
Wednesday, June 10, 2015

An Ordinary Day

Hello Friends, I hope your week is going well! 

We've had ordinary days here, 
except that our little Weenie Baby
needs dental surgery on Friday. 

Here she is, just last Friday,
digging a big hole under the maple tree:)

Right now she is not feeling herself 
 and is curled up in a ball, 
on antibiotics and pain meds, 
so I have been staying close
to home and catching up 
on some much needed chores
while comforting her. 

I've caught up on my laundry and ironing;
 something I enjoy doing when 
I am not rushed.

My laundry sign says it all.....

I can just daydream as I wash, fold and iron,
looking out at the front gardens
and watching the robins and squirrels scurry
across the lawn.

 I think of the women who came before me
as I do these chores - my Grandmother's,
Aunt's and Mother.

Humble chores performed across time,
primarily by women,
each generation having it a little easier

I can remember my Mother and Grandmother's
pegging wash on the line nearly every sunny day.
I loved helping to carry the laundry in,
fresh and fragrant,
to be folded or
kept in large wicker baskets
 to be ironed later.

I couldn't wait to be old enough
to iron, as that meant I was
finally 'responsible'.

When I was 12 years old,
my Mother decided that I was old enough,
and I started with handkerchiefs
(my Dad always carried one),
pillow cases, and children's clothes.

With 5 daughters in the family,
( I was the eldest),
there were plenty of little dresses,
blouses and skirts to be ironed.

We had dress codes in school;
All girls had to wear dresses or skirts,
to the knee.

All boys had to wear button-up shirts,
no jeans, and hair cut shorter than
their shirt collar.

When you violated those rules,
your parent's were called
to bring appropriate clothing,
or you had to wear whatever was
in the 'nurse's office' supply closet.

These usually consisted of a few standard sized dresses,
shirts and slacks. No matter, they never fit right
and were years out of style.

Just facing the humiliation of
spending the school day in
the 'surplus' clothes was enough
to keep us in line.

Most of our parent's refused to
come to our rescue and felt it was
our responsibility to abide by the rules.

Those were the days before 'perma-press'
and everything needed a good 'pressing'.
As the eldest daughter, it was my 'responsibility'
to help out, and I loved to iron!
My poor Mother could never catch up.
My Grandmother's each had 8 children!
I can't imagine.......

This is what that free-loading Whitey Bear
did while I slaved away!

This is what happens to my beautiful day-bed
every night. It gets shrouded in doggy blankets.

I let him have his little siesta
because I had plans for him later.....

Bath time! It was a perfect afternoon for a bath
on the deck - 86 degrees in the shade!

Whitey is such a little gentleman, though.
He stood there stoically through it all,
including a hair trim.

Of course, I should tell you that I manually
hauled buckets full of hot water from
the kitchen sink, just for my little buddy's comfort.

And that when I was adding cool water
from my new 'expandable' cloth hose,
I heard a big hissing sound and turned
around to see the hose about to burst!

I didn't get too wet as I ran shrieking away.

Just an ordinary day......

Now that Whitey Bear was cooled off,
he was feeling pretty frisky.

I had to keep him tied
until he dried,

Or this is what would happen....

So he got a treat,
and I decided that I needed one, too.

Fresh strawberries.

And my new issue of Romantic Homes.....

Along with everything to give myself a much needed mani-pedi.

Pink and Proper for my nails,
and something bright and happy for my toes.

The Bavarian rose plate is a recent vintage find
from one of my favorite blogger's Etsy site.

You can find Linda here @ Itsy-Bits-And-Pieces.

Pretty in Pink!

Whitey Bear back on guard duty.

I've been doing a bit of painting and potting
whenever I get the chance, too.

All of my pansies are done blooming,
so I am potting up heat-loving replacements,
which I will show you when I am done.

I have also been putting the finishing touches
on my sewing room updates, including this slipcover,
 and am almost ready to share.

I always have plenty of help selecting fabric :)

Peanut settles in for a little nap while I work.

I've also been cooking up a storm,
mostly light and healthy
to stay on my 'diet'.

I have lots of recipes and tips to share.
(This 'cream' of broccoli soup and whole-wheat scone
turned out delicious :)

This time of year, the daylight lasts until after
10:00 in the evening, here in Washington State.

It sneaks in on slanted rays,
creating rainbows of light, late in the day.

Maggie seems oblivious as the light dances on the wall,
my vacuum cleaner handle in the foreground,
as I stand, looking out from my laundry room door.

The light is refracted from this window
in the eaves of my bedroom.

It is the only window on that side,
and the beveled glass
creates prisms of light
during late summer evenings,
that dance around the room,
and even sneak out the door.

My very own Northern Lights!

Outside, the slanted rays create illuminating scenes...

as the last rays of light turn the tree tops golden.

Thank you, Dear Friends for your kind
and thoughtful visits.

It makes an ordinary day much brighter
when you stop by!



  1. Hi dear friend !, que bonitos momentos con esas queridas mascotas suyas , que bella puesta de sol en ese bosque ,,,Que tengas un óptimo miércoles

  2. Sounds like a pretty good day to me! I really enjoy being at home and either puttering or getting caught up. I can't wait to see you sewing room. Thanks for sharing you day with us!

  3. whitey bear all clean and fresh. i hope weenie baby will be okay.

  4. Dear Karen

    Ordinary days are lovely...
    Like your memories og grandmothers doing...


  5. How much loveliness in your photos of an ordinary day! The dog's shower in the veranda made me smile.A woman alone at home can do miracles for everybody and for herself!
    Thanks for sharing with us a slice of a little paradise Karen.

  6. What a great "ordinary day"!!!!

  7. Hope Weenie Baby is running about real soon. You have nice days and views my friend. Ironing....not a fan:):) Have a nice week. Hugs B

  8. Hello, I enjoyed the photos of your ordinary day. I love the cute heart banner at your window.
    I hope Weenie baby will be Ok! And Whitey bear is a cutie, very calm during bath time. The soup and strawberries look yummy. Wishing you all a happy day there!

  9. I love ordinary days at home, too, Karen. I hope your dear Weanie Baby will be ok and I loved seeing Whitey Bear all bathed and beautiful. Seeing the rainbow in your bedroom is such a delight and of course, I love your outdoor views...ahhhhhhh!

  10. You should write a book, I mean you really should! Your wording makes me feel like I'm actually there in your magical world! So beautiful. I never iron anymore, in fact I don't even own an ironing or ironing board. My mom loved to iron, she'd put it up in front of the t.v. and watch Phil Donahue.

    Whitey Bear looks so nice after his bath! Good luck to your other fur baby during the tooth surgery.

  11. Hi Karen, so sorry to hear about little Weenie Baby. I so hope she feels better soon. And, Whitey is so beautiful in his beautiful, white fur coat. I loved reading about your ironing adventures. My Mom too started me ironing hankies and pillow cases; which I still iron now along with everything else. It's always a joy to see your beautiful photos. I hope you are having a wonderful week. It's misting here this morning. Hugs, Pat

  12. Greetings from the wanderingwren with the chipped nails!!! I agree with Victoria, it's a skill to make all those domestic chores seem like a wonderful fun blissful day and you do! And to be so chirpy when your gorgeous whitey dog rolls in the back yard after a bath, you have such a lovely way of writing about your ordinary day that makes it seems extraordinary, I love that you're so appreciative of it all!
    Wren x

  13. It's always a pleasure to "visit" you and your lovely home.

    We have 4 fur-babies, and it's so hard when they don't feel good. Don't you wish that they could understand that soon they will be feeling better? Feel better soon, Weenie!

    As always, the mountain views are stunning. How wonderful to be able to stand on a deck or look out a window and see such majesty every day! :-)

    Marilyn (in Dallas)

  14. Karen, I haven't ironed in sooooo long, however I do laundry every day. Ironing is not required here, as we just wear our casual clothes every day. Wow, your school was pretty strict about what the kid's wore, was it a private school? I smiled when you talked about the women before us doing all the chores. I think about that too, especially my mom who did so much for her family. My grandmother had many kids also, and my mother-in-law had 10 kids - can you imagine! Whitey Bear looks so cute and even cuter now that's she's washed. The cream of broccoli soup looks delicious, and the views around your home are amazing. An ordinary day sounds wonderful around your neck of the woods, Karen.



  16. It was a joy and pleasure to join you for your beautiful day, my friend. Oh, how I love staying at home and enjoying the every day things.

    Thinking of you, sweet Karen. Love and hugs!

  17. It sounds like a pretty great ordinary day to me - well apart from the hose of course! I hope that you always have lots of great ordinary days - and some even more exciting ones too!! xx

  18. What a wonderful ordinary day! I love getting a peek into your goings on. ;)

    I can't even imagine the age of ironing all the time. Unlike you, it's not a chore I would relish. I'm very happy to live in the age of easy materials that come out wrinkle free from the dryer! Lol

    Such a good Mama helping take care of your furry babies there. It hasn't been that hot here yet - thank goodness! Makes an outdoor bath much more enjoyable to be sure.

    Your nail colors are lovely! I really need a pedi too. Thanks for the reminder. ;) I love that magazine too!!

    Your healthy food looks delicious!! Good girl - keep up the great work. And I love that light through that window. You truly live in God's country with all those amazing views.

    Thanks for letting me tag along on your day. Can't wait to see the updates to the sewing room!

    Happy days to you dear Lady. xoxo

  19. My mom used to iron in her "utility room", which had the laundry machines, sewing machine and enough cupboard space to match my entire kitchen! I loved to sit at her sewing machine while she ironed and we'd chat about this and that. I've always enjoyed ironing, especially doing the necessary ironing when I sew. I just love the smell of the steam on the cotton fabric :)
    Your Whitey reminds me of my Cody (who, funnily enough, we refer to as "Cody Bear"), and he likes having a bath too. He loves to be in the water, but he HATES that tickling feeling he gets when he's finished and will roll and roll in the grass (or mud!) if I don't keep him inside until he's dry. I think your ordinary day is quite pleasant. Thanks for sharing.

  20. Hello Dear Karen, it is so nice to be able to visit with you! It seems like it has been forever and ever long.

    I loved hearing about your ordinary day. :-)
    I too have enjoyed ironing since I was a little girl. In fact, I was allowed to iron shirts for my mother's friends husband's at the age of 8, and I made 25 cents a shirt, that's pretty good money for 48 years ago. :-)
    You have s cute laundry room that must make it all the more enjoyable.
    I think finishing off your day with a little pampering of your feet and hands was a delightful treat to yourself. Love the color you chose.

    Your photos of your area always bless my heart, Karen. Thank you for sharing your beauty with us.

    Sweet blessings ~ Debbie

  21. i absolutely loved spending this day with you and loved your ironing reminiscing, and days watching your mother iron. I remember when i was a little girl getting a toy iron and ironing board for christmas and helping my mother by ironing the towels. I could hardly wait to grow up and have this to do.......... What can I say about that thinking. Looks like whitey does the same thing my zeke does after a bath. Looks like you had a lovely and peaceful day, and loved your photos and narrative as always!

  22. Your days look so wonderful Karen!!! How I long for a view in my laundry room! Instead mine is in the basement but you have inspired me to fix it up down there!!! I hope your sweetie feels better soon!! And how dreamy to take in those views with a great magazine and a little pampering! I enjoyed hearing the stories of your youth as well...what a helper you were!! Here is to a fantastic weekend!!!! And I can not get over how long it stays light by you!!! Take care! Nicole xo

  23. Poor weenie baby not feeling well, our dachshund had to have a few teeth pulled her a few months ago and she was so much better after, was her old self again. Love the quilted hearts, they are so pretty. Ironing is not one of the chores I care to do, in fact I usually try to find clothes that I don't feel will need ironing. You are blessed with such beautiful scenery!!

  24. Dearest Karen,
    You are right about the long daylight up north. We noticed that again when we went to northern Michigan to visit Mackinac Island. Amazing long days, just like back in The Netherlands 32 years ago when we still lived there.
    Yes, ironing is one of those women's chores but I always loved doing so!
    Before our 8-day vacation I'd done lots of laundry but coming back, of course there's a lot to do again.
    Whitey Bear is unbelievably sweet! Hope the dental surgery for Weenie Baby went well.
    Sweet pets!
    Sending you hugs,

  25. What a lovely day! First let me say, poor little Weenie Baby! Hope that surgery goes well. Your memories of ironing reminded me so much of my childhood too....Mom sprinkling the clothes with a shaker coke bottle of water to place in a plastic bag to get the wrinkles soft before she ironed them. I remember ironing handkerchiefs and pillow cases! I too cannot imagine what it must have been like for our grandparents and great-grandparents, especially with such large families. Of course, every child did a boat-load of chores, so there would be daughters to help iron. I only have a half a dozen things that "need ironing" and I usually keep them in my sewing room closet until I absolutely HAVE to have one to wear (or my hubby does) and then I will iron that one piece. I hate it. Of course, with quilting, I am jumping up and down to iron every step of the piecing process, but that is just something I can't avoid. Don't mind doing laundry...I love the freshness and softness of the newly dried clothes and towels and sheets, and I love to fold them and put them away. And look at you, doing your own mani-pedi! Your nails looked beautiful! Guess you had to get the puppy-wash out of the way first. :-) Have an awesome weekend, Karen!

  26. Your ordinary day sounds lovely Karen. I enjoy reading your childhood memories. Hope your little dog will feel better soon!

    Madelief x

  27. In Brittany as well, it's still light by 10 pm at that time of year and I love how the sun comes in the house from windows that don't get any sun at other moments of the year.

  28. When I was a kid, probably about 8 or so, I asked my mom if I could iron. Gee, my mom must have had 80 hankies!!! Or so it seemed. Eventually, I got very bored, but I wouldn't whine about it. I suppose I even asked to do it a few more times, because the memory seemed to have escaped me! Eventually, I didn't ask to do it any more. She used to iron in front of the TV when "her stories" were on. I supposed she was entertained while she ironed, but I wasn't. When I was working, I didn't mind ironing and spray starching my shirts. I had it down to a science! Now, it's usually T-shirts, and every once in awhile I will iron a shirt if I need to make an impression. Thanks for the memories...I think!

  29. Hi Karen,
    I love to read your memories from the ironing chores ... Going back to the day when my mom taught me to iron ~ starting with the handkerchiefs and pillow cases as well :) I still like to iron - there's something relaxing in ironing.
    I hope you can manage the heat ~ the view is just wonderful, and I like your own 'northern lights'!
    Have a wonderful week,

  30. I remember ironing my father's white cotton long-sleeved dress shirts along with pillowcases, hankies, tablecloths, and blouses. We had a built-in ironing board in the kitchen which was pretty neat. I rarely iron these days. How times have changed!


Thank you for stopping by! Your comments are important to me and are very much appreciated. xx Karen