bit of magic in each and every day.


I've collected some of my favorite vintage New Year's Greetings
and quotes to share with you.


Hope smiles from the threshold of the year to come,
whispering, 'It will be happier.'

-Alfred Lord Tennyson

 For last year's words belong to last year's
language, and next year's words await
another voice.

-T.S. Eliot

Write it on your heart that every day 
is the best day of the year.

-Ralph Waldo Emerson

Learn from yesterday, live for today,
hope for tomorrow. 

-Albert Einstein

One resolution I have made, 
and always try to keep, 
is this - to rise above 
the little things.

- John Burroughs

You are never too old to set another goal
or to dream a new dream.

- C.S. Lewis

Cheers to a New Year and another chance 
for us to get it right. 

- Oprah Winfrey

Be at war with your vices, 
at peace with your neighbors, 
and let every new year find 
you a better man.

- Benjamin Franklin

A little smile, a word of cheer,
a bit of love from someone near,
a little gift from one held dear, 
Best wishes for the coming year.

- Irish Blessing

Ring out the false, 
ring in the true.

-Alfred Lord Tennyson

We will open the book. Its pages are blank.
We are going to put words on them ourselves.
The book is called Opportunity and its first
chapter is New Year's Day.

- Edith Lovejoy Pierce



  1. Gorgeous vintage cards and adorable quotes!Happy New Year,dear Karen!God bless you and yours!

  2. Lovely old cards. Have a wonderful 2020 Karen ~ FlowerLady

  3. my first magical, miracle moment happened last night, when scissors fell to the floor, hitting my toe but not into my toe! Now that was a miracle of protection from angels! happy new year, and may you keep note of all the miracles, magical moments and share them with us. LeeAnna

  4. Karen, what a great assortment of New Year's cards and I love all the wonderful quotes. Magic is a great word for any season of life that we are in..Happy New Year, my friend..xxoJudy

  5. Beautiful post, Karen! I love your word...hoping you have a wonderful 2020 filled with magic! xoxo

  6. Karen, oh I do love your word for the year! I have not thought on a word yet. As I am 98% done unpacking, I have returned to the blogging world. Happy New Year!! xo

  7. I love every single one of your cards! I collect vintage postcards and have quite a few New Year's but not one duplicate! (One is on today's post; the other in the next post to come.) My word for 2020 is HOME. It should be a good year!

  8. Karen, what a beautiful post! I have you have a wonderful, "magical" 2020!

  9. You have a lovely collection of vintage cards, and enjoyed reading all the sentiments, I do hope the year is very magical for you!

  10. Hello Karen, I love your word for the new year. It's so appropriate. Happy New Year to you! I can't believe it's 2020. It sounds so crazy.
    xx Beca

  11. Such pretty vintage New Year's cards! I loved them! Many blessings and a Happy New Year to you!

  12. I love reading your blog posts as they are very creative and informative. Can i get something on
    Ajman Indian School as well ?. Thanks !

  13. I DO believe in magic Karen...
    Wonderful quotes...words to live by...
    All the best to your wonderful family in 2020...
    Linda :o)

  14. I love this post, Karen. I believe in magic and have tried to create magic in the lives of my children when they were young and now do it for my grandchildren. Aren't we blessed to find magic in everyday living? xo Diana

    ps- my emails to you when you comment still bounce back as undeliverable. Just thought I would let you know. xo Diana

  15. I LOVED this post. So vintage-y charming. And I always wish for more magic in my life. Wishing you the very very best for the coming year.

  16. Hello Karen, thank you for your charming new year wishes. I wish the same for you and yours.
    The vintage cards, along with the sweet sentiments you've chosen, are each so beautiful and uplifting.
    Hugs and good cheer xx

  17. Happiest New Year to you Karen! I've been slowly catching up in blogland. I was catching upon some of your posts and I loved seeing all of your Christmas time pics. 😊 Such an extra special time with all the grandkiddos I"m sure.
    I have a word for the new year as well. Love. Trying to live in the spirit of love more in every day. I love seeing all the vintage sentiments. Beautiful words and the vintage look of them is so pretty!
    I pray for many magical blessings to come your way in 2020. 🌟 xoxo

  18. There is a little magic in each day, isn't there; we only have to look for it. Your collection of vintage cards is beautiful, Karen and each quote is much food for thought. May your New Year be one filled with many whispers of magic.

  19. Lovely cards, my good wishes for 2020.

    All the best Jan


Thank you for stopping by! Your comments are important to me and are very much appreciated. xx Karen