
Friday, April 17, 2015

Losing Myself - Five on Friday

Today I am joining Five on Friday 


 First off, on Monday, I decided - finally - to start 
a reducing diet. 

Since losing my beloved dog, Champ, 
I have not been as active as I used to be. 

Every morning we would take long, 
 brisk walks together - Champ, Whitey Bear, 
and I. 

But living on the edge of the wilderness
without my protector and guardian, 
I have been sticking close to home. 

So......both Whitey Bear and I have 
gained a few......:)

I am now on a reducing diet (as is Whitey Bear) 
of 1200 calories a day. 
To make this less painful, I have decided to 
make each meal special.

Breakfast and lunch are approx. 300 calories.  

Here I have a breakfast of 1/2 cup fat free cottage cheese, 
topped with 1/2 cup of pineapple chunks, 
and two whole wheat crackers. 

My sweet Ramblin' Man came home from 
his business trip with a bouquet of roses
that I am enjoying here. 

I am also enjoying an issue of Jeanne d' Arc Living
magazine. You can only get this magazine at 
certain shops. I am lucky that there is one close by. 
This magazine is sooooo lovely! 

This issue is called 'Lovely Summer Outdoors'
 I bought it last year.

For lunch I enjoyed a tuna salad wrap....

3 oz of water packed tuna
1 tsp light mayo
1 tsp Dijon mustard
1/2 cup celery
1 whole grain tortilla
1 handful greens
lots of tomatoes :)

I think my tortilla was on the small side....:)
I ate a bit of it and then wrapped the rest up. 

It was surprisingly filling. 

You can see my constant companion, Whitey Bear
acting very nonchalant....

He is hoping I might drop something. 

This song by Sting comes to mind...

'Every breath you take
Every move you make
Every step you take
I'll be watching you. 

I need to add, 'Every bite you take'! 

The new issue of Country Living magazine
was my reward. 


Over the years I have saved diet plans and recipes
for weight loss and kept them in a large envelope. 

I decided to create a notebook of my favorites to make it easy
to stick to my diet. I used plastic sheet protectors 
to insert meal plans and recipes and now my diet 'plan' 
is right at my fingertips. 

I categorized them into breakfast, lunch and dinner,
all between 300 and 400 calories, 
with ideas for 50-100 calorie snacks during the day. 
,  I just have to open my notebook to plan
my grocery shopping and meals. 

This keeps me on track. 

It is not easy to diet with a husband or family, 
so I have found recipes for dinner that will work 
to satisfy Ramblin' Man by giving him larger portions. 

A typical dinner looks like this:

3 oz chicken breast
topped with 1 tbsp nonfat yogurt, lemon juice
and rosemary
3/4 cups cooked brown rice
1 cup steamed veggies with a tsp of butter. 

For dessert and I can have fruit with yogurt
or sliced apples with a bit of peanut butter. 


This morning I had a whole wheat English muffin
topped with peanut butter and sliced bananas. 

Next week I will start an exercise routine
with a favorite CD. 

I want to lose at least 20 lbs. 

I have lost 2 already! 

It is a warm morning and I am out on my deck 
without a sweater! 

It is very quiet except for the occasional jet, 
a distant lawnmower, and barking dogs
on the next mountain, that gets Whitey Bear 
off his feet every few minutes to start 
a ruckus with Peanut and Weenie Baby! 

The hummingbirds are flying back and forth
to the feeders and chasing each other around
while chittering their territorial calls. 

Every once in a while a little breeze will get the 
wind chimes tinkling and send the scent of 
pansies my way. 

I threw a whole bowl of nuts in their shells
(from Thanksgiving) 
off the deck and into the woods the other day
and I can hear a Stella Jay trying to crack one open
(which gets the dogs to barking once more). 

A crow is calling in the distance. 

The tiniest iridescent blue winged insect is walking around
on my computer screen right now.
He could fit on the head of a pin.  

Life is amazing!  


I could sit here all day....
But duty calls and I have a busy day. 

This weekend we are attending a company dinner
at a waterfront restaurant. 

I hope to take photos of the setting sun on the water
to share. 

So this is my 'Five on Friday' 

Thank you for joining me today, Dear Friends. 

I will drop by to visit you later when I am done with my chores. 


Won't you join - Five on Friday ?


  1. This is a great post and I have to thank you for giving a guide of your 1200 calorie a day meal plan. I have taken note as I am trying to do the same thing. Loved your photos as always. I have been getting out and about now that the weather is warmer, so that is a good thing getting the exercise. So sorry about Champ, I know how you must still miss him very much.

  2. Well done you!!! I hope that you keep enjoying your delicious meals and seeing the results too!! Good on you! Thank you so much for joining in, it is great to have you taking part. I hope that you have a great weekend! xx

  3. Oh well done! Some of those meals look really special, I hope it works for you. Your dinner at a waterfront restaurant sounds glorious, looking forward to seeing the photographs. Have a great time x

  4. Hello Karen, I wish you luck with your healthy diet. Have a wonderful time at the dinner too. I love that photo of the mountain! It's so beautiful. Enjoy the weekend.
    Julie xo

  5. Oh, it's hard to lose weight, isn't it? But it sounds like you're on the right track, and you've already lost 2 lbs! I can just imagine in my head the sweet hummingbirds buzzing around each other. They are so precious to me. I want to plant a flower that attracts them, so they will come to me more often. I'm very familiar with the song 'Every breath you take,' as it was a favorite back in the day.

    Have a wonderful weekend, Karen. I always delight in seeing your home. Thank you for giving us a peek from time to time.


  6. I wish you luck on your weight lose. I am starting a diet too, but I keep putting off the start date:)
    Have a wonderful weekend! (And you should give us more meal ideas occasionally. They sound good and that is helpful!)

  7. Way to go on your weight loss, sweet friend! I hope your journey goes well and know that I am cheering you on :)

    Your meals sound not only nutritious, but also very appetizing. I agree with Cindy, you should give us more meal ideas :) Happy weekend, dear Karen. Love and hugs to you!

  8. You go Karen!!!! You can do it friend! And you have just inspired me to get back on track!! I have been trying to shed a few from being pregnant with the beans and these last few feel like they are just stuck to me! I am making note of some of your recipes and if you have anymore I would love to hear about them!!! Keep up the hard work buddy! And is beautiful! Nicole xoxo

  9. Dearest Karen,
    Well, on the contrary, I have to gain a few pounds... I've lost some recently due to family tensions and it hurts me because I see Dad suffer through it (well not actually see literally but you understand). Why is it that some people can't live peaceful?
    Sending you hugs and strength as your beloved Champs is no longer with you all.

  10. The view from your balcony is stunning - no wonder you want to sit there all day. Good luck with the diet. I've been losing weight since Christmas; it's a long, arduous journey but I'm beginning to feel the benefits. I have quite a lot of weight to lose so it's quite a challenge for me but I'm getting there. All the best, Judy.

  11. What a beautiful place to live. :-)

  12. Lovely photos and delicious meals! :)
    It was funny to know that Jeanne d' Arc Living magazine is known also where you live...
    I think that among all the bloggers I visit, you are the one with the greatest view (from your home). *deep sighs of admiration and envy*
    Have a great weekend!

  13. Hi Karen,

    Lovely that your Ramblin Man came home with a bunch of pretty roses.
    Good luck with the diet - I too am trying to eat more healthy food.
    Hope you have a lovely weekend

  14. Well done you! I went on a diet a couple of weeks ago and GAINED 3lbs!! I was good with no cheating so that was disappointing to say the least :-) Good luck with the ongoing weight loss, however from your photos lately I didn't think you would need to lose any! Give Whitey a big hug from me and thank you so much for your lovely comments lately - you are so kind xx

  15. Hi Karen! I admire your dieting discipline...I need to join you! Thanks for following This Sweet Life and leaving such kind comments. I look forward to reading your posts. :)

  16. Well done! I just love food and I´m always hungry and I have never been on a diet, oh dear, I guess I should be crazy!! I really admire your discipline Karen!
    Lovely pictures too...
    Have a beautiful weekend, take care!

  17. Life certainly is amazing, Karen, if we take the time to still ourselves and notice it. Well done on losing 2lb, if you picture it in terms of packs of butter it's a significant amount. Keep up the good work and have a good weekend. x

  18. Awesome Friday Five! We have gotten off track with our diet...this always happens! Gotta get going again. I wish you strength and fortitude with yours!

  19. I have never had a protector dog, but do understand loss. I have 2 cat companions right now and they mean so much to me. I always tell them they must live forever but know that will not happen. Have had many cats and a few dogs in my 63 years.

  20. It was really interesting following your week. I love how Whitey is always with you. One of the cat I rescued is beginning to follow me a lot more than before and I call him my cat/dog!

  21. Congrats on your weight loss, you are off to a good start.. And the meals sounds yummy to me.. I love your cute Whitey bear.. I am waiting to see my first hummer of the season.. Have a happy weekend!

  22. You can do it!I just ordered a weight loss program called 21 day fix. Shew not sure ill be able but gonna try.I winters are rough on me lol

  23. Good for you Lady - 2 pounds already!! I've been thinking the same thoughts as the warm season is heading our way I have a 25th school reunion late in the summer.

    I love that more fresh produce is in season - it makes it much more pleasurable to eat lighter. One of my favorites is chicken salad with grilled chicken, celery, grapes, apple and walnuts in light mayo on a lettuce cup I roll up like a wrap. Your folder idea is genius for the grocery store!!

    I've also been working on getting my miles on my fitbit each day and I'm linked with some friends which keeps me motivated with friendly competition as it tracks our daily steps between us. If you ever get one you can look me up and friend me! ;)

    Keep up the great work gorgeous Gal! Keep enjoying the beautiful Springtime and its precious moments. And keep being just wonderful adorable you blogland Buddy! xoxo

  24. Such an inspiring post - congratulations on the 2 pounds, Karen! Your meals look very delicious - we're eating with our eyes as well, so making a delicious table setting is half of the pleasure!
    Please keep on sharing your progress and some healthy meals!

  25. Ha! Must be a springtime phenomenon. I'm doing the same thing! I'm finding the 'MyFitnessPal' app for my phone to be so helpful! Thanks for your meal suggestions. I've got 2.5 lbs to go to reach my goal, then will start on maintenance. I have found 1200 to be very doable, but raise it a bit on holidays. :-))) Good luck. You're doing great!

  26. Great start, you will soon be walking almost everyday....the weather is turning. What a gorgeous view of Mt. Rainier. Have a great week.

    I use Fitness's awesome.

  27. O valor das coisas não está no tempo que elas duram, mas na intensidade com que acontecem.
    Por isso existem momentos inesquecíveis, coisas inexplicáveis e pessoas incomparáveis.(Fernando Sabino)
    Uma linda e abençoada semana!!!
    Abraços Marie.

  28. Hi Karen,

    I hope you are having a great week. Sometimes I wish I had your willpower. Good luck on your new diet plan. You're off to a great start!


Thank you for stopping by! Your comments are important to me and are very much appreciated. xx Karen