
Thursday, March 19, 2015

Country Roads with Good Fences

Whenever my spirits are low, 
and I have a case of cabin fever, 
a trip to the library
(and a country drive) 
is the perfect cure. 

Come along with me 
and we will lift our spirits together! 

First stop - the library, 
with lovely flowering trees
along the walkway. 

I always come away with an armload
of books. 
Gardening, cooking, crafts, 
auto-biographies and local history
are my favorites. 

Sometimes I find a best-seller, 
but those are usually already taken :)

Let's take a little drive through town. 

Pink petals carpet the roads. 

Vintage cottages have blooming trees. 
These are ancient Camellias. 

My favorite.....

The local history museum with sweet 
log cabin. 

A pretty garden behind a chain link fence. 

We leave the little town behind to do some
 shopping at the market,
in the larger town nearby. 

Flowering trees form a petticoat
under tall fir. 

Miniature donkeys in a pretty paddock. 

A tall privacy fence with escaping beauty. 

A neat, working farmyard. 


A Fairy dell. 

Wide open spaces behind us. 

An enchanting fence-line. 

Flowering mustard in a fallow field. 

Sunshine brought to earth. 

Mt. Rainier in the late afternoon sun, 
as we head for home. 

You can see my little mountain 
above the white barn. 

A plume of smoke rises above
from a spring burn.
Logging companies burn the 'slash' (leftover debris), 
although this is being greatly discouraged
now, due to air pollution.  

One of the last working dairy farms 
on the plateau. 

The creek runs high this time of year. 

Skunk cabbage along the side of my country lane. 

Just in time for waking hibernating bears. 

A favorite food. 

Home again. 

It was a lovely day. 

I hope this country drive 
lifted your spirits, too, 
Dear Friends! 


Today I am linking with:Good Fences


  1. Karen, I love all of your pictures but especially the ones of Mt. Rainier. I had the pleasure of going there once... let's see, 1956!! Okay, I am telling my age. We lived in Seattle for a short period of time and made a jaunt up the mountain. So beautiful

  2. Nice photos-love the pink blooms near the log cabin museum!

  3. i love all your blooming trees! gorgeous spring wake-up in your area! beautiful rural places and pastures. and the skunk cabbage is very cool!

  4. What beautiful, beautiful pictures. I love that little log cabin museum!!!!
    Your trees are all gorgeous as is the countryside and fences. xo Diana

  5. Love seeing those pink blossoms!

  6. That was a very beautiful ride, thank you :)
    And your favourite is mine also :))
    And I love all those blossoms - so many!
    Have a beautiful day

  7. I love their wonderful pictures and posts !!! goodnight-greetings from angie from Germany

  8. Thanks for taking me along! I had a wonderful trip. I'm so glad we didn't fight over our books in the library as we share a love for the same sections. Those flowering trees just make me smile, how about you? Getting out & breathing that Spring air hits the spot. Next time we go you need to let me treat us to a sweet & some tea. The least I can do since you drove.

    Until next time... Xo

  9. I had a feeling you were in that part of the country. No snow on the ground, I see, except for the mountains.

  10. Beautiful flowering trees and those mountains! Thanks for taking us along. It's so nice to get a peek at the back roads of another part of the country.
    I need to get to the library this weekend. I just finished a book and I can't be without one:)

  11. Beautiful early spring. I loved seeing the creek running high, the woods in early spring, and the skunk cabbage growing along side the lane. Lovely spring pictures. Thank you for showing them to us.

  12. I love making a trip to the library, too. And you have a lot of trees blooming right now that show up pretty with 'good fences'! It's a beautiful time of year. Happy Spring my friend. Hugs, Diane

  13. Dearest Karen,
    Loved the Skunk Cabbage; never had seen it before!
    And your area is looking like spring magic; such a drive lifts anyone's spirits up!
    Thanks so much for sharing this.

  14. I loved your favorite up there Karen! It was always a dream of mine to have a white picket fence!! And all of those blooming trees!! Amazing how far ahead of us you all are! Thanks for lifting my spirits friend!! Happy weekend to you buddy! Nicole xo

  15. Thank you for this wonderful drive, dear Karen, my friend!
    I love to see all the Blossoms.......beautiful!
    Happy weekend to you,
    filled with Love and hugs and blessings!
    Claudia xo

  16. These trees are so lovely, I love the pink and white flowers.
    It's spring time.
    Have a nice Friday

  17. Thank you for the lovely drive and so many beautiful trees! Wow! Your favourite is my favourite, what a sweet colour...
    Have great day!
    Love Titti

  18. Good morning, Karen, and Happy Spring! Your images are always a breath of fresh air and may I say that you live in such an enchanting place :)

    Thank you for the beautiful drive, sweet friend. Hugs to you!

  19. Loved joining you on your drive,.I love pink spring blossom. Such lovely views you have of your mountain. France has just banned all burning of left over tree cuttings,and we have to compost all garden cuttings or it has to be taken to a commune depository, for disposal. I've never seen Skunk cabbage before lovely bright colour for spring. Enjoy your weekend.

  20. I am also enjoying the early blooms all over my area of Oregon!!! Lifts the heart.

  21. Thanks for the country drive. I have cabin fever, as I am usually so active and this stroke has kept me home most of the time. I am just tired otherwise fine. What town are you near? I loved seeing the scenery, missing Mt. Rainier as I grew up in Seattle. Lovely countryside....thanks.

    1. Hi Karen,
      Thank you so much for your sweet visit! I can understand that you might have cabin fever, but important that you follow Dr.s orders! I am in between Orting and Enumclaw in the foothills - where the roads end! Hugs xo karen

  22. It was so nice going on that drive with you. I love that time of year when the first blooms seem like miracles after winter.

  23. Fantastic spring day photos, Karen! Love the flowering trees and the lovely countryside! Of the houses with fences, your favorite is also mine! That green color on the house, the white picket fence and the pink flowering tree makes it look like an illustration in a wonderful old book! And speaking of books, glad you found some at the library to bring home. Looks like spring is shaping up beautifully in your area!

  24. LOVE number 4 photo..I would love to live in such a cute house..wink!


Thank you for stopping by! Your comments are important to me and are very much appreciated. xx Karen