
Thursday, January 29, 2015

A Sunny Morning

We have had some beautiful mornings here in the 
foothills of the Cascade Mountains inWashington State. 

This was the temperature around 11 a.m. 
Last week we had an afternoon temperature over 70 degrees! 

I can't say this is unusual because I have noticed over 
the years that we always have a warm stretch around
the 1st of February for a week or longer. 

I have always scheduled my early spring cleanup
 in the gardens for this time.

I do have to admit that we have 
had an unusually mild winter, though,  

Our mornings have been much more subdued since
losing Champ. 
We are slowly creating a new 'normal'. 

Here you can see Weenie Baby peeking in 
through the glass door. 
(She is free to come in and out through the pet door)

She is enjoying the morning sunshine on the deck. 

I always put a dog bed out on sunny mornings
so she can sunbathe. 
My 'Glacier' pansies have started blooming in
this warm weather. 

This little 'Johnny Jump Up' self seeded among my succulents
from a hanging basket last year. 

It has truly brightened my spirits to see these sweet little faces
smiling up at me. 

Sunshine is very much appreciated, as winters 
here can be very gray and dismal. 

My 'accidental' crystal sculpture glows 
in the morning light. 

I had set them here with plans to pack them away
after the holidays, but when I saw 
how they captured the light the next morning, 
I let them stay. 

They make me smile. :)

My Ramblin' Man has been keeping me in flowers
to lift my spirits. 

And I've been keeping him in baked goods
to do the same. 

He's had a tough time the last two weeks, 
not only has he lost Champ, but his best 
friend and boss of 15 years will no longer be 
working with him side by side - 
a victim of corporate down-sizing. 

Of course his best friend will always be just that, 
but work will never be the same. 

He said that he just lost his two best friends :(

So as we move forward, we try to keep busy and stick 
to routine. 

Whitey is once again finding interest in our morning
walks, accompanied by Weenie Baby and Peanut, 
my daughter's mini-dachshunds who will be 
staying with us for a few months so my daughter
can save for a home of her own while living as a room-mate.

It was tough going for
Whitey since losing his best friend, and he wouldn't
even get up off his bed, but he is coming around
and starting to enjoy life once again. 

I have been busy in the sunshine, making piles of brambles
and weeds for Ramblin' Man to pick up on his days off! 

I like to keep him busy to take his mind off 
his troubles. *grin*

Look what I uncovered! Daffodils getting ready to bloom! 

These were planted years ago from a bargain bag
of assorted un-named varieties. 

They are always the first to bloom, planted
in the sunniest corner of the property. 

Isn't it surprising that Washington State, being so far
North, would have such mild winters?

We have a true maritime climate.  

It is not the same on the other side of the Cascade Mountains. 
Here we have a modified climate due to the warm
South Pacific jet stream that comes up from Hawaii, 
but when that stream shifts, we can get blasted
from Alaska and Canada. 

We are not done with winter yet! These daffodils have bloomed
in a foot of snow before! The snow never lasts long, though. 

We are considered a 'Temperate Rain Forest'
due to the copious amounts of rain we always get
in the spring, fall and winter, with moderate
temperatures - not too hot and not too cold.

The average temperatures range from 46 degrees
in winter, to 76 degrees in summer.

It is a wonderful climate, if you like moss! Anything that
stays stationary long enough gets a nice coating!

They joke that Seattle-ites have webbed feet!

It does give clay pots that lovely antique patina!

So while that sun is shining, I am taking full advantage
of it. I love getting a head start on my gardening chores.

I never know when Old Man Winter will strike again!

Sending loving thoughts and prayers to all of
my friends and family suffering through
 the storms on the East Coast.
I remember them well.


Thank you, Dear Friends, once again for your sweet
condolences for the loss of our dog, Champ.

I am glad to be back among you once again,
and will be catching up with all of you in the next few days.

'When the path that you're on turns surprisingly rough...
When wherever you're going, the going gets tough...
When you're giving your all but it's just not enough...
...all you need is a friend!'

-Jan Miller Girando-

from the book 'The Blessings of Friendship'

Mary Engelbreit



  1. Hi dear friend !, br que frío , pero igual brilla el sol y entra a raudales por esa ventana en su hermosa casa,,,que tenga un buen día

  2. I'm so glad that you're feeling a little bit better now. It's good to hear that Whitey has taken steps in his own recovery, and I'm sure those cute little dogs have helped him. We got our first real snow storm today, although there was no warning from the weather man! Heavy snow, freezing rain, and tonight it should drop to -10C, so everything will be frozen and icy tomorrow. So it was nice to see a few of your flowers blooming Karen, as they won't be showing any life here for a little while yet. Wendy x

  3. love all the sunshine streaming in. :) sweet pups to keep you company.

  4. Your weather does look great as do those daffodils!

  5. It just makes me sad that Champ will no longer be in your photographs; it's so hard loosing our four legged friends. Glad to know that Whitey is getting back to a normal routine....Your climate sounds wonderful. I would never have suspected that you would have so much warm weather....Hugs...

  6. Hasn't it been a mild winter!? We are basking in sunshine on Vancouver Island as well. Like you, I hope to get into the garden while the sun shines. I love your accuse tal crystal sculpture!

  7. Oh dear - auto correct is a terrible thing! Of course I meant accidental crystal sculpture!

  8. I'm chuckling at Pondside's auto correct above. Too funny. It's nice to see your post today Karen and to know that you are doing ok and trying to move on. You certainly are blessed with great winter weather especially right now. We had the big blizzard earlier in the week and another storm is coming on Saturday. That's winter in the east. ;) Take care and enjoy your gardening. Hugs. Pam

  9. So many beautiful photos. Whitney is lucky to have the weenies visiting. It does sound like a perfect climate, and certainly a rainforest. When I visited some years ago, it rained for the entire ten days. In contrast, as soon as Christmas is over here, it is going to begin to get warm. I have almost finished planting my first growing season garden. I'm just waiting on the tomatoes, because the cold nights a couple of weeks ago killed my fruit bearing ones from the second growing season. Hugs and have a wonderful weekend.

  10. i am so glad that Whitey has Weenie Baby and peanut to help him get through his loss. Glad that you are enjoying that sunshine! I don't know about you , but i am ready for spring to come

  11. I love the light coming into your home! It is beautiful Karen! And I am so glad that Whitey is making his way friend. And I am sorry to hear about your husbands work situation. I will be praying that you all get some calm and happy here soon. Though I can tell that those flowers are starting to do the trick! How wonderful that you are already seeing daffodils!! Keep smiling you! And take care! Nicole xoxo

  12. Your home seems to sparkle in that sunshine! So pretty and I'm sure it helps to lift your spirits. I was surprised to see those daffodils up so high, but that is the difference between the northwest and the midwest:) We are due for 5 - 8 inches of snow this weekend. I'll get a snow day for sure! Have a great weekend!

  13. Dearest Karen,
    Lovely photos with sun rays; that adds so much to photography inside!
    It is amazing how sibling pets do grieve, we have lived through that with our Barty when he suddenly lost his best buddy Spooky, who acted almost like a mama to him; being a male however. That took him literally months and he even hid outdoors, didn't even come indoors for quite a while. But after about 3 months, he changed. It makes us in a way even more sad..
    When my Mom died that day Pieter filled a tiny vase with our first fragrant heirloom daffodils... Life goes on!

  14. It's good to hear from you, Karen. I know the loss you and your hubby feel. How sweet of both of you to cheer each other through flowers and baked goods. Little things mean a lot, don't they? Hugs sent to you.

  15. My dear friend Karen,
    thank you for this wonderful psot and pictures again!
    So good to see the sun, here we stil have winter weather, with snow and rain and hale fun at all ;O)
    I am so glad to hear, that you and Whitey feel better now, and you can get back to "normal" routines! Champ will be in your hearts forever, he still is with you in your heart and thoughts.
    Wishing you a wonderful weekend, filled with love and hugs and sun and blessings :O)
    Claudia xo

  16. lovely accidental crystal tower! Lovely in the sunshine!! Glad life is getting back to "normal" after the loss of your dog. Sorry to hear your husband's loss of friend from work place. My husband has lost a good friend from work too and they get together once in awhile for lunch. Life goes on and we deal with the sad things as best we can. Remembering God is with us and we remember the good times. Hugs and prayers!!!--Becky L.

  17. Karen, what a beautiful morning!!!!
    Have a nice week end

  18. my dear friend karen,
    thank you for this wonderful post and pictures again!!!!!!!
    happy friday, hugs angie

  19. Happy images of a sunny, peaceful home in the middle of a gorgeous forest. Your dogs keep you compagnie, flowers add cheerfulness to your cosy home so, I'm sure you are fully enjoying those smiling days while winter is still upon us!
    Happy weekend Karen!

  20. So sorry about your pup! My kids are grown now and my husband and I are so anxious to get a dog but we want to wait until we're out of an apartment and into a home of our own. Can't wait to have a little fur buddy by my side though!

    Your cottage is so lovely!!! I'm originally from England and your style reminds me of the English cottage style, so inviting and warm. I'm intrigued with that light hanging from your ceiling, it looks like it may have flowers painted on it? So beautiful!

    My husband is from Kent, WA...go Hawks!

  21. You have been in my thoughts and on my heart, dear Karen. Keeping you in my prayers....

    Your crystal tower is so pretty, sweet friend, and the sunshine streaming through your windows is enough to warm any soul. You are right, sunshine is appreciated during the long winter months as the days can be gloomy.

    It was so lovely to visit you, sweet one. Have a wonderful weekend. Love and hugs!

  22. You are having warmer weather than us here in Oregon City, Oregon! I do feel sorry for those hit hard with the snow!

  23. Lucky you! We won't have daffodils blooming until mid May! Your kitchen and eating area are so warm and inviting. I love the look, and the addition of fresh flowers. How sweet! Love to see your sweet doggie catching some rays. Don't they love that!

  24. I really long for a sunny and lovely was many months ago now! Today we have had more snow...I dont like it!
    Have a happy weekend, take care....

  25. So nice to have you back. Thinking about you often - you were missed. Happy to see you get some sunshine & flowers! They can help a lot. I envy that bit of warmth - feel free to send some up north. Lol

    Keep that chin up dear Lady & know that kind thoughts & prayers are still being sent to you (& your rambling man). Xoxo

  26. Oh dear Karen
    I'm so sorry you lost your friend and family member Champ.
    Both you and rambling man will always miss him - he will be waiting to greet you the day you arrive in Heaven - a long time from now of course.

    Your room looks so warm and welcoming especially with the sun shining through the door with Weenie Baby peeking through keeping an eye on what you're doing - isn't that sweet.
    Well the sight of daffodils will lift your spirits I'm sure, Spring is such a lovely time in the garden.
    We are having a very hot dry summer and I'm struggling to keep some things alive.

    Take care, sending love and blessings from afar.

  27. My heart goes out to you over the loss of Champ. Looks like you and hubby bolster each other up when needed. Sorry to hear about your hubby's friend and colleague also. Both of these sad events you are experiencing have happened in our own lives. Sunshine will be coming round the corner, figuratively speaking. Looks like you've had lots of sunshine and warm weather lately in the literal sense. I love your photos, lots of lovely light coming into your beautiful home and I loved the one of Weenie Baby looking through the window.

  28. I so enjoyed your lovely photos. I don't think there's anywhere more beautiful than western Washington when the sun is shining through those majestic evergreens. I'm happy to hear that Whitey is adjusting well. I know it will take you awhile to get over the loss of your beloved Champ. Have a wonderful weekend.

  29. These photos are such a lovely glimpse into your day, Karen. It has been a strange winter here, too...very little snow, and lots of grass. We have had bad cold snaps and very warm times.
    I think it is so sweet how you and your husband comfort each other...little ways often mean the most. I'm sorry it is a sad time there. And having had a time when my best friend moved across the country, I know that is hard. Hopefully the sweet pups and warm days will lift your spirits...xoxo

  30. I think I'll move to your side of the state. We've barely made it past 45 this week and it's been damp and drizzly with misty fog and gloomy skies. I'm so happy that Whitey is getting out now and enjoying time with Winnie and Peanut.

  31. I'm glad you're back and that your heart is slowly mending. I think we share the same climate, including the moss! Though it's been cold for the seaside lately, in the thirties.

  32. What a beautiful sunny morning, perfect for your fur babies to be basking in the sunshine. We've had some sunshine here these last few days and it's been such a nice change from the thick valley fog. Enjoy your weekend.

  33. Karen, I have been wondering how you're doing with the loss of your beloved Champ. I bet you miss him so. The sun is shining through your windows so lovely, and that always makes us feel better on those dreary days. I love seeing bits of your home. I almost moved to the mountains, but we stayed in the suburbs so I could go here and there, but the mountains will always be special to me. Your daughter's dachshund is soooo cute. I had one when I was a little girl, and it was the best dog I ever had.

    Here's to new beginnings, Karen, and lots of sunshine and love coming your way.


    so nice of your husband to keep bringing you flowers. It must help a lot. :~)

  34. Such a warm and lovely way of caring for one another you and your husband have - flowers and goodies homa-baked ... Your home is filled with love and light! I'm sure the loss of Champ has changed your everyday life - I hope that the routines and the spring arriving, will start healing the loss and filling the empty space.
    Lots of love,

  35. I am glad that you and Whitey are starting to do a little better. I love your crystal sculpture! Very pretty indeed. xx

  36. I like that Crystal sculpture. Our winter isn't too bad - not like last year.

  37. Love sunny mornings too -- I am like you I take full advantage of that sun shine too.. You know #10 and #11 images touched my heart today but all your photos are beautiful to me..

  38. Glad you had a little respite from the cold. Poor Whitey! Hope he feels better with time. Hope you all do. Loved that gorgeous sunshine on that yellow wall in the first photo! And your crystal "sculpture" is very nice! :-)


Thank you for stopping by! Your comments are important to me and are very much appreciated. xx Karen