
Friday, July 6, 2018

Taking a Break

Hello, Dear Friends, Life is catching up to me 
and I need to take a break. 

My summer will be full with grand-babies, 
a wedding, a trip to Italy, 
and ongoing home improvements in between. 

My blog has also had some problems with link-ups, 
updates and other issues that need to be addressed. 

So, I want to wish you a lovely summer, full of sweet 
and simple days that bring beautiful
 memories down the winding road of life. 
  I will see you in the Fall (my favorite season),
when life slows down a bit. 



  1. Hello Karen!Have a good holidays. Greetings.

  2. Sounds like an amazing summer Karen, have a wonderful summer making beautiful memories. Hugs, Denise

  3. Have a nice time during your holidays and during the whole summer! See you soon! :)

  4. We all need a break now and then, so enjoy yours!!

  5. It sounds wonderful -- have a glorious time!

  6. Enjoy the busyness and see you in the Fall (my favorite season too!)

  7. Have a wonderful break! Look forward to seeing you when you get back.


  8. Enjoy your break, sweet friend, and your trip to Italy! I look forward to catching up in the Fall. xxoo

  9. Enjoy your blogging break!I will be waiting your return!God bless you!Xoxo.

  10. Enjoy your summer and those grandbabies!

  11. Enjoy your summer and Italy trip. You will love it as much as I did!

  12. Enjoy everything you do …
    Have a lovely break …

    All the best Jan

  13. Enjoy your trip and the start of summer. Looking forward to your posts when you return.

    Hugs Diane

  14. Instead of going somewhere exotic for our honeymoon, I'd like to rent out a little cottage in the middle of nowhere, and spend beautiful nights looking at the stars with my man, and walking around on a deserted road having an amazing conversation, all while being in love.

    robe liberty

  15. Hello Dearest Karen! You do have such wonderful and exciting things ahead!! So excited for you with all of them. I had hoped to have more blog time this summer, but keeps evading me as well. I may take a few week break soon too.
    Enjoy Dearest and we'll see you when you get back and catch up on all your news then. xoxo Blessings

  16. Hello dear Karen!

    i wish you a happy serene break !

    i know this season is filled with enthusiasm and happy adventures ,enjoy each moment with your family and trip to beautiful Italy!
    best of luck for home advancement and pc problems

  17. This photo is absolutely amazing! Looks like an amazing place to visit some day. I love the pink hue on the mountain. Thanks for the share, keep up the posts. Have a nice weekend.
    World of Animals

  18. I hope you enjoy the summer and your trip to Italy. Enjoy your break and see you in the fall.

  19. I can comment today, but most of the time I can't, so I will take advantage of this today and comment! haha. I left you an e-mail, but didn't get a response, so not sure if you got it or not. Have a wonderful blog break this summer. We all need it from time to time. I am back from my break, which ended up being kind of a long one. Enjoy your charming home, your dogs, and your family, Karen.


  20. Karen, like a bad penny, I have turned up once more. And I see you are on holiday. I am blogging once again. I will send you an email. May your days be restful and sweet.
    (newest follower here ♥)

  21. I hope you keep good health and enjoy every day.

  22. I hope that you are enjoying your Summer especially your trip to Italy. I have realised that I haven't heard from you for a while and I think that is because I have not been getting your blog posts in my Reader for several months. I shall have to look into it and I hope we can resume contact when you next update your news.

  23. Hope your summer is keeping you happily busy! I will be in Italy in August too :).

  24. Liebe Karen,
    auch von mir die besten Wünsche für einen ganz wundervollen Sommer mit den Enkelkindern, den Kindern - mit der ganzen Familie!!!
    Bei uns ist es seit Wochen sehr heiß (über 30° - die höchsttemperaturen betrugen 39,2°...), aber am Schlimmsten dabei ist die Tatsache, dass es ebenfalls seit Wochen nicht mehr geregnet hat...In einigen Gegenden ist schon Wassernotstand!!!...und wir werden deutlich verringerte Ernten haben...die armen Landwirte!!!
    Wie sieht es bei Euch aus? Ist es eine guter Sommer - so rein wettermäßig betrachtet?
    Ich wünsche es Euch jedenfalls von Herzen!

    Alles Liebe

  25. Ooh Italy..........have a fabulous time!

  26. Congratulations! A new grandchild is wonderful. Have fun in Italy, share photos :)! Have fun!

  27. Hi, sweet friend! I just wanted to stop by and say "Hello!" You have been in my thoughts and on my heart. I hope you are well and I trust you've had a beautiful summer!

    Hugs and blessings to you!


Thank you for stopping by! Your comments are important to me and are very much appreciated. xx Karen