
Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Primrose Planter

Over the last couple of days, we had some unusually
warm weather here in Western Washington State. 

I couldn't wait to get outside to enjoy 
the beautiful sunshine. 

This El-Nino winter has brought 
warm, tropical air up from 
the Hawaiian Islands. 

I painted some terra-cotta pots a light gray
(latex porch and floor paint - inside and out)
to blend in with my beautiful 
vintage planter that was a gift
from my son at Christmas. 

It was filled with all kinds of wonderful
goodies, including the book
I showed you in the last post, 
'Winter Gardening'. 

I was so surprised when browsing through
the book to find an almost exact replica
of the planter my son gave me! 

Here it is planted with dwarf evergreens 
in the book, which is very pretty, 
but I wanted something cheerful and bright. 

While shopping at my local market, 
there were lovely displays
of primroses in all colors. 

I wanted to take them all home! 

But I settled on four and added
some glacier ivy. 

The metal tray fits perfectly on my little
potting bench and can easily 
be moved when I want to use it. 

I have no idea what the tray could
have been used for originally
and it doesn't explain in the book, either.

Does anyone know? 

I love using unconventional planters. 

Here some Scotch Moss grows 
in a wooden tool box lined with plastic, 
and an enamel cup. 

My Dear Father made the patriotic eagle
when he was a young man, out of molded aluminum.

He was a tool and die maker. 

I've shown you my galvanized tubs before. 

I am very pleased with how the plantings
have held up over the winter. 

So pretty! 

I had some company today! 

Kai and Whitey Bear, my American Eskimo's
 are my little shadows. 

I had some leftover ivy, so I potted
them up and placed them on my pedestal. 

I love ivy in the winter garden. 

Candytuft in a pot is already starting to bud. 

These warm temperatures have everything confused. 

I was so surprised to see this little bee! 

He was flying from bloom to bloom. 

Along with this little fellow. 
Anna's hummingbirds stay here year round.  

Even my old girl, Maggie, came out to 
enjoy the sunshine. 

She is almost 18 years old now. 
She's definitely slowing down....

Me too! 

These winter days go by so fast, 
and as the sun drops low on the horizon
the air chills quickly. 

Shadows get longer....

Kai takes one more romp....

I snip blooms to take inside....

It was a beautiful winter day. 

My work is done. 

Outside anyway......

Time to cook dinner! 


Thank you, Dear Friends for your 
sweet visits and kind comments. 
You always make me smile. 


A faithful friend is a secure shelter;
whoever finds one has found a treasure. 

Won't you join the fun? 


  1. Goodness Karen, there is so much beauty in this post. We are having a mild winter here, too but it's still too cold for flowers. Today it rained and cleaned up a little more of our snow. :) Lots more coming though, I'm sure. I bought a primrose yesterday just to cheer me up as I so need some colour these winter days. Your new flower planter is so beautiful. Your son knows his mom well. :) Thank you for sharing your flowers. And do give that beautiful Maggie a hug for me. That is a special cat name to me as I had a gorgeous persian cat named Maggie for 18 years and my grandmother's favorite cat was named Maggie, too. I hope your M is doing well in her senior years. Take care, Deb

  2. With no snow, that does look like a beautiful, winter day!

  3. Karen, I am so tempted by your flowers. Mine are hidden in the snow but I am enjoying looking at gardens online. Your planter is lovely in that gray color. Your furry friends must be just soaking in all the sunshine and warmth! Thank you for sharing your touch of early spring with us!

  4. How beautiful, Karen...such lovely photos! Primroses always remind me of SPRING!!

  5. I can't believe you are planting primroses and we are having snow....Oh my.....So glad you can enjoy temps in the 60's. Perfect weather to enjoy your wonderful deck and that view. Your furry friends are enjoying being outside too....I hope it continues of you...

  6. I have planted primroses too, and they grace the front porch. Your plantings are certainly standing up well to the winter weather - they all look very fresh!

  7. Your containers are stunning Karen! Love Love Love that moss you have growing in your containers! I was wondering where you got the moss…your garden?? And the piece that your son got you is so cool! I would love something like that for my space! I can't get over how warm it is by you and all of the beauty that is in your garden already!
    Lovely Wednesday to you friend! Nicole xoxo

    1. Hi Nicole, Aw, thanks for the sweetness! I actually bought the moss at the garden center last spring - it is called Scotch Moss and is something people use between stepping stones in the garden (at least that is what it said on the tag). I hope to find more of it this year to line some of my pots with. Hope you are having a good week with your little beans! xx K

  8. Dear KAren, my friend, thank you for those lovely pictures! It really looks like Spring is coming! Sun, flowers ...oh, I am looking forward for spring so much!
    We have a lot of rain at the moment, and no chacne to do something outside, too wet everything ...
    Thank yo for sharing wonderful pictures and big hugs to all your pets :O)
    Love, hugs and blessings, and a wonderful rest of the week,
    Claudia xo

  9. Dearest Karen,
    What a surprise such a sunny and warm day; like a winter gift!
    Your plants look so very special and the Anna's Hummingbirds are like a miracle all through winter. It all gives so much joy!
    Don't trust going outside, it was milder here as well but my back is hurting me so hard (upper part to the center left...). Guess I did too much by catching up on all the work and pulling that dinner for 12 off last night here at our home. Got lots of compliments but I'm not feeling well today. Dread it to lie down... Rough when you cannot take anything for the pain (because of kidney problems).

  10. It's so nice to be able to brighten up your terrace with some colourful flowers. You can see them each morning when you wake up. Yesterday I was raking some leaves in what I call my wild area, and saw some of the primular are already in bloom, Everything is so flowering so early this year, I hope we don't have our winter late, which sometimes happens. Enjoy you colourful flowers.

  11. Beautiful flowers!!!!
    I wish it was already spring...

  12. Lots of colour and the hummingbird photo is brilliant x

  13. Hello, your primroses are lovely. I am envious of your sweet hummer. And your furbabies are adorable. I hope we warm up soon, we need to melt some of our snow. Have a happy day!

  14. Don't primroses just make you smile, Karen? They're so bright and cheery and add such great color to wherever they are placed. Your son knows you well with that sweet gift! My local nursery had primroses on sale yesterday, and I didn't get over there. Maybe they'd give me the sale price today? Happy planting and growing! xo

  15. How wonderful to have those warm temps to garden by! And in january! Those primroses are so pretty. I love the container. All of your plantings look so nice!

  16. How lucky you are to be enjoying some warmer temps this winter. Your flowers are gorgeous and look even better in that fabulous old container! I love it! Thank you for stopping by to share with us at Talk of the Town.

  17. The weather here in NC has been crazy too. We had a winter storm last week and highs in the 60's next week... I'm looking forward to getting out a bit. Pretty pics! I love galvanized any and everything!

  18. Dear Karen, I just love your vintage metal planter! What a thoughtful gift from your son. The primroses look great in it and I think painting the pots gray payed off. Now their color goes so well with the one of the planter.
    The little pansy posy that you brought indoors is sooo... sweet.
    Off I go in the garden to plant some bulbs now, that are waiting way to long in the garage...
    Warm regards,

  19. Hello Karen, first of all I want to thank you for following my blog. You left a comment, but some how it erased before I could read it. I also had over thirty followers vanish from my friend connect. This has been going on for over a year but today took a turn for the worst. I am not a computer wiz, so I just let it go. I was sure that you found me through Sherry, so I visited her blog and there you were :) I live in the middle of the state and we are having some warmer days for this time of year too, and lots of rain. which is a nice change for us. I hope it means that we are in for a great growing season this year.
    I truly enjoyed reading your post and seeing all of your early gardening. I keep looking for signs of my tulips popping through the ground, but not yet . . . we have seen them start this time of the year before . . . but it is early. Well, I am happy to meet you and thank you again for following.
    Connie :)

  20. Me again. I think that your box might be an old P.E. locker. We had some like that back in the 60's.

  21. hi karen, i have the same container for my tea, it has a nologistic feel that i like!! my garden center has primrose as well, i usually plant them in the ground, in early march. pots is a good idea as i could place them outside during the warmer days and bring them in at night. i like to find unusual items to plant in/use as flower pots. my choices seem to initiate interesting conversations!!!

  22. I am always in awe of your amazing view! It is much warmer there than here! Nice you had a day to enjoy outdoors!

  23. I am with you ....the unconventional planters are the best to show-off your flowers or plants. Lovely photos of outside. We have been in the 60's too.. Lovely weather to be outside in...

  24. Thank you for sharing your beautiful winter day. I always love seeing your pansies.

    Love the planter your son gave you. It looks really nice on your potting table.

    Have a nice evening and a wonderful tomorrow ~ FlowerLady

  25. Hi Karen, I have admired your photography for a while, but just had to comment on the amazing photo you got of the hummingbird, just beautiful!

  26. Oooops, didn't mean to post as "unknown"

  27. I love the primroses, they are always nice and cheerful, along with the pansies. Thanks for sharing such a lovely day.


  28. What a thoughtful gift from your son! I don't know its original use but that industrial look is very hot right now. I am amazed how you can keep things green this time of year. We might also if we were oriented that way. Brown thumb here! Your furry helpers are adorable!

  29. What a thoughtful gift from your son! I don't know its original use but that industrial look is very hot right now. I am amazed how you can keep things green this time of year. We might also if we were oriented that way. Brown thumb here! Your furry helpers are adorable!

  30. Oh how lovely! Flowers and hummingbirds and even a bee for the soul!! Just fills me up. So envious of such mild weather and I think it would just energize me to be able to feel warmth like that - bet you enjoyed every second!! Your planter and flowers are just beautiful. And your companions adorable!

    Thanks for sharing dear Friend. Send sunny warmth on over this way. ;)
    Blessings xoxo

  31. What a beautiful post. I love all of your potted pots and planters, gorgeous colours, and the view from your balcony is stunning.
    You are so lucky to have a humming bird visit. Hopefully Maggie is happy just to watch the wildlife now.
    Spring is my favourite season :)

  32. The planter looks wonderful, and I love how you have filled it with the sweet and colourful primroses. That Scotch moss in your other pots is amazing too! A beautiful day for you to potter around the deck and tend to your flower babies :) What could be better?!

  33. Hi Karen, Love your plantings. The planter is wonderful and your primrose is so pretty. Looks like a warm day perfect for doing some gardening, Your company looks like they are enjoying the day as well.
    We are predicted to warm up for the weekend up to 75 degrees. I am planning on getting out in the garden too.
    Blessings and have a great weekend ahead. xo

  34. wow -- that picture of the hummingbird is wonderful! I can't even imagine hummingbirds and primroses and pansies here in Michigan right now. We have months to go (to May!) before we can start thinking of that. It must have been delightful to get outside and plant. Love the planter your son got you. And your sweet old kitty getting some sunshine. :) And I can never get over your view of the mountain. Stunningly beautiful!
    Blessings to you, Deborah

  35. Karen, I could get used to winter days being like that! It sounds lovely, and I so enjoyed the photos of the bee, the hummingbird, and the cat. And of course the view is always lovely. Enjoy your flowers. We will see flowers sometime in May. :-)

  36. Hello Karen. Seeing your winter garden has been a joy and to know that the weather has been good enough for you to get outside and enjoy planting up your sweet primulas (primroses) and the ivy makes me happy, my friend. The little pansies give such pleasure. There are so many beautiful touches that I've enjoyed; the gift from your son of the vintage planter, the other planters, pots you have painted and the eagle your father made. The bees and the humming bird are happy to visit you. Have a lovely day whatever you're doing today.

  37. Karen, Your posts are always eye candy, but you have outdone yourself here. Just seeing your beautiful flowers lifts my winter spirits. And your precious dogs and cat. I have 3 hummingbird feeders in the summer, but can't imagine keeping up with them year round.
    I am no help on the mystery crate. :)

  38. Oh how wonderful to have had such lovely temperatures to enjoy and your little potted gardens are looking wonderful, I like the fall colors in the one ivy, that is so neat that the hummingbirds hang around all winter long, I have to remember to get my feeder out when the time is right for our area. They say we are going to be blessed with 60 degree weather on Saturday, I bet everyone will be out and about that day enjoying the warm temps. Have a wonderful remainder of the week!

  39. You are my gardening inspiration, sweet friend. You always inspire me to get outside, soak up the sun, and play in the flowers :)

    It has been warm here as well {cold in the mornings}, but by afternoon it's in the upper 30's. Yes, that's quite warm for us {{smiles}}

    Lovely post, dear Karen. Thanks for sharing with Roses of Inspiration. Hugs!

  40. Lovely photo's with a spring feel to them Karen! Beautiful gifts by your son and primroses.

    It's relatively warm in The Netherlands as well. I hope it will stay like this, so that I can get into my garden!

    Have a lovely weekend!

    Madelief x

  41. Your containers - new and existing - all look so pretty don't they! Lovely to have pretty flowers to look out on. xx

  42. Your son has quite the eye for fabulous gifts! Love the planter and the primroses look so good in it! We are supposed to be in the 50's in the northeast next week! Crazy weather.......

  43. Hi Karen, thank you for providing a taste of Spring. I won't be seeing any Primrose for a while yet. I just love the vintage planter your son gave you. I have no idea what it was originally but it's perfect as a planter. I enjoyed seeing all your animals. You are so lucky to have hummingbirds year round, ours are gone until the spring. I can't wait for their return. Take care and enjoy the rest of your week.

  44. Hi Karen, thank you for providing a taste of Spring. I won't be seeing any Primrose for a while yet. I just love the vintage planter your son gave you. I have no idea what it was originally but it's perfect as a planter. I enjoyed seeing all your animals. You are so lucky to have hummingbirds year round, ours are gone until the spring. I can't wait for their return. Take care and enjoy the rest of your week.

  45. Primrose add such a pretty bright spot of color. I hope we get some of that warmer weather down our way soon.

  46. So beautiful! How special to see the bee and the hummingbird! I miss my hummingbirds this time of year :-) Can't wait for warmer weather. Enjoy the weekend!


  47. Wow Karen, you are so lucky with you nice weather and 60 degrees! We had 26 inches of snow here and it is melting slowly. I love how you painted the pots such a pretty color and they look beautiful in your new planter from you son. Thanks for sharing your pretty deck and I love how it looks so pretty and colorful. It looks like spring!
    Thanks for sharing this with us at Cooking and Crafting with J & J!
    Enjoy the weekend.
    Julie xo

  48. SO pretty! CANNOT wait until Springtime now! :)

    Thanks for joining Cooking and Crafting with J & J!

  49. Such a beautiful little hummer, and what fun that they stay the year around. I do love the hummingbirds, but they leave our cabin area about mid september, and then return around march. Your flowers look like spring is here. Think we get spoiled with these mild winters


Thank you for stopping by! Your comments are important to me and are very much appreciated. xx Karen