
Friday, November 7, 2014

Floral Friday - Native Blooms - Forget Me Not

This month on Floral Friday, 

the feature is 'Native Blooms'. 

With Autumn stealing away our native
wildflowers, I have gone into my 
archives to find some lovely 
reminders of spring. 

What better reminder of a lovely
 native bloom, than
Forget Me Not. 

Every spring these sweet little flowers 
brighten up the landscape 
by bringing the sky down to earth. 

I found my first Forget Me Not at 
a local church plant sale. 

Sweet daughter, Jennie holding a pot of Forget Me Not for Easter
They were potted in an old teapot, 
and I was charmed by the tiny
blue flowers. 

From that one little pot, 
I now have a whole landscape of 
these precious little flowers 
every spring.

Forget Me Not or 'Myosotis' from the Greek,
'mouse's ear' after the leaf shape,
consists of over 200 species in the genus
and can be found growing in all temperate

 Pioneers carried the seeds of this charming
little flower to spread 
along the pioneer trails. 

In 1949, Alaska declared the alpine Forget Me Not
 its state flower. 

Here in the Pacific Northwest, 
you can find them growing 
virtually everywhere. 

Champ behind the Forget Me Not

They are very easy to grow -
preferring shady and damp
conditions, they will 
reseed along 
the edges of lawns, woodland paths, 
streams and roadside ditches. 

Every year I gather the sticky little seedpods 
and spread them wherever I want new plants
to colonize. 

I love to give them away in my Handmade Seed Packets
to family and friends.

They particularly love stray pots full of soil
and make beautiful companions for all potted 

They make lovely little cut flowers, especially with pansies, 
and can by pressed for Cards and Keepsakes.

The Forget Me Not Fairy in her garden

And they are perfect for Fairy Gardens.

My Victorian book, 'The Language of Flowers' 

has them meaning....

'True Love'

Cicely Mary Barker
illustrates Forget Me Not  Fairy Flower Babies
hiding in the blossoms. 

Which brings me to my own happy Forget Me Not

My eldest son, Gabe and sweet wife Erica
are expecting their own sweet little baby
at the end of May! 

When the Forget Me Not blooms <3 

This is their first baby and our very first Grandchild! 

We are very blessed and happy! 


Linking with:

Thank you, Dear Friends for your sweet visits and 
lovely friendship. 

"Silently one by one
in the infinite meadows
blossomed the lovely stars,
Forget Me Nots

-Mary Engelbreit-


  1. Dear Beatrice
    You have so much sense of the poetic in everyday life!
    I love the blue flowers in your pictures.
    It is a good experience to visit your page!


  2. The angel and pretty fairy look beautiful surrounded by these delicate flowers! What pretty colors! And I'm so happy about the baby on the way....what a blessing! Sweet hugs, Diane

  3. what a lovely post, every image is just beautiful. I love the pretty Forget- Me-Nots. Congrats to your son and DIL and to the granny.. Happy weekend!

  4. What lovely sweet flowers. They really do look fantastic as cut flowers as well as in the garden. I love the idea of giving away their seeds to friends and family. Wishing you a happy weekend!

  5. Ah I have that fairy book that I read to death as a kid, I definitely remember the song but to be honest I didn't know too much about the flowers - thanks for taking me on a floral journey :)

  6. Those are so very beautiful. I have always loved the sweet little flowers and had them at two of my houses. I have not grown them here though...but yours look "bushier" and taller than ours do. I wonder if there are different genuses of them (is that the right word)...anyway- I love them!

    Congratulations on the new baby coming in Spring. How exciting to have your first grandchild. I remember that feeling. There is just something so special about that first one. Blessings- xo Diana

  7. Oh your first Grandchild that is wonderful oh you are going to be so good at that Grandma stuff. Forget-me-nots are beautiful Always a pleasure seeing your world. Congratulations to the parents to be. Oh and not to forget Grandpa is going to be awesome at it too:) Hug B

  8. Hi Karen, the forget me knot flowers are so pretty and delicate just like a baby. Congrats on your the baby coming in the spring! Have a wonderful weekend.
    Hugs, Julie

  9. Congrats on your wonderful grandbaby news!! This is so exciting!

    This is a good reminder for me to plant forget me nots in the garden. It just so happens that I now have damp, shady conditions, and a little creek too. I think these flowers would be very happy here! You must feel so proud to see them bloom every year considering they came from just one plant. It is amazing.

  10. YAYAYAYAYAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so happy for you all!!! I have been waiting to hear that a baby would be blessing your crew! This is so very wonderful dear friend!!! Nothing better or sweeter!!!! And your forget me nots are stunning!!!! I love that you share them with family and friends! All the best to your family and congrats to your son and his wife!! Nicole xo

  11. I am so happy for you, Karen! (And of course to the parents to be:) You will love being a grandma and I'm sure you will be a great one!

  12. Congratulations, that is exciting news!

    Forget me knots are so pretty. I love seeing antique postcards that show them. Your photographs of them are beautiful.

  13. Oops! I pressed the Publish button just as I saw that I had typed forget me "knots", instead of forget me nots. Duh.

  14. Dearest Karen,
    What a lovely post about my most favorite flower: Myosotis. Love all varieties and have tried many here in Georgia but the all die off...
    In your first photo and also inside the pot your sweet daughter Jennie is holding are another of my favorites: Campanula portenschlagiana... or bellflower. Their blue or purple flowers are so sweet. Did write a post about them on May 28, 2012.
    Congrats on your great news of Gabe and Erica having a baby in May. For sure your hands will become very creative!
    Sending you hugs and blessings,

  15. so schöne bilder und inspirationen!!! ich liebe den engel!!! ich wünsche ihnen ein schönes wochenende, liebe grüße von angie aus deutschland

  16. Wow Karen, love those forget me nots and the stories that come with it. Congratulations on your upcoming bundle of joy. You are going to be a grandma. What a blessings! So happy for you and your whole family.
    And I love that fairy holding stem of forget me not. So cute!
    Enjoy your weekend

  17. What wonderful photos of the forget-me-nots, Karen, and how they came to be in your garden. The best news is the upcoming birth of your first grandchild in the Spring!!! I just had my seventh grandchild this past Wednesday from my youngest son and DIL. Grandchildren are truly a blessing.

  18. Your forget me nots are beautiful. We used to have lots in our garden, but very few now. I must get some more seeds! xx

  19. A wonderful post (I love forget-me-nots) and delightful news! I am so happy for you all.

  20. I'll stick with 'Forget-me-Not' rather than Mouse's Ear. :-) What beautiful gardens you have! And such a nice idea to collect the seeds and share them with family and friends Your seed packets are so pretty. I think I should spend some of my winter looking at spring flowers too. I think it would help.

  21. Dear Karen
    I love your post and I love Forget me Not flowers but I never have seen where I live.....The weather is not apropiate
    I would like very much plant Forget me Nots in my garden so I think you are very lucky!!!!

  22. What incredible news Karen, congratulations! This is a very special post. All the photos are beautiful and with happy news like that, wow! Thank you so much for sharing. You have made my day all the brighter.

  23. Congratulations on the news of your first grandchild! I have only the one, but he is the joy of my life at just three years old. What a blessing for your family. Perfect to announce it with your beautiful for-get-me-not post. How lucky are the recipients of your pretty seed packets, as you spread beauty everywhere!

  24. Congratulations and thank you for sharing such beautiful images from Spring, especially the Forget-Me-Nots.

  25. Hola amiga querida !!felicitaciones y lindas imágenes florales..que tenga un bendecido fin de semana

  26. Dear Karen,

    I loved your post today - for-get-me not, are the sweetest little flowers and always have a fairytale look about them. I like that you save the seeds for your family and friends.
    Congratulations on your exciting news of your first Grand baby - how thrilling for all your family.
    Many thanks for the kind visit and note you left me. I appreciate this very much.
    Hope you are enjoying the weekend

  27. Your post brought many memories back! When I was a little girl in kindergarten, my mom and I would walk to the school, every spring, there were forget-me-not flowers everywhere. I would make a bouquet.... But most of the time, I cut them so short, they would die during the day!
    I have the same flower fairy book as you and I love opening it every now and then.
    Congratulations on the new baby in your family... You're about to get lots of bouquets with very short stems and you're going to love it ;)

  28. So many congratulations being blown your way Karen! Such wonderful news. The forget me nots will have a totally new meaning next year. xx

  29. Olá amiga, passei por aqui para desejar-lhe uma abençoada semana.
    Obrigada por trazer belas imagens!!!
    Doce abraço Marie.

  30. Lovely flowers, forget-me-nots. I've not planted them here. I guess I should. Congratulations on an upcoming grandbaby! Fun times, being a grandparent.

  31. Congratulations on your upcoming grand baby. You can't image what love and fun you are going to have with this precious child. There's nothing like it….
    Your forget me nots are just precious and so pretty….

  32. Such wonderful news! Congratulations to everyone, you must be so excited! Thanks for sharing your beautiful Forget Me Nots.

  33. Such a pretty post. Love the blue color of the forget-me-not flowers. Oh and that Angel is awesome.

  34. Love the way you presented these pretty flowers! I definitely look forward to seeing these in the Spring.

  35. Lovely post! I so love forget-me-nots too.

  36. Congratulations Karen! What wonderful news about a grand baby!
    Those forget-me-nots are so sweet, and I love those flower fairies.

  37. The forget-me-nots are just so lovely! How wonderful that you have a grandchild on the way! That is exciting news!


Thank you for stopping by! Your comments are important to me and are very much appreciated. xx Karen