
Tuesday, September 1, 2015

A Little Ray of Sunshine

Sometimes it's not easy being 
a little ray of sunshine
in a world of stormy clouds. 

A bright spot among the gloom. 

Keeping a happy face
when those dark clouds gather
all around us is not an easy task. 

We must look inward and upward
to find our balance and keep our faith,
knowing that the light is always 
shining beyond the storm
 to guide our way. 

Many of us shoulder the burdens
of others as wives, partners, mothers, 
sisters, friends. 

We must find the wisdom and strength
within to be strong 
when those around us are struggling. 

We must be a beacon of hope
when those around us 
feel hopeless. 

This calls for reinforcements
of faith. 

We must take care of ourselves 
if we are to care for others. 

Taking time in quiet contemplation, 
doing things we love,
can restore our spirits 
once again. 

Tending to a little garden, 

Tidying up our home, 

Spending time with beloved pets, 

Eating healthy, 

Taking time for creative pursuits, 

Browsing through a beloved book, 

All these things and more, 
help to keep us centered
and restored,

So we can be a ray of sunshine
for those who need it most. 

How do you stay centered 
in the storms, dear friends? 

Today I am linking with:

Roses of Inspiration

Won't you join the fun?

'To be kind to all, 
to like many and love a few, 
to be needed and wanted by those we love, 
is certainly the nearest we can come
to happiness'

-Mary Roberts Rinehart-

'Kind words can be short and easy to speak
but their echoes are truly endless'

-Mother Teresa-


  1. You are a great ray of sunshine in my blogging world! I hope that you have lots of sunshine and sunshine friends in your life. xx

  2. Being well rounded and taking care of one's self is so important.

  3. Such a lovely post filled with beautiful photos and thoughtful words.

    Thanks for your visit. Pam

  4. Such a beautiful post. Very inspirational!

    Grace & Peace.

  5. I totally agree that we need to do things for ourselves so that we can give to others more freely. Love your pictures as you went a long!

  6. Karen, this is beautiful, and I really needed to hear it today, as I am going through some difficult times right now with a few different things. Thank you for being my "ray of sunshine" today. I appreciate it very much.

    love, ~Sheri

  7. Beautiful inspirational post Karen! Your post reminded me that I need to take care of myself first so that I can help others. I tend to just put on a smile and go go go....
    Thank you!

  8. Thank you Karen for such inspirational words. Sometimes I can feel sad but I have so much to be thankful for. I think in my older age I just don't like change but maybe I need to change a bit. Life is good and each day is a new day to make it the best. I am thankful too, to have met you via your lovely blog. My best to you. Pat xx

  9. Dearest Karen, all of your posts are beautiful and inspiring, but this one might be one of my favorites. Your are so poetical and lovely, my friend, and you always bless my heart.

    Thank you for sharing with Roses of Inspiration. Love and hugs to you!

  10. Dearest Karen,
    thank you for this wonderful post, those beautiful pictures and your great and inspirational words!
    Love and hugs and a blessed week to you,
    Claudia xo

  11. A beautiful post in all sorts of ways. x

  12. Hello Karen, what a wonderful post. You are inspiration to us all. Lovely images and words. Have a happy day and week ahead!

  13. Thank you, dear Karen, for your wise words and beautiful images!
    Blessings! xx

  14. What a beautiful post in words and photos. Very inspiring. Thank you so much.

    Staying centered ~ keeping heart and mind on Jesus, the author and finisher of my faith. Learning to be content in all things.

    Have a love day ~ FlowerLady

  15. I just love clicking over here to your wonderful blog. I know there will be beautiful pics and wonderful words to lighten my day every time!

  16. Beautiful words Karen and a lovely photo of yourself! I think you brighten up the 'blogosphere' with your always positive posts and sweet comments!

    Have a lovely day!

    Madelief xox

  17. You said it all! I can feel you put a lot of thought and feeling and experience into this mindful post. Thank you.

  18. Wow Karen, those were some powerfully, and thoughtfully written words. I so needed those today, and everyday. Yes, we must care for ourselves in order to help others around us. Thank you for your message today and always. Love and hugs are sent to you.

  19. Hi dear Karen !! Realmente bello el sol que entra por la ventana de tu casa

  20. Beautiful post Karen! Lots of sweet reminders for everyday with lovely pictures. Blessings to you! Diane

  21. Such a beautiful post sweet Friend. ;) I think you and I were cut from the same cloth and I would answer weathering those dark times just like you. Love love love. ;)
    Blessings! xoxo

  22. What a lovely post Karen. The pictures and the words that go with them are beautiful. Blessings to you. xo

  23. Dearest Karen~ First I must tell you that I was in need of this beautifully written post of encouragement. Since dad passed away my plate has been rather full with my mother and though I wish to do my best in caring for her needs I tend to forget about looking after my own needs.
    I was reminded by your words to do things I love so as to stay fresh in order to then be ready to care for others should they need love.
    It's easy to neglect one self and then what good are we to others? :-)
    I need some Debbie time :-) and I do not say that selfishly.
    Jesus is my strength and I look always to Him.
    Being outside and playing in my flowers gives me great joy and delight, followed by a lovely walk.

    Thank you for this wonderful reminder, you have blessed my heart, sweet friend.
    Joy! Debbie

  24. What a beautiful post Karen! I agree that if we don't take care of ourselves first, and are happy with ourselves, we cannot possibly help others properly. I love the photos of your beautiful home, it looks like such a peaceful and comforting place to be ... the special touches of wood and lace are perfect. Love your sewing room too ;)

  25. This was so well put together and just wonderful to read and see.

  26. Dearest Karen,
    My HP PC died, before we traveled to NYC... So I'm not yet up to 'normal' on my new Mac. But that will get better as my Amazon books arrive... Too much to learn on my own and too far away for having those One-To-One training sessions, it is 2.5 hr one-way driving! Will do that later as I get it established well enough.
    Guess Heather celebrated another happy birthday with family and friends!
    Sending you hugs and hope your weather is as lovely as it is here. The hot heat is over with, now it is a joy.

  27. Thank you for visiting my little corner of the world, Karen as that means I have discovered your lovely blog. (sigh) What a lovely home you have, it breathes an ambience of calm, rest and beauty. Then my eyes caught a glimpse of your book with Hollie Hobbie pictures...bliss. I am your new follower. I feel I am going to have the most wonderful time visiting your place of beauty each week!


Thank you for stopping by! Your comments are important to me and are very much appreciated. xx Karen