
Thursday, October 8, 2015

A Magical Season

This lovely season always catches my breath. 

Tawny grasses, russets and golds...

Glowing embers....

and bright bursts of flames. 

Gilded, still mornings, 
softened by mist.

Scarlet, magenta, 

 deep green and chartreuse, 

Coral and saffron,

cerise and sienna...

Amber and topaz,

persimmon and quince. 

How do you describe such heavenly hues? 

Nature's splendor is beyond mortal words. 

And so I am spellbound......

and rendered mute. 

Lost in a magical world. 


Thank you, Dear Friends for coming along.

And thank you for your lovely thoughts.

You color my world beautiful.


Today I am linking with:
The Run*A*Round Ranch Report - Good Fences

Won't you join the fun? 


  1. Pretty, pretty pictures and a lovely share. Always a blessing to stop in and say hello. Enjoy a beautiful day. My oldest daughter just came back from Spokane. She was training for her new job. She enjoyed it and my son-in-law was able to get a few days away from his work to join her so they spent a nice weekend in Seattle too. Have a lovely weekend Karen.

  2. brilliant colors! wonderful views!

  3. Stunning! I think you did a very good job describing these glorious colors and hues!
    It certainly does appear magical!
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  4. Oh I so love the scenery! Nothing more beautiful than autumn! Serene post. Love it!

  5. Your photos take my breathe away, all heralding in the season.

  6. Karen, what a joy it is to get lost in your magical world of lyrical descriptions and sublime photos. Enchanting!!

  7. The colors on those trees are just spectacular!

  8. Great post! Loved everything about it. Thank you.

  9. Gorgeous photos! Have a wonderful weekend!


  10. So pretty Karen!! In my humble opinion - October is the best month of the year!! And I think you just helped prove my case. :)

    Thanks for sharing and blessings to you! xoxo

  11. PS: Love your new header too! So pretty. ;)

  12. Such pretty photos...they should be on calendars! So lovely there!

  13. Karen, What beautiful, beautiful photos. I can "smell" fall in the air there. xo Diana

  14. Gorgeous photos and scenery. Makes me want to move to the west coast! :)

  15. Lots of color! I think you have more than your share! LOL I enjoyed the tour.

  16. Such beautiful photographs! Love the clouds, soft light, and brilliant colors!

  17. Dear Karen,
    thank you for those wonderful and magical pictures from all the wonderful colours of Autumn!
    wishing you a great and happy weekend ahead,
    filled with love and joy,
    Hugs and blessings to you,
    Claudia xo

  18. You're so lucky you can see such beautiful trees and colored leaves.
    I wish I could too.
    Have a great Friday

  19. Really Beautiful Karen, you know it, you live in the paradise.

    Marina, from the South of Spain

  20. Oh Karen it catches my breath too. Thank you for sharing your beautiful world with me or should I say all of us. HUG B

  21. Hello, Karen!
    Your photos do look magical. Amazing colours!
    Have a lovely weekend! xx

  22. Breath taking! Honestly, your photography talents are calendar-worthy.

    Since it's still very much summer here in Texas (temperatures in the 90's), I particularly love the cool, colorful fall landscape photos you've posted.

    As always, your blog is such a treat!!

    Marilyn (in Dallas)

  23. Oh yes, you have such a lovely assortment of the glories of Fall. My absolute favorite among these beauties is the "gilded mornings softened by mist" - stunning!!

  24. Totally fabulous, especially that carpet of yellow leaves. Have fun x

  25. Wow what a wonderful Autumn post, It's gorgeous. Great fences and such stunning colors on the trees. Purely delightful.

  26. Those firey red trees are awesome!

  27. Truly, truly beautiful! Such vibrant, living colors.

    Thank you for sharing. Not something we get to enjoy down here in s.e. FL.

    Happy Fall ~ FlowerLady

  28. Your photos are magical, Karen, and could be postcards, and/or notecards. They're just gorgeous and make me wish I could enjoy all of it with you.
    I also read your post on your dear're lucky to have them and they're luckier to have you as their caregiver!

  29. Lovely!! What God has made is so Wondrous!!!


  30. Stunning!!!! So easy to see why you would love it!!! xx

  31. I so agree there is just something magical and beautiful about this time of year, and you have captured it so nicely. Love how the colors just glow and are so intense. We are going out today to see if we can see any color, we are seeing little hints of it around here.

  32. Hi Karen! You have also such a beautiful blog! And I couldn't agree more; there's magic in the air!

  33. Stunning photos!!!! I love the beautiful changing colors!!!


Thank you for stopping by! Your comments are important to me and are very much appreciated. xx Karen