
Thursday, October 23, 2014

A Late October Drive

Come along with me, Dear Friends, 
as we take a little drive to the market. 

We come to the stop sign at the end of my mountain road
and look to the right to see these beautiful trees aflame
along a sturdy board fence. 

It is a lovely October day!

But we take a left along the long straight 'pipeline' road
that takes us to the next town where I like to shop. 

The pipeline is a water line from the large reservoir 
a few miles away. 

Small farms and rural properties line this road. 

This property belongs to an equine veterinarian. 

These miniature horses and donkeys always reside here. 

This little shed was once a child's playhouse,
many years ago. 

It has a tattered and neglected appearance, 
that is sadly sweet. 

I love this weathered, tin-roofed cattle shed. 

The owners always grow giant sunflowers on the other side. 

Here you can see them from an earlier drive in August.

I love all the various fencing. 

Another favorite farm with weathered barns
surrounded by tall Douglas Fir and Cottonwood.
I would estimate these Douglas Fir are about 200 years old or older.  

The clouds hug the Cascade Mountains in the distance. 

Mt. Rainier is barely discernible from the clouds
in the background of this pretty scene. 

Another view with Mt. Rainier to the far right. 

Tawny grasses frame another view  of Mt. Rainier 
with a chain link fence along an access road.

As we move along towards home after our shopping trip, 
Mt. Rainier looms overhead. 

Here, a lovely raspberry farm retires for the season. 

The charming selling stand amidst golden leaves -
 its cheerful sign leaning inside. 

A pasture with barbed wire fencing on hand split cedar posts
 against tall burnished trees. 

I saw a herd of elk here last time I passed through. 

Of course I didn't have my camera that day! 

I took a side street that I had not been on in years
 and was surprised to see this charming gate!

The home at the end of the lane is for sale. 

This is the view! 

My own mountain road...freshly graveled. 

We turn in to the gate over the rise. 

My sweet welcoming committee!

I am pet-sitting my daughter's two mini-dachshunds,
Peanut and Weenie Baby. 

We carry in the groceries...

Wish you could come inside, Dear Friends, 

and enjoy a cup of tea! 

A beautiful day comes to a close
as we sip our tea enjoying the last rays
of the setting sun. 

Thank you for coming along with me! 


Linking with: Good Fences


  1. loved all the beauty, those flaming trees! beautiful farms and mountains and pines and...

    but i had a big grin for your welcoming committee. picked up on the two dachshunds right away. :)

  2. Wow, these are just delightful.. So many pretty things to see. The mountain views are gorgeous and the colorful are just beautiful. I like your cute doggies too. Great post! Enjoy your evening and the weekend ahead!

  3. Beautiful scenery, Karen! And some awesome fences! Love how pretty it is there, and the fall color is looking gorgeous!

  4. You live in such beautiful country, Karen. Thanks for taking me along your drive. It's always a pleasure!

  5. Thank you so much. I had a lovely time on our drive!

  6. Hola Beatrice querida !! Vivir en el campo con esa naturaleza y ese aire es todo un privilegio .. Que tenga un buen día

  7. Oh Karen I enjoy your rides so much and can only dream or should I say hope to some day come for that cup of tea that would be wonderful. Oh the view mount Rainer oh yes paradise. Hug B

  8. Dearest Karen,
    Lovely late October drive in your immediate world.
    Nothing beats such a welcome committee on four legs; we always smile when our felines greet us just like they're doggies.

  9. Wow Karen it sure is beautiful where you live! I love the mountain and the trees. Thanks for sharing such beauty with us. Take care.

  10. What a gorgeous drive! Don't you just love this time of year? Your mountain road is so inviting as well. Really a lot of beautiful scenery. Our youngest son hiked Mt. Rainer years ago. Thanks for visiting my blog.

  11. I ALWAYS love going on these rides with you and feel as if I am really almost there. Gorgeous shots of a beautiful place!

  12. Number 1 is my favorite - wow blazing red colors..Your area is in Fall -- wonderful! Love seeing your part of the country..wishing I was closer I would love to come for a visit!!

  13. You live in such a beautiful place and going on a ride with you is always fun…Just taking in that beautiful landscape is awesome….

  14. Thank you for inviting us along on this journey and we certainly were not disappointed with the beautiful scenery, wonderful fall colours great fences, lovely horses and donkeys and welcome home from the dogs.

  15. You have the most beautiful view - that mountain! And made lovelier with the fall colors. Thanks for sharing!

  16. Hi Karen,
    thank you for another beautiful drive through your area! It is wonderful, I love it and I love the colours of Autumn. It really is a wonderful place, with the mountains , the farms ....thank you for sharing those great pictures!
    Wishing you a lovely and blessed weekend,
    Love and hugs,
    Claudia xo

  17. Karen- I forget how beautiful your state is -- made even more beautiful by the colors of Autumn. I really love the old weathered barns and that "funnel of trees". Blessings- xo Diana

  18. Wow! What a beautiful drive. The views of the mountains and Rainier, the farms, fences, trees, and all, are so beautiful, right up to your own pretty road and stone walkway then the view from your house of the mountain. Spectacular! Thanks for taking us to get groceries!! Have a beautiful weekend. Pam

  19. Beautiful photo's of Mt Rainier Karen. What a view to have. I am looking out over city gardens :-) Pretty as well, but not so breathtakingly beautiful as your view.

    The red trees down the road look amazing. I think it is a variety that doesn't grow in our little country.

    Wishing you a happy weekend!

    Madelief x

  20. The colour of the trees is absolutely stunning. As usual, I enjoyed joining the ride.

  21. I saw trees aflame the other day. Lovely colors this time of year. There's a tree across the street from where I work that I like to watch all year. Now that it's fall it's fun to watch the colors change. I told the man who is maintenance man there, that I enjoyed that tree alot! He liked that! Have a great day, my friend.

  22. Beautiful shots. The fall color is spectacular.

  23. As usual, such beautiful photos... they tug on my heartstrings and remind me of growing up in Oregon. Beautiful fall colors you're having!

  24. Oh sweet friend, I had a most delightful drive with you! There is such beauty where you live and it makes me smile every time I see pictures.

    Happy weekend, dear Karen. Hugs!

  25. I love taking a drive with you, Karen. You live in a beautiful area. Those trees looked as if they were on fire, just gorgeous, and that Mt Rainier is stunning, to say the least.
    You must live going to town with all the beauty that surrounds you? :-)
    Thank you for allowing us the pleasure of this drive.
    Have a beautiful week end.
    Blessings, Debbie

  26. Where you live is SO beautiful! My brother and sis-in-law recently had to move from Roy due to by bro being stationed somewhere else for the military. They're renting out their house, though, so hoping that they'll move back there in a few years so I have a reason to visit again! I have the beautiful colorful trees in my northwoods, but those mountains are amazing! The first time I was driving by and saw Mt. Rainier it literally took my breath away.

    Thanks for sharing and taking me on another one of your journeys. I love our little "trips" together. Lol

    God bless! ;)

  27. I know I always repeat myself, but you live in a spectacularly gorgeous area! My favorite part was your own mountain road, the welcoming committee, and your view. No place like home. And what is it with the fall skies? They are so brilliantly blue, I don't know if they really are different, or that they look different against the beautiful fall foliage. The colors here in Michigan are really beautiful right now too.

  28. Beautiful views I remember well! Your photos are wonderful! Hope you're having a happy Autumn!


  29. A wonderful drive, and welcoming comittee in the end :)
    I'd love to see Mt. Rainier one day - It looks really awesome both from near and afar.
    The blue skies and the colorful leaves are giving me energy - we have not seen sun this week so much - the rainy clouds are hovering over us at the moment.
    Happy weekend to you, Karen!

  30. This was a "WOW" post for me. Loved all your wonderful photos.

  31. What a gorgeous day for a drive! The colours so vibrant and the sights lovely. And hello to Peanut and Weenie baby!!!


Thank you for stopping by! Your comments are important to me and are very much appreciated. xx Karen