
Thursday, April 24, 2014

A Fickle Spring

The weather has been very unsettled the last few days. 

One moment it is sunny, 

And the next moment it is raining again. 

Mornings always seem to be the sunniest, 
so come along with me (and the faithful companions), 
and we will take our morning walk 
to feed the birds
 and gather up the newspaper. 

Whitey stops to chew his doggy biscuit- 
(I always have a pocket full)

While Ling Ling leads the way. 

They share a conspiratorial secret. 

We take a peek across the road to the neighbor's blooming apple trees. 

They have a lovely split rail fence. 
All the rain is turning everything very green. 
Some trees have not yet leafed out, but all are budding. 

We retrieve the newspaper thrown inside the gate, 
wrapped in plastic to keep it dry.

 The home and garden section is published today.
My favorite.

Can you see Champ's ball to the right of the driveway?

We toss the ball the whole way. He has several hidden along the route.

You know, just in case.....

The dogs love to guard this corner of the fence.
They can see the road and the neighborhood from here.
Anything out of the ordinary is loudly announced.

As we turn to walk back towards home,
I glance over at the next door neighbor's horse barn.

Just one beautiful face to see today.
All are warm and cozy inside on a cold and wet day.

Halfway, we see the bracing posts of our perimeter fence
 peeking up from lush undergrowth.

My neighbor's hillside pasture lies on the other side,
 with distant foothills in the background.

It took my youngest son 2 years (with the help of his Dad and brother),
to finish installing this 5 foot heavy wire mesh fence
on breaks from schooling before he left home.

Each  4x6 cedar post was hand dug in the steeply forested terrain.
Every bag of cement was mixed on site.

With hunters, hikers, 4 wheelers, horseback riders, roaming dogs, and loose horses and livestock coming up the elk trail from the river, we never knew who would be passing by our home on any given day.

Sometimes they would wave :)

This fence is very much appreciated,
especially when a hunter's bullet nearly parts your hair.

The fence does not keep out the wild life.

But the wild life are much more respectful.

Once home, we see Bleeding Heart bloom inside the front garden fence.

With lowering skies and raindrops falling, we head inside.

Can you see the dog pen fencing at the bottom of the steps?

We stay on the stepping stones as we walk through there. :)

Back to where we started - soaking wet!

Lamenting this fickle spring!


Don't ever take a fence down until you know the reason it was put up.
-G K Chesterton-

Linking with Good Fences


  1. your views, your area, your PROPERTY are just gorgeous, karen!!! and i love your walking companions, too.

    thanks for linking in!

  2. Your walk just to the front gate to pick up the paper is a beautiful adventure. It's a shame that fences have to be put up sometimes but agree that a hunter's bullet is a sure sign to add them! Have a happy weekend once it's here my friend x

  3. What a lovely area and all your fence shots are great. You really have great walking spaces!

  4. You took us on a lovely walk Karen, your surroundings are idyllic. Sweet companions also. It must have been a celebration to get the fencing done. I think I would have opened up a bottle of champagne.

  5. You do have lovely property for a walk. Gorgeous views. Love the neighbors horse and the cute puppy dogs..Great collection of fence shots! wonderful post, thanks for sharing! Have a happy weekend!

  6. I´m glad comming to your blog and visiting you is a great pleasure
    I love your posts

  7. Hi Karen thank you for taking us along on your walk. you have a lovely place and area in which to walk with your pets. I love all the fences you came across but the shot with the Bleeding Heart is fantastic

  8. i really love going on these little excursions with you! It is so GREEN THERE! In only a week, we will be up there too, and looks like it might be a rainy and cool experience. Bringing some warmer stuff and definitely my rain gear!

  9. It is so green where you are! I love that bleeding heart. We have several that are up, but not blooming yet. We need some of your rain - it's very dry here for this time of year. Thanks for taking us along on your walk:)

  10. Hi Karen, I really enjoyed the walk with you to get the newspaper. It certainly is beautiful there even in the cold rain. I love all the fences and pretty views here and there and of course, the gorgeous mountain view from you deck. I am now following you. Pam

  11. You live in a lovely place even if it rains a lot.

  12. Hi Karen,

    Lovely to come for a walk with you today and such a gorgeous place where you live.
    Your dog and cat are so sweet. Our weather has been a little fickle here too and can be very changeable, but suppose we have to expect it now that we are coming into Autumn.
    Happy day

  13. OMGOSH, Karen! What a beautiful piece of the world you call your own. It is just gorgeous there. I guess I don't know where you live....I am guessing West coast? Wherever it is -what a blessing to wake up there. xo Diana

  14. What an amazing view! And sweet companions. :-) That bleeding heart makes me long for spring. It was my grandma's favorite flower and I have one in my garden too. So delicate.

  15. Hi Karen, I love how pretty and peaceful it looks where you live! Thanks for the walk with the dog to get the newspaper. You take such nice pictures. I love that mountain in the background. It's so different from where I live. I grew up on Long Island and I'm the only one that moved close to NYC. It is a fun place to see and visit. Have a nice weekend.

  16. Dearest Karen,
    Lovely post, despite the rain... we got such alternate heavy rain days as well. Easter Sunday was lovely and sunny and this week was fine except Tuesday it rained again.
    Your Ling Ling walking with you reminds me of the time we lived in our first home in Dublin, GA. When Pieter came home from one of his trips for Campbell by plane to do training on the spot somewhere in the US or in Canada, he loved to walk. So often after supper we walked with Mauzie our Dachshund and soon enough a cat, a boxer (Mauzie's big girlfriend) joined us and it was no sight. But to me it is so lovely to see how they all get along so well; exemplary to humans in many ways.
    Smart for placing that fencing. We too have our entire property fenced in, except where the creek is of course. It took a lot of posts, mesh wire, concrete and sweat! But it stands for a lifetime the way it is done. My Dad even helped Pieter with part of it in the adjacent wood garden.
    Hugs to you.

  17. Gosh!!! I am so glad you have your fence! So many reasons to have one!!! How many acres are you on Karen?? Such beautiful scenery all around you! And how cute is Champ with that ball in his mouth! Your bleeding heart is gorgeous and all of your shots of your trees are unbelievable! You really live in God's country! Wishing you a wonderful weekend friend! Nicole xoxo

  18. Beautiful spring photos, Karen...I always love seeing your beautiful views! That bleeding heart is gorgeous...

  19. Oh my so much beauty. You live in a gorgeous area. I love bleeding hearts and yours is lovely against the fence. It's been (rainy) here a lot this week too. I'm ready for sunshine again, how about you?

  20. Oh I forgot to mention that Whitey and Ling Ling are adorable.

  21. What a gorgeous walk each day to collect the newspaper.. the photos are wonderful, Love the way Ling Ling leads the way..I do wonder what Whitey & Ling Ling were plotting (lol).. The bleeding heart & fence is so beautiful...Have a wonderful day... Hugs May x x

  22. I enjoyed that walk in your property, which is amazing. I really like your bleeding hearts, it reminds me of my grand-mother's garden. I plan on planting some, I just don't know where for now.

  23. What a wonderful walk and gorgeous view. Life's blessings.

  24. Oh Karen I feel like I am flying over your place not on a fourwheeler waving:) I love visiting here it is so relaxing. Fickle spring are the words of the day here too. Love the horse barn and that is a fine looking fence I know fences:) Hug B

  25. It's been very fickle here in KY as well Karen! Crazy thunderstorm this morning as I write this. I love the picture of Whitey and Ling Ling :)

  26. Hello my sweet friend! Your posts are full of beauty and when I visit your blog I feel so relaxed - does that even make sense??

    Your Bleeding Heart is gorgeous! We don't have an flowers yet, but it won't be long now :)

    Have a wonderful weekend, Karen. Hugs to you!

  27. pretty nice blog, following :)

  28. You live in a lovely place, Karen. Hopefully the sun shines for you soon!

  29. Hi there, just catching up! Glad that you had a good Easter, I hope that the fickle spring settles down a bit and is less damp very soon! Hope that you have a good weekend. xx

  30. Hello! I found you through Deborah's blog, The Beautiful Matters. What a lovely blog you have. I visited the Cascade Mountains many, many years ago (when I was a teenager so it really was many, many years ago!) and it has to be one of the most beautiful places on earth.

    I enjoyed joining you on your walk thanks to all your wonderful photos. I'll be back again to visit. Have a wonderful weekend!

  31. Lovely walk down the lane and back and your loyal companions are cute! It has been fickle weather this spring. Never know how to dress! It usually turns chilly once the evening comes. We have been enjoying the beauty of Hood River lately! Amazing world that's so close to us! Have a great weekend, my friend!

  32. Dearest Karen,
    Fickle spring weather we have here as well. What a sweet post this is; I loved all the pictures of your sweet companion and neighbor's horse what is more you have wonderful nature for walk♡♡♡

    Sending you Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan, xoxo Miyako*

  33. As you said it must be a wonderful climate for you! enjoy it!
    Wonderful capture of pictures. Pink color blossoms are beautiful! Your companion is good!

  34. Karen, I agree a crazy Spring, my plants are confused, so am I. Great photo's you
    live in a beautiful spot. Maine has rain today. yvonne

  35. Awe, such a lovely walk -- indeed! My favorite photo image today is number 14...

  36. It is so gorgeous you can smell the leaves in the rain. Beautiful fences and country. xo Jenny

  37. No need to lament your fickle spring, Karen - you are surrounded by beauty - and your beautiful spirit only adds to it! <3


Thank you for stopping by! Your comments are important to me and are very much appreciated. xx Karen