
Monday, February 29, 2016

Painted pots, Spring Flowers and Crocheted Baskets

Over the weekend, I found these little 
mini-daffodils and some shapely terra-cotta pots
at my local home-goods store. 

The pots were nothing special in their original 
state, but after a coat of gray latex porch and floor paint, 
they took on a charming air. 

I painted them inside and out to seal them against moisture, 
placing the daffodils, still in their pots, inside, 
and covered all with moss. 

Latex porch and floor paint is very durable and 
dries quickly. Be sure that your pots are absolutely
dry before applying paint. 

I have had very good results painting pots 
this way. 

These pots were painted last year with 
green and they still look beautiful. 

I filled these with potting soil and actually 
planted the pansies inside. 

I live in a very wet climate, (near Seattle) and there hasn't 
been any problems with the paint. 

The plants don't seem to suffer any ill effects. 

The little truck was found in the garden
and once belonged to my now 30-something son :)

A female Anna's hummingbird visits the feeder. 

A male is next. The dark patch under his chin
shines brilliant fuchsia in sunlight. 

Anna's are year-round residents here in WA State. 
And no, it's not because I feed them. 
I only noticed them one January day when 
my long empty feeder was 
visited by a hungry Anna's, several years ago.
When I did some research, I found that they
live here year-round. 

We also have migrating Rufous Hummingbirds. 
They have already come back and are staking out territories
for nesting and doing their sky-diving courtship dance. 

One of their favorite nectar sources is already blooming;
Indian Plum.  We make sure to encourage all native 
blooming plants and trees on the property. 

My captured angel hides behind two 
potted Lemon Cyprus trees with 
Creeping Charlie, also in painted pots. 

The lantern has battery powered mini-lights inside
with a timer :)

Whitey Bear relaxes nearby. 

The potted shrubs are budding sweetly. 

From my kitchen door.....

My flowers make me happy :)

Our temperatures have mostly been in the 50's (Fahrenheit) during the day,
but fluctuate between upper 40's to low 60's, with cooler
temperatures at night, but not freezing.

I finished another pair of little Baskets
with a Scalloped Edge.

I am having so much fun making these!

I can see my little daffodils from my living room, too.

Can you see the dove?

I'm not the only one who admires the flowers!

Mt. Rainier is briefly released from its cloud cover
to reflect the setting sun.

I hope you had a lovely weekend, Dear Friends.

Thank you for all of your nice comments and movie recommendations
on my last post - I now have some 'new' movies to watch!

Did you watch the Oscars?

I love seeing the 'stars' come out
in their beautiful clothes.

 Sofia Vergara's gown was my favorite ;)

Ramblin' Man is doing his thing....
Rambling, so the nights are long....
He told me that on his way to work
last Friday, he had to pull over for a very large
herd of elk that was running down the road.

He managed to get a photo before they disappeared.
They are migrating to the upper elevations now.

We have also been hearing the 'peepers' at night,
down by the river
below our little mountain.

A sure sign of spring, but the sound always
gives me a creepy feeling. It is dark and lonely here
and with that sound in the background, you
can imagine all sorts of things!

Like a scary hollywood movie.......

I'm glad I have my two protectors.

Whitey Bear


Always on alert.....

Nicknames given by my son for Whitey Bear - 'Great White'
For Kai - 'Little Fang' :)

Have a happy week, my friends!

Today I am linking with:

Julie's Lifestyle - Cooking and Crafting with J&J

Strangers and Pilgrims on Earth - The Art of Home-Making Mondays

Our Home of Many Blessings Link up

The Enchanting Rose - Roses of Inspiration

Join Our Monday Link Up Party at Julie's Lifestyle!Join Our Weekly Link Up on Mondays!Monday of Many Blessings Link Up


  1. I always love your projects Karen!! So pretty. And I want to just hang out on your deck all day long. ::sigh:: It looks so lovely and springy there already - full of flowers and birds!! Love it! Thanks for feeding my soul up.
    Blessings on your week ahead. xoxo

  2. Dearest Karen,
    What a joy to visit you and you are genial about purchasing such simple pots and than changing them into perfect treasures for your deck. Love the ones from last year and indeed they did hold up very well.
    This is such a lovely time of the year when things start out for spring.
    You had me puzzled about WHAT those Anna hummingbirds feed on during winter and I found out: aside from eating insects they also suck the sap from sapsucker woodpecker holes to supplement their sugar needs... So clever!
    Enjoy your beautiful place and stay well.

  3. Oh, it looks so peaceful there. How nice that you can sit and look at your flowers. I'm still looking at snow piled up and guess what's coming tonight? Snow! But, on a happy note I had my first confused robin visit today. Silly thing. Aren't the Mourning Doves gorgeous. I really enjoy our resident ones. I'm sure there are fifty here throughout the day. Your baskets are so pretty. You do very fine work. Give those guard dogs a big hug for me, Karen. They are beautiful. Deb

  4. What amazing mountain photos. I would love to try to make those pretty baskets too! I'm so ready to get out some Spring decor! Hugs!

  5. You sure do have a beautiful view from your kitchen and living room. Your daffodils are pretty, but that mountain view is gorgeous!

  6. Karen, I've decided to make my blog private. I'd love to send you an invite. If you could email me at I will send the invite asap! Gina

  7. Hi Karen, it looks like spring around your home! So pretty and bright! Have a beautiful week, Lynn

  8. HI Karen...
    You have inspired me to paint some pots!
    I do a lot of planting in baskets, which I spray paint...
    Your mountains are gorgeous....really!
    I must make my grandaughter an Easter crocheted cute!
    Have a great week...
    Linda :o)

  9. dove's knows where a peaceful and loving safe place are and it has picked you out... lovely photos.. watching Elk are so enjoyable and
    your sweetheart was lucky to capture them... Love you ideas and the color you painted the pots!

  10. What amazing photos, lovely flowersxx

  11. Your painted pots look so pretty, Karen, and I so want to make some of those crocheted baskets. I have doves that visit my yard on a daily basis. Your view of Mt. Rainier always makes me sigh with its beauty. To see that everyday must be a blessing that you never tire of. xo

  12. Hi Karen, my dearfri end, it always is so lovely to see your wonderful place! Your view from the kitchen is so amazing! I love it! And I love your flowerpots! A great remake!
    Wishing you a wonderful week, sending Love and hugs and blessings and Hugs for your doggies :O)
    Claudia xo

  13. How nice to see spring on your terrace full of flowers in your painted pots. The miniature daffodils look lovely nesting in the moss in the newly painted shallow pots. You have such a variety of birds coming to feed. I'd want to sit by the window all day watching them.,

  14. I love painting pots for outside too! Yours look lovely. I love hearing about the coming of spring in your part of the world. Oh so different. Wish we had humming birds :) B xx

  15. Hello Karen. Your home looks so peaceful. I've enjoyed seeing your garden ornament projects and crochet work that has given you pleasure this week. They're wonderful ways to relax as is watching those little humming birds as you sit looking out at the deck. Your doggies are good company especially when Ramblin' Man is rambling. Seeing elks is an amazing thought to me. What are -'peepers'? Sending my love and wishing you a good rest of the week.

    1. Hi Linda - Thank you for your sweet visit! I guess 'peepers' would be hard to figure out - they are little 'peep' frogs that all together make quite a chorus at night 'peeping'! They live near water and emerge in spring from the mud after hibernation. There are so many that the sound is very loud, even from afar! Thanks for asking and happy week to you, too! xx Karen

  16. Such a beautiful deck and stunning view. I love the pots, such a great idea they are a real delight. The little crochet work was stunning, inspirational.

  17. It is beginning to look very Springlike at your lovely home. Those humming birds are so sweet. How glorious to view Mt Rainer every day in all its guises. Your deck must be the most wonderful place to spend many an hour. I too, love watching the Oscars. I have done since I was a little girl. It is always a delight to see what star is wearing which glorious frock. Does Sofia Vergara ever look bad. She would make a paper bag look good. =

  18. Those pots turned out lovely! I love hummingbirds! Wish they were here all year long too :-) Have a great week!


  19. Love your lacy pillows. I also love the ornamental piece on the wall outside. My garden is slowly coming to life so spring is coming!

  20. That was a great idea to paint the terra cotta pots. They look so pretty. I've only seen elk once, on a trip to Montana. Your view is just spectacular! Enjoy your hints of spring. xo

  21. That was a great idea to paint the terra cotta pots. They look so pretty. I've only seen elk once, on a trip to Montana. Your view is just spectacular! Enjoy your hints of spring. xo

  22. Your home is lovely and the views...breathtaking! How lucky you are! I love what you've done with the flower pots, your photo from last year with all pretty flowers makes me so anxious for spring. Snowy and cold here today.

    The little baskets are precious! I can see them overflowing with some pastel candies in a week or two. The picture of the elk made me smile as well as that beautiful pup!

    So glad to have found your blog!


  23. You've made something very sophisticated out of those terracotta pots. They are really lovely.
    The elk - isn't it a privilege to see such magnificent animals up close? I know that they do a lot of damage to farms up here - I wish there was a way to let them live in peace - and to save the farmers' crops!

  24. Your flowers are just lovely and every time I see them it gets me more excited for spring to arrive here. I love your view you have with the mountains in the background. I can imagine it gets lonely out there but it is so lovely to have all those trees to look at, my hubby is so sick of looking out and seeing houses every where, he would love to have a farm out in the country. Glad you have your little furbabies to keep you company :)
    Your baskets are just the cutest.
    I taped the Oscars and watched a little bit of it this afternoon but I have already heard who won some of them by accident, I have not watched any of the nomintated movies this year, yet, but making a list of ones I would like to if we ever get some time.

  25. I would love to sit out on your deck with all your lovely flowers and beautiful scenery! I would be such a homebody in your home! Lovely post!

  26. It is so nice to see the signs of spring at your house Karen. I love hearing the peepers in spring but it will be weeks before we do. Have a lovely week.

  27. you make everything look beautiful. i can't wait for everything to start blooming!!!!!

  28. Hello Karen,
    Your painted pots are so pretty and perfect for spring flowers. I really like the crocheted bowls you made and the color combo!
    TFS at Cooking and Crafting with J & J.
    Enjoy the week.
    Julie xo

  29. Dear Karen, I really like your painted pots! And I love the way you "planted" the daffodils in them. It looks very pretty. They gray sets of the yellow daffodils so well. I wonder if you put the pots on the railing of your terrace just for the photo shooting or if you placed them there permanently. I would be very concerned that the wind is blowing them down...
    Loved to see the photos of your dogs!
    Wishing you a nice rest of the week!

    1. Hi Christina, Thank you for stopping by! You are very kind. To answer your question - I have left them on my railing, except in high wind, only because the daffodils were being blown about. The pots are very heavy...... :) xo Karen

  30. Dear Karen
    Wow I just love the finish on those pots - perfect for your little daffodils!
    The view through to the mountain is stunning - and yes it's great from inside the house too!
    I'm fascinated with hummingbirds - they seem so fragile and their little wings flapping at a hundred miles an hour while they drink the nectar!
    I wish we had them in my country.
    Shane x

  31. Hello, I love your pretty daffies and the new pots. Your dogs are so cute and I love the hummingbirds. You have gorgeous views from your place. Lovely post and photos. Have a happy day!

  32. Dear Karen, I'm not writing more blog. I'm always here. I love your home, and whenever I take tea with you. I love hummingbird, that beautiful, were to visit you. How interesting that the bear, fell in love !!! Big kiss.

  33. Dear Karen, I'm not writing more blog. I'm always here. I love your home, and whenever I take tea with you. I love hummingbird, that beautiful, were to visit you. How interesting that the bear, fell in love !!! Big kiss.

  34. So pretty! Love the temperatures. xoxo Su

  35. It is definitely looking like spring is coming to your house Karen. I love that you painted your clay pots, and what a difference it makes. i have never thought of doing that for some reason. also love your use of the bird cage, and have one in my garage that I am getting out right away. A great and unique idea!

  36. Your decking area looks lovely Karen with the spring flowers. I like the way you painted the terracotta post. It makes them stand out.

    Wishing you sunny days!

    Madelief x

  37. Spring is so lovely there, Karen! I can hardly wait to see hummingbirds again...but I will enjoy yours for now!

  38. Karen, Yes, I DID see The Oscars! You should pop on over and see Nel when she went out on the town in Hollywood one year. I was so glad that Leo won Best Actor. Have you seen the movie The Revenant yet? It was really good, and I don't think I've seen an actor do a more amazing job than him.

    Your painted pots are cute, and I just went to Home Goods this morning. Love that store. :) Aahh the hummingbird.....that must have been a sight for you watching them feed. I've never heard of Anna's hummingbird before. I love to see pics of your deck, Karen. And look who popped in to visit you, the dove. I believe this is such a special bird, and to see it is a blessing. Your crocheted baskets are so cute, they will be nice for Easter.

    Happy March! Your post was delightful today.


  39. What a wonderful post. I love your idea of using the latex porch and floor paint first. I need to remember to try that. Your daffodils are beautiful, especially with the mountain in the distance. Our hummingbirds don't come until some time in May, I'm looking forward to their arrival. I just love the peepers, it gets so noisy here. I guess it would be creepy though if you're all alone, at least you have the dogs - I'm sure that would help. I get creeped out if I'm outside alone at night as there are a lot of coyotes here, etc. but I wouldn't trade living in the country for anything. Take care, Kelly

  40. Such an inspiring post, Karen, as always! :)
    Your home and garden look lovely and you make them even more beautiful with your projects.
    It must be nice to be able to admire hummingbirds in the garden.
    Have a great weekend! xx

  41. How fun and everything looks so pretty!! :)

    Thanks for joining Cooking and Crafting with J & J!

  42. Oh, my darling Karen, I love your painted pots, I love your terrace and the baskets you've crocheted, while your Whitey Bear and your gorgeous mountain looked over you ... great post, my darling friend, making my heart feeling so very good ... blessed be !

    Have a most wonderful day, today, sweetest one,
    and a joyous weekeend ahead,
    sending much, so much love to you
    with sincere thankfulness

  43. Dear Karen,

    How beautiful all your pretty daffodils, and pansies are and love the way you have painted the pots. Also it was great to see the sweet hummingbirds feeding. You must love looking out at the wonderful Mountain.
    Happy weekend

  44. Your deck is just charming! I love how you decorated everything so peaceful and pretty! :)

  45. Your photos are so beautiful. ;) Those mountains in the mist- wow just magical!!

    And such lovely shots - Lenten roses love love and feed my Spring hungry soul. Thanks for that! ;)
    Blessings on your weekend my Dear. xoxo


Thank you for stopping by! Your comments are important to me and are very much appreciated. xx Karen