
Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Weekend Scenes and Some Thrifty Finds

Hello, Dear Friends, I hope you had a lovely weekend! 

Here in Western Washington State
we had unsettled weather with snow in the mountains. 

The temperature was in the 30's for several nights. 
My flowers seem to be none the worse for wear,
although we did a bit of shivering ourselves. 

We are most grateful that is all Mother Nature 
has thrown our way. 
Others are not so fortunate
and are in our thoughts and prayers.

We even had a beautiful rainbow for a few 
brief moments. 

This time of year, the setting sun is past
the nearby hill that cuts off the
slanting rays during the winter.

This gives us beautiful rainbows
when conditions are right.

On Saturday I took my usual trip to the market
(as Grandmother Bea, and my Dear Mother used to say :)

This raspberry farm is coming along nicely. 
I can't wait to stop for some fresh berries
straight from the farm! 

You can see the dark clouds banked up against
the foothills. 

I had a bit of fun and stopped in to my 
favorite thrifty vintage store to see what treasures
I could find. 

I found a pretty little white creamer. 
(The one on the left)

I was happy when I turned it over....
For many years I collected blue Franciscan dishes,

but now that I have changed over to white,
I have been looking for vintage pieces
to add to my new Martha Stewart collection. 

My sweet Mr. hung a new shelf over my stove
this past weekend, too. (1961 Hotpoint)
The camera angles make it look crooked -
but I made sure he used a 'level' :), so I know it is straight!

I say 'new' shelf, but it was actually made by 
my daughter, Jennie, in shop class when 
she was in Jr. High. 

It was hanging in another room and I always 
wanted to see if it would look nice over my stove. 

The Mr. was in a handy-man mood, 
so I was in luck! 

Can you tell the materials were supplied 
from scraps during our home building? 

I just love this little shelf. <3
It's a little rustic, but that is perfect for my country home.

The gray tray is vintage enamelware that I found many years ago.
I use it for nearly every family holiday. 

The beautiful clay casserole dish was another 
thrifty find. A wheel of brie fits inside perfectly. 
The top can be flipped and used as a shallow compote. 

I covered a plain recipe box with scrapbook paper. 

The Mr. put a hanger on the back of my 
shadow box so I could hang it.

I love the mini-replica of my little teapot! 
It is a timer :) 

A mini potato masher also imitates 
the one I use.

This heavy milk glass tray also came home with me
this weekend.

I believe it was once a refrigerator tray.

I also found this vintage style salt canister
in my thrifty sleuthing.

It fits perfectly with my collection
on top of the Kitchen Queen.

My Kitchen Queen was a wreck when my Mr.
found it.
He brought it back to usable condition
and I painted it 'buttermilk'.

It lived with my Mum for a few years
before it came back to me.

I also found this wonderful brass pitcher
and two vintage books this weekend.

Daughter Heather's wedding photos hang on the wall.

I love the warm glow of vintage brass against
my rustic wood walls.

This is my entry - a place for keys, gloves
and mail and a quick look in the mirror
before coming and going....

Family photos remind us of what it's all about.
I want to craft white paper roses for the brass pitcher.

My recent book find.

I have several of these 'Mrs. Southworth'

They all have lovely covers.

This is the copyright page.

The opening lines....

I'll have to read this sweet book sometime.

I also found 'Selected Works of Thackeray'.

Interesting that he dedicated this book to Queen Anne.

Obviously this is many editions later.....

Thackeray is a bit rich for the blood,
but interesting if you can get a handle on
the 'language'.

I was very excited to find this hand-painted
'Posie Picture' on unframed canvas.

I haven't found a new painting for my collection
in a long time.

I knew just where I would hang it.

In my tiny guest powder room.
This is one room that everyone visits :),
so I like to change the art often.

Speaking of powder -
I dropped my new face powder compact
and it knocked the powder out which
broke into pieces.

I put it back as best I could,
but now it is 'loose' powder!

I hate when that happens...

This sweet basket came home with me, too.
I have a soft spot for baskets.

The green pot is biodegradable bamboo.
I just discovered these - they are very sturdy
and inexpensive.

I used half of a plastic produce, 'clam-shell' to line the basket.

I save these handy containers (they can't be recycled here)
for lining baskets for planting, starting seeds,
and transporting food.

The last thing I found are these wonderful decorating books.
Although they are not vintage,
they have beautiful vintage
decorating ideas.

I had fun shopping for vintage finds
this weekend and helping my Ramblin' Man
hang my 'new' shelf.

He is back to Ramblin' once again,
so I will be spending some time
organizing my sewing room
while he is gone.

I will give you a little peek
when I am done!

I have a special project to sew....
I have to keep it a secret for now,
but will share it when I am done.


Wishing you all a lovely week ahead!

Have you found any vintage treasures lately?


Linking with: The Enchanting Rose - Roses of Inspiration
My Salvaged Treasures - Vintage Inspiration Party
Ivy and Elephants - What's It Wednesday

Ivy and Elephants


  1. sweet little shelf! and i love the brass pitcher - looks like a very handy weapon if the need arises! :)

    1. So funny, Tex! Thanks for pointing that out - it's always nice when household items have multiple uses! :)

  2. Your "new" shelf is beautiful, and if it could indeed be called rustic it is in the most perfect of ways. It goes so well with your lovely mountain home and looks perfect there over the stove with all of your other pretty things! All of your white china pieces are so lovely and look very nice together. Have fun with your secret sewing project!! Sounds interesting. xx

  3. You found some fantastic things, Karen. I LOVE the shelf over your stove and all the better because it was made in shop class. What a fun piece. You have some really great collections going on there.

    As always, thanks for visiting my blog as you do! xo Diana

  4. I love your stove! I love all the vintage pieces you found as well. I just hate to drop powder, blush, or bronzer. It's so expensive to replace! I have some robin's egg blue Franciscan china that I found at a vintage store.

  5. Gorgeous fields, skies and rainbows - I love when you share Washington beauty. ;)

    I love all of your wonderful treasures! I SO love your dishes - they just fit your house perfectly too. Your stove is just the coolest by the way.

    Your Mr. did a great job on the shelf. Lol It really looks nice there too. You're such a Gal after my own heart with vintage finds, books, baskets - love love love. You've given me the itch to go vintage shopping one of these days soon. I'm due for some "new" treasures as well.

    Can't wait to see sewing room and secret project!

  6. You did great with the vintage items! They look like the kind of things I go for too. We stopped by a new shop and bought a few goodies - I'll share soon.
    I can't wait to see your sewing room. Isn't blogging fun? We can peek into others' homes and get good ideas to use:)

  7. Dear Karen, my friend, you found so wudnerful treasures and I love to see your kitchen again! What a wonderful place, I love the wood on the walls, it makes it warm and comfy :O)
    Sending Love and hugs and blessings in your day,
    Claudia xo always is a great pleasure, to meet you here :O)

  8. Wonderful scenes and vintage treasures.
    You have found a very beautiful place to live and created there a lovely, warm, welcoming home.
    Thank you for sharing! xx

  9. Ooooo....I love that Kitchen Queen cabinet! Would love to find one for our Guest House, which is an old farmhouse. You certainly had a successful shopping weekend. I love it when that happens!

  10. Hi Karen, I never get tired of looking at the beautiful mountain! You found some very vintage items too! Take care and enjoy the week!
    Julie xo

  11. Wonderful finds, and I adore your kitchen. Wishing I could just pop over for a cuppa and visit with you there!
    Have a lovely one, Karen!

  12. I loved the rainbow picture and your other nature pics, as well. You sure did find so many wonder treasures for your homey kitchen, which I adore! The posey picture is so pretty, as well as your entry way pieces. The shelf looks right at home above your stove. I look forward to seeing what you've done in your sewing room.

  13. You sure got some wonderful treasures to add to your sweet home. The shelf looks great over your stove.

    Have a great day ~ FlowerLady

  14. Karen, wow so many treasures your found for your home. I like many of them, and I don't know where to begin.....first of all, I love all the white items in your kitchen. I also have white in my kitchen because my countertops are a smoky grey, and thought white would look nice with it. hehehe the mini tea pot is so funny, and looks perfect above your real tea pot. What a treasure that shelf is that your daughter made in shop class. That white vase is so unique on top of your cabinet. And I LOVE the brass pitcher and the vintage book, Em's Husband. The white paper roses will look beautiful in it. I just found a couple things while I was out shopping yesterday too. It was from an eclectic shop and I'll show it tomorrow. Do you like eclectic stuff as well? For some reason, my heart sings when I walk in that store.

    Have a good week, Karen.......and thank you for the rainbow. It made my day. :~)


    1. Thank you for stopping by for a sweet visit, Sheri! Yes! I love eclectic! My whole house is one big eclectic smorgasbord! :) I love shops that make the heart sing, too. <3 xo Karen

  15. Oh my mercy! I love it all.....YOUR STOVE is beautiful! Such wonderful pieces you have! Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  16. How beautiful do you live! Thanks for being follower of my blog,

    Regards Janny
    Roses pour Toujours (roses forever)

  17. I really like all the vintage finds that fit so perfectly in your beautiful home. The cream pitcher with the ruffled edge is so sweet. Your Kitchen Queen is an amazing piece as is your stove. Have a good rest of the week. Blessings. Pam

  18. Oh Karen, I just LOVE your home! I think I say that just about every time I visit you :) You add such love and care into your decorations and even through te pictures I can tell it's a warm and welcoming place.

    The rainbow....oh my, how glorious! I am always reminded of God's sweet promise. It's always a joy to have you share your lovelingess with Roses of Inspiration. Hugs to you!

  19. Dearest Karen,
    You indeed did find some very nice vintage pieces. Your decorating knack is quite obvious and you manage to create a warm nest to which all in your family will love to return to!
    Sending you hugs from a cold and rainy Georgia... Cloudy birthday for Pieter.

  20. I love looking at your photos. And the shelf has matching knobs to your stove! that I love btw!
    Yes, I have been finding treasures. About every Saturday (or Wednesday) when we go to the auctions. I am always dragging in stuff. lol.

  21. all your finds are what I would be looking for too and would have grab. But that heavy milk glass I've yet to come across - lucky you..wink!.

  22. Wow, you have a fantastic eye for good finds! Great. And thank you for the good fortune rainbow!
    Happy days

  23. Hello, first I may say I love the top two photos. Your views are gorgeous.. You have a talent for finding the treasures.. Your Kitchen Queen is awesome...And the shelf made by your daughter is wonderful, a keeper for sure..Have a happy day!

  24. Oh Wow how fun to have found so many wonderful goodies. Your daughter did a wonderful job on that shelf and it looks right at home in your kitchen.

  25. Your shelf is perfect right above your fabulous stove. I was going to say that it looks like it was made for your house, but it really was. Your thrifty finds are all so precious and you do such a wonderful job displaying them. Thanks for sharing at Vintage Inspiration Party.

  26. You found some great stuff! That shelf looks perfect hanging above your stove!


  27. I love that little shelf your daughter made. It looks perfect over your wonderful vintage stove.

  28. Oh, just too many good things here! Love those old books, that opening poem tells me it will be a good one. All your thrift finds are great. And how special to have a shelf your daughter made.
    Love the stove. We just had our 31-year-old Maytag washer repaired. We were told by several people never to get rid of it, they just don't make them like that anymore! I'm sure your stove is the same.
    And gorgeous rainbow, too!

  29. Hi Karen,
    Love the photo of the beautiful rainbow, and your amazing gorgeous finds... it all looks wonderful...Can't wait for a peek of your sewing room... Hugs May x x

  30. You had some wonderful finds, the beautiful brass pitcher, especially! The shelf is perfect above your nice to have a piece your child made. I have a clock my son made in class back in the 80's...a fun keepsake...

  31. Hola amiga querida !!! Que lugar más encantador !! Adore cada detalle country !! Y que hermosa montaña

  32. Karen, you certainly had a blessed time shopping and thrifting, my there are some lovely items you have graced your home with. Each and every one fits perfectly in your warm and cozy home.
    I have always enjoyed the photos you share of your stove, it is just beautiful.
    I too have one of those tiny tea pot timers. I never use it, just enjoy it's beauty in my country kitchen.

    Such a beautiful rainbow you have shared with us, Thank you.

    Have a beautiful week end.

  33. Hello sweet Karen
    So much wonderful inspiration in your post today!
    I love all your vintage finds, the lovely shaped creamer, the salt canister and those gorgeous books!
    Em's Husband sounds fascinating and I haven't heard of Mrs Southworh - I will ask Mr Google!!!
    The sight of the raspberry canes conjures up deliciousness to me!
    I'm still buying a little punnet of raspberries each week to jazz up my morning cereal - at a dreadful price but worth each bite to me!

    I love your gate leg table in the hallway Karen! I had an identical one years ago passed on to me by my husband's Aunt, sadly it was riddled with borer so it no longer graces our home - it is a great table in a small space and I miss it!

    I hope the weather is kind in your parts over the weekend!
    Love and hugs
    Shane x


Thank you for stopping by! Your comments are important to me and are very much appreciated. xx Karen