
Wednesday, April 22, 2015

In Celebration of Earth Day

Sunset over Olympic Mountains and Puget Sound
In commemoration of Earth Day, 
I want to share with you 
the beautiful sunset 
over Puget Sound, here in
the Pacific Northwest - Washington State. 

Vashon Island Ferry along Puget Sound in WA State
Earth Day was started in 1970. 

20 million Americans took to the streets
to rally for a healthy, sustainable environment.

The 1st Earth Day led to the creation of the
United States Environmental Protection Agency
and the passage of the Clean Air, Clean Water,
and Endangered Species Acts. 

You can read about the history
of this movement Here

Washington State Ferry disappearing across the Sound
Earth day is now celebrated
in 190 countries around the world. 

Seeking a healthy environment to raise 
a family, we moved to Washington State in the early 80's. 

Washington State is known for its environmental 
activism and pristine beauty,
but like all places on Earth, 
it takes each and every one of us
to care for this beautiful place
we call home. 

These photos were taken at Redondo Beach
last weekend. 

Thank you for coming along with me,
Dear Friends
to enjoy the pretty sunset 
along Puget Sound. 


Wishing you lovely sunsets, too, 
as we celebrate this special day 
honoring our beautiful home. 



  1. How very beautiful Puget Sound is. Happy Earth Day to you, too, Karen. xo Diana

  2. Just amazing Karen!!! Happy Earth Day to you!! And thank you for passing on the message! Such an important one for us all to embrace and do what we can! Happy Thursday my friend! Nicole xo

  3. I feel like we misssed the boat on celebrating the day. So we will have to make up for it. Your photos are a wonderful tribute to the mother ship! And I must thank you for the reminder. On the positive side, we will have our solar panels installed in the coming days. It makes so much sense in a place like NM.

  4. Dear Karen,
    thank you for those wonderful pictures of Sunsets and our so loved Nature!
    Hope, ouy had a lovely Earth Day! I have spend mine in the garden ;O)
    sending Love and Hugs and Blessings,
    Claudia xo

  5. Amazing, wonderful views!
    Belated happy Earth Day!

  6. Stunning sunsets and way to have celebrated Earth Day, we truly have a beautiful earth and you're right it takes each and everyone of us to care. Lovely post.
    Wren x

  7. Wow how beautiful! Thanks for sharing such beauty! Happy earth day! Have a nice day & end of the week!

  8. Gorgeous pictures of God's wonderful creation!!

  9. Such beautiful photos Karen! And AMEN to your sentiments that it takes of all of us pitching in and caring for this amazing blue planet of ours if we want to keep it around!! xoxo

  10. I never fail to admire the beautiful area in which you chose to live, Karen. The photos are simply stunning! Thanks for sharing the message and beauty with us.

  11. Such beautiful pictures, a perfect way to honour the Earth!

  12. Beautiful pictures and gorgeous sunsets.
    Thank you for this photo
    Best Wishes

  13. Just amazing! Its always so nice visiting your beautiful blog...
    Warm hug,

  14. Wish we had done more for our earth since that first Earth day.


Thank you for stopping by! Your comments are important to me and are very much appreciated. xx Karen