
Tuesday, May 6, 2014

A Little Catching Up

Hello, Dear Friends, have I told you
 how much I enjoy all of you? 

Having you stop by and visit
 is such a sweet joy. 

And visiting all of you,
 sharing your lives, 
your homes, gardens, thoughts, and creativity 
is such a wonderful pleasure. 

I find myself thinking of you when I am not visiting, 
wondering how you are, 
thinking of the things you have shared. 

We all live in different places,
have different lifestyles, professions, etc., 
but what I have found is that we are
all much more alike than we are different. 
We all share the same love
of home, family, beauty, faith, life.....
We all have a passion for living. 

We share the same difficulties,
sorrows, disappointments, struggles. 
But we have each other to lift the spirits, 
offer a kind word of encouragement, 
cheering each other on
 in a world that can sometimes get the best of us. 

That is what I love about these lovely friendships. 
We may not meet face to face,
but we meet heart to heart. 

If I have not been stopping by as often lately,
 you can blame it on the weather. 

With warmer temperatures, 
everything is growing so quickly that I can't keep up! 

I have been planting rose bushes, lilac trees, wildflower seeds,
 herbs and flowers, along with weeding, weeding, weeding. 

The Mr. and I have been trimming, 
washing deck furniture, mowing,
putting out umbrella's, potting flowers, ....

And reseeding the lawn!
 Can you tell that Whitey Bear and Champ
 do not like to use the stepping stones? 

This side garden is my most recent project 
and one that will continue for a while. 
I'm afraid it has been neglected.....

But my sweet Blue Eyes installed the rose arch recently 
and we planted 5 rose bushes around it. 

Two climbing roses, two shrub roses
 and one very small creeping rose. 

My picnic table has its own Forget Me Not garden beneath it, 
so I am waiting until they go to seed
before giving it a much needed painting.

Can you see Ling Ling surveying our hard work? 
We had a gazebo over here, 
but it was crushed in our ice storm two years ago
 by the beautiful wild cherry tree that succumbed to the ice. 

Gardens, like life, are always evolving. 

On rainy days, of which we have had more than our share, 
I've been inside spring cleaning. 

It's amazing how a little bit of spring sunshine 
can illuminate all your dirty little secrets. 

But of course, can you ever really get everything done? 

That is what 'Tomorrow' is for! 
I always loved Scarlett Ohara's philosophy in
 'Gone With The Wind'. 

"Oh, I'll think about that tomorrow!"

So we pick and we choose what we can comfortably
 get accomplished in one God-given day. 

Sometimes all we can manage is doing the dishes
 and heating up some soup! 

With so much going on this time of year,
a gal can get worn out. 

That is me, today. 

Luckily, I have leftovers in the fridge
 to serve my hardworking Mr. when he gets home. 

Speaking of leftovers.....I did promise you recipes, didn't I? 

I have posted these on my previous post
now that I have had a little bit of time....

Thank you, Dear Friends for being there. 
You are all so very appreciated! 

There is in friendship something of all relations,
 and something above them all.
 It is the golden thread that ties the heart of all the world.
-John Evelyn-


  1. i like that - meeting heart to heart. :) so true.

    you have such a lush area it is no wonder you stay so busy! we are starting to brown out already. we need rain as the temps are rising quickly now. :)

  2. oh, and my dogs have their own trails 'built-in' to the yard, as well. :)

  3. Your ranch is amazing! I love that photo with the cherry tree. It's magical! xoxo

  4. It all looks beautiful Karen!!!! That rose arbor is outstanding friend! It creates a room that is just beyond whimsical and welcoming! Your garden is bursting with life!!! Wow!!! And I hear you about getting things done.....there is never enough time and we have all been sick and my garden needs so much hope is that I can get out and work in it on Mother's Day! So much goodness here and you are so right about the connections we all have made!!! Happy day friend!!! Nicole xoxo

  5. Hello my beautiful and sweet Karen! You are such a wonderful lady and I am honored to know you through blogging! This post is simply lovely and I tell it's written from the depths of your heart.

    Blessings to you, dearest! Enjoy your week. Hugs!

  6. Hi Mom! The deck looks so pretty and I love your new rose arbor! You are so right about the sun illuminating the dust coating our treasures. Lets just say I cleaned & dusted as fast as I could last weekend! Ha!

  7. Yes life can keep us pretty busy and I'm glad to know I'm not the only one "catching up". You have some lovely photos here and the garden looks so pretty. I was happy to see your kitty longing there in one photo.

  8. Hi Karen,
    I know just what you mean about catching up! and dust, yes, it's all looking good then the sun pokes out and then "wow where did THAT come from"!
    Love the rose arbor, it will be amazing!! Your garden looks beautiful.... it has been a lovely year...
    Happy gardening, blue skies on forecast for tomorrow, and I am ready!!

  9. It 's a pleasure to visit you, thanks for sharing your wonderful photographs!!

  10. Oh Karen dear, you are one sweet friend. I agree with everything you said. Blogging is an amazing medium to meet friends from all parts of the world. I do enjoy visiting everyone( when I can) and see what they are up to. You are all an inspiration to me in many different ways.
    I love seeing your home and your garden in the woods. It's like reading from a story book.
    Well looks like you will be a very busy lady this summer. But the result of all that hard work will be fabulous of a garden.
    Hope you have a good week. Thank you for your kind message and visit.

  11. Hi Karen, What a beautiful post written from the heart...I enjoy so much walks in your wonderful give me so much inspiration from your beautiful calm blog... Have a happy week... Hugs May x x

  12. I really enjoyed catching up with you! Your garden is really lovely and the view from your patio is amazing.

  13. Dear Karen,

    I feel exactly the same about my blogging friends and you. It was delightfull to come and visit you and see your lovely home and garden. The pansies are really sweet.
    Hope you are enjoying the week

  14. Meeting heart to heart: Love that and I also blog for that very reason. Gorgeous photos and hello to Ling ling!

  15. It is so lovely to see all that is coming to life in your garden and what you are doing there, thank you for sharing! It is scary what the sunshine shows up and also what getting out in the garden shows up too, but good too as it means that times are changing and that is nice. Hope that you have lots of lovely days in the garden. xx

  16. I love the Forget Me Not garden. And the hummingbird picture is amazing. We always enjoy your blog so much Karen :)

  17. Blogging friends are a wonderful invention! I can't even remember life without blogging:) We are also so busy with the yard. Have a great day enjoying your labors.

  18. Oh My; what a sweet post this is♡♡♡
    I cannot agree more you said that,”We may not meet face to face, but we meet heart to heart.”♪♪♪ It sure is getting busy season or wonderful season for planting and taking care of our garden. Your garden is really gorgeous and so exotic for me. It is marvelous that your cherry tree succumbed to the ice and blossomed.
    Well, I was so happy that you quote the phrase from 'Gone With The Wind'. I saw the movie when I was a junior high school girl. The movie gave me the quite an impact for me♬♬♬
    Thank you so much for the sweet visits. I hope your work in the garden wil go smoothly.

    Sending you Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan, xoxo Miyako*

  19. We may not meet face to face,
    but we meet heart to heart---- --- What a wonderful phrase!
    That's how I feel it.
    Loved meeting on May 5, did not know. Interesting!
    His house was beautiful! I am delighted with these details and be glad that you put my eyes.
    What beautiful Peanuts and Weenie Baby, happy face ...
    I love Margaritas, is delicious ... What beautiful fabrics! and the memory of his sweet mom is the best.
    Toast to life and friendship is the best of the day. A toast to our friendship Karen and know that my heart and my prayers until you arrive.
    Big kiss my sweet friend!

  20. Your garden is beautiful and so is this post! Thanks for sharing both! :)

  21. It is so green and lush there Karen! You have a beautiful home, yard and gardens and it would be a big job to keep up with it all but it must be so lovely to look out at it and enjoy it. I've enjoyed meeting you through blogging this short while and wish you a blessed day! Hugs. Pam

  22. Beautiful words and beautiful pictures to go along with them. Sending a big heart to heart hug!!

  23. Beautiful shots -- 11 is my favorite today -- you have been busy busy -- your yard and surrounds are beautiful...

  24. It's always lovely visiting you Karen, we may be oodles of miles apart but I always enjoy popping by and seeing how you are. Have a wonderful week in that wonderful environment of yours. xx

  25. Just beautiful Karen, from your heart felt words to the beauty in your yard and home.
    My heart is blessed in knowing you as well. I feel privileged meeting you through Stephanie.
    For such a short time in the blogging community I stand amazed in the sweet friendships formed. Bound together by heart strings, that is for sure..
    Bless your dear heart for this precious post.
    Joy! Debbie

  26. Hi Karen, wow you have such big piece of property to take care of, but it looks beautiful! It will be nice when it is all finished and you can relax in the backyard and go for your long walks. Take care and enjoy the rest of the week. Happy Mother's Day too.

  27. What an heartfelt post, sweet Karen, that I enjoyed so very much. Yes, we all are connected, aren't we? You've expressed it so perfectly with your lovely words. Your yard and deck are looking beautiful and all your hard work is paying off for you and your dear Mr. Happy Mother's Day. xo

  28. beautiful gardens and I especially enjoyed the sweet little hummer

  29. Love your gardens. No hummers have visited my feeder yet.

  30. Lovely gardens they are wonderful spaces for just siting and dreaming.
    I like your picnic table with the forget me not garden and that deck, the view goes on forever.

  31. I really love your garden and your deck. I always appreciate seeing you at my blog and I am catching up today. I have tried to catch with with everyone as often as I can. Work is very stressful and sometime the nights are gone before I can settle in for a few minutes of fun with my bloggy friends. Always a pleasure to see you and you write beautifully. Thank you. Hugs, Anne

  32. Mrs Karen,

    You made me cry with your writting. I love you and been thinking of you lately a lot! I also been wondering that did you get the gift that I sent? Oh let me know throug email :) I would love to talking to you there ( but take your time to do this if you have distractions)
    Thank you for being such a faithful friend, I love all my blogging friends, I never guessed that I will have another home in this blogland.

    Well, as always I love your garden, and the project you are working on. I cant wait to see how it turns.
    Praying for you Mrs Karen! You are dearly loved.


  33. Nice outdoors you have. I need to be out planting flowers I've bought and put them into pots. Cut back the blackberries that are always overgrown...with this warm wet weather they tend to grow fast and have always been a bear in the butt to take care of. SIGH! Thanks for sharing!

  34. What a wonderful yard you have! Takes a lot of work to keep a yard looking gorgeous... I know, my husband is tending to ours all the time. Yours looks great!

  35. Karen, I feel the same way about blogging friends. I am only a little over 5 months into it, and I am already heart-attached to blogging friends, thinking about them and praying for them. Your yard is so beautiful! I love all the flowers and pretty little spaces. Your view is gorgeous! and great shot of that hummingbird!

  36. You have a beautiful yard and you've made me a bit tired thinking of all the hard work that has to be spent to create such loveliness! Rest now!

  37. I did see Ling-ling....looks like she has had job doing all the supervision!

  38. Such a lovely post! And you have been very busy. Look like Kitty is doing her job just fine. I think she needs a pay raise. ;-)

  39. Your yard is looking wonderful! I love your display of pansies. I set up a hummingbird feeder for the kids and I but we haven't seen any hummingbirds yet. This was a really great post on blogging friendship.

  40. I agree with your philosophy. The cherry tree is one of my favorites. I love your deck and the view is awesome!

  41. I especially like the pansies and the lovely bench

  42. Hello Karen, thank you for visiting my blog. I have so enjoyed reading this post and all your beautiful sentiments. I too enjoy exchanging a few friendly words with others wherever they may be. Your photographs are really lovely too. Cheerio now :D)

  43. Such a pleasure to have you share your world with us!! Beautified!!!
    I wish I could plant lilacs here, but I understand from the nursery experts in town that lilacs need to freeze in order to go here.

    Enjoyed this post a lot.

  44. I have enjoyed the lovely photos in this post! Beautiful!!
    Thank you for stopping by and visiting my blog! I am your newest follower!

  45. °✿彡º°。
    Seu post é maravilhoso.
    Amei seu jardim, toda a força da natureza presente na primavera.

    Beijinhos carinhosos.
    ✿✿⊱.Brasil°º。✿° ·.

  46. Hello sweet Karen! Wishing you a very Happy Mother's Day. Your yard is so pretty. I love all the different types of flowers you've planted.

  47. Lindo seu jardim. Olhando para tanta beleza, se esquece qualquer coisa de ruim que possa acontecer.
    Tenha uma ótima semana.

  48. It's beautiful what i saw

    It's beautiful! i felt like tresspassing in your garden for i am reading my friend's blog when i accidentally click on your name. But i didn't regretit; i felt like i was walking with you as you explain each foto inyour blog. I enjoyed the walk in your garden.

    Thank you for sharing

  49. Oh my Dear!!! I don't know what I love more: your pictures, your garden or your wonderful words.
    It is great to have you around!!!!
    All my best

  50. Belas fotografias...Espectacular....

  51. Hello Karen,
    Thank you for visiting us and following Red Rose Alley. Your patio and home are gorgeous and everything looks so green and lush. I noticed the little hummingbird. It is my beloved bird for so many reasons, and whenever I see one, I smile big. It sounds like you have been doing a lot of gardening and work around your house. It looks so nice. I'm so glad you stopped by, and I now I am now following you too.

    ~Sheri at Red Rose Alley

  52. Hola Beatrice.
    Me gusta tu blog.
    Por error he eliminado el comentario que me dejaste en mi blog y no lo puedo recuperar. Te pido perdón y si puedes vuelve a escribirlo.
    Un saludo
    Hi Beatrice.
    I like your blog.
    By mistake I deleted the comment you left me on my blog and I can not recover. I apologize if I can write again.

  53. Hi Bea, Thanks for the comment. Boy! you have some beautiful place. Tell me about the yard work, I am 2 inches shorter,from it. Yvonne

  54. Hi Karen, it's been a long time since I visited your lovely blog. I am always so impressed with your photos! Your words are so sweet on this post. Heart to it.
    Enjoy your gardening.
    Much love,

  55. Thank you for such lovely thoughts Karen. Your photographs say lovely things too about your love for your beautiful home and the natural things in it.Thanks for visiting my bird blog.

  56. What a beautiful post, Karen! I definitely feel the same way about you and the other friends I've grown close to through blogging. I love how you said we meet "heart to heart." So true! I do often find my mind drifting to you and other friends and wondering what you're up to or how your garden is doing. Looks like you are keeping very busy and your garden is so full of life! This is my absolute favorite time of year. Thanks so much for checking in with me. I love your visits and comments :)

  57. Your photos are wonderful. Thanks so much.

  58. Ok, I love this heart to heart we are having right now and this post, so beautiful... Yes, friend I also am a lurking in the background not always having time to comment but love to visit and think of you at different times of the day. Summer can be a busy time, so busy it goes by too fast, I wish I could think of something to make it last.

  59. HI You have a beautiful home and garden and your shots of the flowers are really lovely. As many bloggers are having problems with not receiving others post in their dashboard, I Hope you will enjoy my slide show yesterday of Rowallane Gardens and the video today. Birding For Pleasure Thanks for your comments on Saturday.

  60. I had to come by and say hi! I love your style of writing. You write from the heart. I love it! I have been blessed to meet a few bloggers but I agree with you that we have so much more in common. I have always been tickled when I meet someone here who holds a really important job and their kindness shines through! I cherish my friends here and I appreciate you and love when you visit and leave a comment or two. Thank you. Your yard is lovely. Hugs ,Anne

  61. Hello dear Karen
    Thank you for visiting my blog - lovely to see you!
    It's a pleasure to read your beautifully written post - I feel much like you and I often think of my bloggy friends during the day too.
    These friendships we make via our blogs are very special.
    I agree we are all alike with many common interests of our families, homes, gardens, writing and creating!
    It's a joy to share all this with others who appreciate these things too.

    Your garden is looking a picture and I know the hard work involved in keeping it all looking "tickety boo"!!!
    During the lovely summer days the house takes a back seat, working in the garden is much more pleasurable and rewarding!

    Enjoy each beautiful day - I'll be thinking of you!

  62. I'd like to steal that hummingbird. I've been trying so hard to have one visit here. They go to my neighbor across the street...but nothing here yet.

  63. Hi Karen,

    I loved seeing all your beautiful photos taken around your lovely home.
    Especially love the pansies and the sweet hummingbirds.
    Happy weekend and 4th of July

  64. Thanks for a well spoken comment. You have such a beautiful place.
    I am loving this summer, cool nights and 77 degree's in the day.

  65. Hello, Karen

    I enjoyed reading your post. It was easy to get swept up in your lovely writing, images of your garden as it is and visions of how it will be (I can see the roses in full bloom) and the wonderful views from your deck. I'll be sure to visit again.


  66. Such a sweet and lovely post, Karen! I think you live in one of the prettiest places...always makes me smile to see all of your beautiful gardens...and OH...the view!

  67. Missing more lovely posts! Thanks for stopping by again. I hope all is well with you.


Thank you for stopping by! Your comments are important to me and are very much appreciated. xx Karen