
Monday, February 22, 2016

Lantern Cloches

Hello, sweet friends, I hope that you 
all had a lovely weekend. 

I am recovering from an unpleasant 
head cold (is there any other kind?)
that left me curled up on the sofa
with a warm quilt and box of tissues
most of last week. 

But I am feeling much better now
and ready to make up for lost time
with a fun little idea for those 
glass lanterns retired from the holidays. 

With a bit of moss hot glued 
to little pots of primroses, pansies or bulbs, 
you can turn empty lanterns into
charming cloches to protect  
those early spring flowers from frost. 

I placed plastic plant trays under
the pots to protect the floor of the lanterns
and then tucked in more moss to conceal them. 

They look very sweet on my deck railing, 
but I was too worried about them falling
off, so I found a better place........

My tiny front porch. 

That way they are protected from the rain. 

We have had the rainiest winter on record
here in western Washington State! 

Almost 23 inches from December to now, 
although we have had extremely mild temperatures, 
so I can't complain. 

My little potbelly, coal burning stove 
is a handy place to set my purse while 
unlocking the door, when it is not hosting flowers :)
We live near a former coal mining town,
now lost to history.

There was once a hotel, saloon, and other
businesses, along with several coal miner's cabins
at the base of our mountain, close to the river.

 I couldn't resist 
placing some sweet 'minnow' daffodils
there to cheer our comings and goings.

This little stove would have been used
as a heating and cooking device in a
small cabin or bedroom.
There is a removable 'burner' on top.

Nice to heat a bit of hot water in the
morning for tea and a wash.

We take so many conveniences like
hot water and heat for granted these days.

The latching crate serves as both a handy
place to rest packages and a storage
for kindling when Ramblin' Man is
far away and I run out.

I have many skills, but chopping wood is
not one of them, although, I would be willing
if necessity dictates.

A nice sturdy latch keeps high winds
from lifting the lid.

These little lantern cloches create
a sweet welcoming committee.

I hope I have inspired you to create some of your own!


A garden is the interface between the house and the rest of civilization.

Geoffrey Charlesworth

'A Gardener Obsessed' (1994)

Today I am linking with:

Rooted in Thyme - Simple and Sweet Fridays

Strangers and Pilgrims on Earth - The Art of Home-Making Mondays

The Enchanting Rose - Roses of Inspiration

My Salvaged Treasures - Talk of the Town

Rooted In ThymeJoin Our Weekly Link Up on Mondays!
Talk of the Tow Link Party


  1. That's no good that you had a nasty cold and were unable to move from your sofa; though I could think of no better place to recuperate than that pretty couch of yours with that gorgeous view beyond. Your lantern cloches are so pretty. I love your porch heralding the soon to be, arrival of Spring. Love that pot belly stove.

  2. Me encanta ,una entrada maravillosa, besitos sss.

  3. I am so sorry to hear you had a nasty head cold :( I am ever so glad you're feeling better!

    Your lantern cloches were the perfect project for pouring your heart into after getting over a bug. They are simply lovely, my friend! You always inspire me, dear Karen.

    Love and hugs!

  4. Glad to hear you're feeling better after your cold. The lanterns look so cute. They add such a cheery welcome at your front door ... along with all the other interesting objects. What a nice welcome you have created here :)

  5. Glad to hear you are starting to feel better, Karen. Your lanterns are the most lovely bursts of color...just beautiful!

  6. Hi Karen, that is a really neat idea to put spring flowers into the lanterns to protect them from frost! Would never have occurred to me. And they look very pretty as well. Even though we live in a very mild climate this year my garden is still mostly green, since I didn't plant any annuls, like pansies, this winter because of the drought. I really long for some color in the garden other than green!
    Wishing you a lovely week!

  7. I love the idea of using a lantern as a cloche. I am going to have to haul out the lantern that I put away after Christmas and let it star in a spring vignette on the porch.

  8. Dear Karen, my friend, glad to hear, you feel better now after this nasty cold!
    Your lanterns with springflowers are beautiful! Such a great idea!
    Wishing you a lovely week, take care and get weel soon!
    Sending Love and hugs and blessings,
    Claudia xo

  9. I really love your flowers and the lanterns look divine!
    Have a nice day

  10. Such a lovely way to display your potted spring plants, making a delightful welcome for any visitor. I was a bit doubtful when I saw them balanced on the balcony rail, then later safely placed in your entrance porch. Even if you don't have any visitors they will make you feel much more cheerful after not feeling well .

  11. What a clever idea Karen for protecting tender garden plants at this time of year. I have always yearned for a porch. A great place to shelter when rummaging for your key. I love the way you have your stove and trunk. Have a cosy week. Barbara x

  12. Dear Karen,

    Such a wonderful idea using the lantern cloches for your pretty plants, when you are not using them as lanterns. The sweet daffodils make a welcoming entrance to your lovely front door.
    Do hope you are feeling better and the cold goes away.
    Sending hugs

  13. I love, love, love your use of those lanterns. I have an old potbelly stove in my yard...I should paint it too. Yours looks good painted.

  14. Hello, your lnaterns are so pretty. I love the flowers and daffies. Your porch looks very inviting and beautifully decorated. The little stove and crate are my favorite items along with the lanterns. I am glad you are feeling better. Happy Tuesday, enjoy your day!

  15. I love your little lantern cloches, so cleverand inspirational!!
    Glad your feeling better, colds are so miserable.
    Your front porch is so very welcoming, just like your beautiful home :)

  16. Hi Karen, love what you did with the lanterns. They looks darling filled with spring blooms. How inviting your front porch is. Lovely display that says, welcome~~~~ So glad you are feeling better sweet friend. Blessings for a wonderful week, xo

  17. Your little entrance porch is so very welcoming and the lanterns with those lovely primroses you've just added, give a so tasteful touch, a touch of grace and sweetness and make it even cozier !
    Thank you for sharing these photographs of yours with us, my dearest Karen,
    may the remainder of your week be blessed with love and wonder,
    sending love and hugs to you

  18. Your lantern cloches are very pretty! They look lovely by your door and are such a great idea and way to use your lanterns when they aren't being lanterns! You have a lovely entrance to your home, the fire and box and plants etc all make it very welcoming indeed! Hope that you are feeling much better now, take care of yourself and let Ramblin Man do the wood chopping for now! xx

  19. What a wonderful idea. These look so colourful, their own little light without a candle! I love your front porch, it is so welcoming and colourful, and that stove is just the icing on the cake! Have a wonderful week xx

  20. Glad to hear that you are up and around again. The planter cloches are lovely!

  21. what a great idea and i love your choice of color!!!! your entry is very welcoming!!!!

  22. Very sweet! Love the lanterns and the potbelly, especially the color. That crate is fabulous too!

  23. Your porch is so welcoming, Karen, and your sweet lantern cloches make for a colorful addition. I enjoyed learning about all the unique pieces on your porch. It's good that you felt well enough to be able to use your creativity to share with us. Take care, sweet friend. xo

  24. Hi dear Karen !! Que bonitos exteriores con esos preciosos faroles ,, que tenga un buen día

  25. Hello, I am visiting from Roses of Inspiration. Your lantern cloches are just lovely and I LOVE your little green stove! Blessings, Cecilia

  26. So happy to reconnect with you. I do love your little lantern idea. They are so perfect for spring. We also had the wettest winter on record here in my part of Oregon. Soggy! We did have a bit of sun today, but it was sooo windy. Spring is coming, so they say! Hope you are feeling better now.

  27. Wonderful post, dear Karen! It's good to hear that now you are feeling better! The lanterns decorations are really cute as also the watering can with the beautiful daffodils! I love flowers! The old stove is stunning! You live on a delightful place. Thank you so much for lovely comments on my blog, much appreciated :)
    Enjoy the rest of your week!
    Hugs and love from Portugal,
    Ana Love Craft

  28. Good to know you are recovering from the cold. Those are pretty lanterns. I love your front porch with the potbelly, crate and plants.

  29. Good to know you are recovering from the cold. Those are pretty lanterns. I love your front porch with the potbelly, crate and plants.

  30. wow loved your front beautiful porch dear,glad you are feeling better now may God give you more health ,how wonderfully you portrayed the spring of your house liked it so much best wishes

  31. Those lanterns are such a great idea! I love them. And your porch is warm and inviting. I'm glad you've shaken the nasty cold. Now you can enjoy any spring weather, which I hope is coming soon.

  32. So sorry to hear you have not been feeling well, anything to do with the head is not good, just messes your whole body.... Your lantern idea is just beautiful and such a lovely pop of color to usher in spring, I do love the look of moss with them too and such a great way to hide those things you don't want seen :) Your front entry is so inviting!

  33. Your lanterns with the pretty plants in them are really sweet and a great idea Karen. It would be over 2 months before we could do anything like that here. I am so looking forward to those days too. We are having a freezing rain right now but changing to rain overnight and tomorrow as the temperatures rise. It will look and feel like spring tomorrow! Only temporarily though. I like your old stove and the storage box. They make your entry porch very welcoming along with the pretty posies.

  34. very pretty pops of color! glad you're getting better!

  35. Colds can make one feel so miserable. I hope you're all over it by now. What a great idea to use your lanterns as cloches for plants. Your entry porch is a very pretty place.

  36. I love this idea! We have a few lanterns around here and this is a fresh fun idea for spring on the porch. :)

    I would love for you to link with Thoughts of Home on Thursday. We'd be honored to have you.

  37. Hello Karen, your lantern cloches are really beautiful (such happy colours!) and your porch looks indeed very pretty and welcoming... and the view from your terrace is unbeatable. :)
    Have a lovely weekend! xx

  38. So happy to hear that you're feeling better, Karen. Thank you so much for sharing your planted lanterns and beautiful blooms at Talk of the Town. SO inspiring!

  39. What a lovely and effective project. Love these and I'm definitely inspired by them. Thanks for sharing. Popping by from Sweet and Simple Fridays

  40. Good morning, sweet Karen! I just wanted to let you know that your beautiful cloches were featured at Roses of Inspiration today. Thanks for sharing your lovely posts. Hugs!


Thank you for stopping by! Your comments are important to me and are very much appreciated. xx Karen