
Thursday, April 20, 2017

A Moment of Reflection - Thankful Thursday

Today I am thankful for all those who dedicated their 
service (and too often their lives) to uphold our freedoms
and protect our country from harm. 

My Dad served in the Army/Air Force when it was 
one branch, during the Korean war. 

Although he didn't see actual combat, he was stationed 
in the Aleutian Islands of Alaska - 
a critical outpost, as we have seen this week 
with Russian jets invading our air space in that very spot. 

I am so thankful for being my Father's daughter. 
He taught me so much about kindness, patience, 
honesty, hard work, humility, and keeping a sense of humor
no matter what. 

My Father succumbed to Alzheimer's disease in 2012.
It was devastating to see my bright, energetic 
Dad slowly slip away, but I'll always be grateful
for the lessons he taught me.  


I saw this in the newspaper obituaries today.
I thought it was so touching.....

Go kiss your loved ones today, dear friends.
Don't let time pass.


Today I am linking with:

Thankful Thursday


  1. ...Hi Karen, Dads are important parts of our lives. My Dad was in the Pacific during WWII and now I'm almost the age that he was when he died...each and every day is a gift.

  2. Hello, lovely post on your dad. I believe all our soldiers and military personnel are brave. My Dad was in the WWII, before I was born. I love the message on the obituary. Happy Thursday, enjoy your weekend ahead!

  3. How inspiring! Such a beautiful post for all of us to take time to think about. We have so many to thank for our freedom! Hugs, Diane

  4. Oh Karen this a very heart warming post and what a wonderful tribute to your Dad ~ You are blessed ~ what a treasure ~ thanks so much for sharing your beautiful photo and thoughts ~

    Wishing you a Happy Weekend ~ ^_^

  5. Very beautiful post, Karen. My dad also served during the Korean War...during what he called 'the clean up'. He's also been gone for a few years and is missed dearly. I love the obituary you's a good reminder to spend more time with our loved ones.

  6. A most beautiful post, and the words in the newspaper cutting are so true ...

    Blessings to you.

    All the best Jan

  7. What a sweet idea in the obituary - and wonderful memories of your dad!

  8. Great memories of your father. They are important people and the obituary has some wise words, that we all need to follow. Thanks for linking up today and have a great weekend.

  9. A sweet and loving tribute to your Dad, and what a sweet idea in the obituary.

  10. Dear Karen, my sweet friend, such a wonderful Post in memory of your dear Dad!
    Have a lovely weekend, sending much love and hugs and blessings,
    Claudia xo

  11. An important reminder, Karen. You are so right.

    I lost my parents 22 and 17 years ago and they're still so alive in my heart.

    I think this is a fine tribute to your brave and wonderful father. He had to be so proud of you - because you are all those things, too.

    May he rest in peace. HUgs. ♥

  12. Well this post touched me as you know. Dementia is such a frustrating disease and it robs everyone. This is a lovely tribute to your father who did his part in protecting your country and raising a family influenced with his own strong beliefs. Hugs,

  13. Just catching up. Such a wonderful tribute to your dear Dad. I loved the obituary such a delight to read.

  14. It is so sad to watch a parent slip into dementia or Alzheimer's. My mother suffered with it also...and my dad had Parkinson's for 10 or 11 years. The best thing we can do is BE THERE when we can to help our elders through those changing years. xo Diana

  15. What a wonderful tribute to your Dad! That obituary is so true. Sadly, I lost my father at age 10 but I do spend time and talk to my spiritual Mom Jane. It is sad seeing her go through health issues and getting older. Our children will be watching us go through that soon.

  16. Thanks for your thoughtful post, Karen, and encouraging reminder to appreciate those around us now! xx

  17. Oh this has me all choked up! Thanks so much for sharing this Karen - and the thoughtful reminder. ;) Love it so much! xoxo

  18. This was very touching post as we just laid my father in law to rest yesterday, we had the funeral Sunday but had a graveside service yesterday morning just the immediate family, and he was the last of our parents so that is such a strange feeling not having them anymore. So thankful for your Dad's service, being the wife of a retired air force guy, I know what the families go through, so sorry you had to lose him that way, we went through the same thing with my mom and now my brother is dealing with it.


Thank you for stopping by! Your comments are important to me and are very much appreciated. xx Karen