
Saturday, May 10, 2014

A Mother's Love

All that I am or ever hope to be,
I owe to my angel Mother.
-Abraham Lincoln-

The Mother's heart is the child's school room.
-Henry Ward Beecher-

The sweetest sounds to mortals given
Are heard in Mother, Home and Heaven.
-William Goldsmith Brown-

Mother is the name for God in the lips
and hearts of little children.
-William Makepeace Thackeray-

My Mother had a slender, small body, 
but a large heart- a heart so large
that everybody's joy found welcome
in it,and hospitable accommodation.
-Mark Twain-

A Mother's happiness is like a beacon,
lighting up the future but reflected also
on the past in the guise of fond memories.
-Honore' de Balzac

A father may turn his back on his child,
brothers and sisters may become
inveterate enemies, husbands may 
desert their wives, wives their husbands,
But a Mother's love endures through all.
-Washington Irving-

When you are a Mother, you are never really 
alone in your thoughts. A Mother always
has to think twice, once for herself and
once for her child.
-Sophia Loren-

A Mother is one to whom you hurry when you are troubled.
-Emily Dickinson-

The heart of a Mother is a deep abyss
at the bottom of which you will always
find forgiveness.
-Honore' de Balzac-

A man loves his sweetheart the most,
his wife the best, 
but his Mother the longest.
-Irish Proverb-

If you bungle raising your children,
I don't think whatever else you do well
matters very much.
-Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis-

I miss thee, my Mother! Thy image is still
The deepest impressed on my heart.
-Eliza Cook-

The hand that rocks the cradle
is the hand that rules the world.
-W.R. Wallace-


Wishing you a Wonderful Mother's Day, Dear Friends!



  1. Hi Karen! My goodness, seems like you were a night owl. But what a beautiful post with the quotes and old fashioned pictures. My favorite is ht e 5th one from the bottom with the knitting mom, the girl hugging her from behind -and Josephine particularly likes the cat.
    On another note, despite the fact we friended each other on Google+, my blog still isn't updating. Maybe if you came to my site and checked Follow with Google Friends, or follow by email, or Maureen, why don't you just snail mail me when you write a new post! LOL! Happy Mother's Day Weekend. I bet you're gonna get some lovely things along with lots love. You surely deserve it. Blessings, m & jb

  2. Hi Karen,
    Your beautiful quotes and pictures chosen for them touch me deeply!
    I just received a text from my mom, she has received the little something we send to her :-)
    I wish you a Happy Mother's Day ... Hoping your heart is light and filled sweet memories, love and gratefulness,

  3. A beautiful post Karen. The quotes are wonderful

    Happy Mother's Day!

  4. Thank you for the beautiful quotes and the lovely art that accompanied each one. May you have a blessed Mother's Day, dear Karen. xo

  5. Dearest Karen,
    Happy Mother's Day weekend to you!
    In the 31 years as immigrant I only made it once home for Mother's day... A very special surprise for both Mom and my Mother-in-law!

  6. Karen love walking in the rain, which delights of this post below!
    I'm busy here with Pitura and no place in the house, but it's getting all gorgeous!
    Mothers day, that beautiful phrases, many I did not know ... Congratulations to Karen us, a happy mothers day for us two and a big kiss!

  7. What a lovely post, Karen! The photos and quotes are wonderful!
    Happy Mother's Day to you!

  8. very sweet. i wish everyone had a mother to remember like this.

  9. Wow!!! What a sweet post with great pictures and quotes♡♡♡ I truly enjoyed reading all of them. Among wonderful ones, I'm surprised to read by "Sophia Loren"(^_^)v Great words♪
    Thank you very much for sharing with us.

    Sending you Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan, xoxo Miyako*

  10. Blessings to you as well dear Karen!
    This was a precious post, loved every picture.
    I had never heard the quote from Sophia Loren, really liked it.
    Joy! Debbie

  11. Mrs Karen.

    You are such a great Mother, the glorious one! Thanks for sharing these beautiful quotes and pictures my favorites are from Sophia and Irish Proverbs,
    You're the best Mrs Karen. Thank you for emailing me. Again Happy Mother's Day. It's nothing about my gift but please look to the heart of mine.How I adore you :)


  12. Wishing you a very Happy Mother's Day dear friend! How beautiful is this many quotes that just touch the heart so deeply! I hope you have sunshine in your part of the world tomorrow! Nicole xoxo

  13. Hi Karen,

    Lovely post you have shared and loved all the lovely pictures and quotes.
    Happy mothers day

  14. I love these! Thank you for sharing and have a very Happy Mother's Day.

  15. So beautiful, so special. Love the images of mother and child.
    Hope you had a wonderful Mother's Day! Thank you for your sweet message.


  16. Enjoyed reading the wordings. Loved all the images!

  17. A beautiful post Karen! Hope you had a lovely mother's day!

    Happy week ahead!

    Madelief x

  18. I love this post! Love the artwork and the poems! What a wonderful tribute to Mother's Love.


Thank you for stopping by! Your comments are important to me and are very much appreciated. xx Karen