
Thursday, April 10, 2014

A Drive in the Country - Good Fences

I had to venture out 
 the other day to do some errands 
and thought I would take you along....

The Dandelions are in full bloom now - little drops of sunshine! 
A few in a lawn are one thing, but this whole field is quite amazing! 

This sweet little pop of pink peeks out
 from dark evergreens behind a pretty fence. 

I take this country road just to see this tree! 

A big-leaf Maple just now starting to leaf out. 

It sits majestically on a small knoll, 
overlooking lush fields and mountains in the distance. 

This weathered cattle barn resides nearby. 

These sweet, miniature donkeys look quite happy in their beautiful paddock.

The white horse in the background blends right in. 

A Christmas tree farm nestles safely behind a stern looking fence. 

I think it is to keep the deer and elk out more than people 

These little trees make tasty morsels.....

You can imagine what a herd of these magnificent creatures would do....

They are as large as horses.

This herd is making it's way to higher elevations for the summer. 

A favorite barn, now used for special events. 

Its beautiful, sturdy fencing takes advantage of a resident Douglas Fir. 

An April Shower catches this lane of flowering trees against some residential fencing. 

With darkening skies we make our way towards home in the distant foothills.

This charming little barn is a familiar landmark on our way.

Lingering raindrops drip down my windshield....

We make our turn onto the winding mountain road that brings us home, 
with Mt. Rainier peeking through the clouds. 

Home Sweet Home! 

Champ is happy to see us! 

Thank you, Dear Friends for coming along with me - I hope you enjoyed the ride! 

Today I am linking to: Good Fences


  1. i did! very much! love the barns, horses, TREES, mountains, blooms. and, of course, really good fences! :)

    thanks, karen!

  2. HI Wow! So many great fences you managed to get into this post today with animals, trees, scenery and wildflowers.

  3. Lovely series of fences and images! I love the donkeys! And Champ is a cutie!

  4. What a lovely set of photos of fences! The fence using the Doug For is very unique! I hope you have a great weekend!

  5. Dearest Karen;
    How GORGEOUS your fences are; I enjoyed the varieties of them and with animals♡♡♡
    Love the one 'home sweet home'♪♪♪

    Sending you Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan, xoxo Miyako*

  6. I love Mt. Ranier. You have a view of it? Wow!

  7. Dearest Karen,
    That was a lovely right; regardless some raindrops!
    The huge red cedar (?) is incredible with the fence reaching only its bark.
    Enjoy the coming weekend.

  8. Love all of your fences Karen and such a great capture of spring you have gotten. So glad that it is finally here! Thank you for taking us out on this lovely ride

  9. Your part of the world is so pretty! I mean...when I see these shots I think wow! To live there must be such a joy! I would be in heaven passing by all of those beautiful barns and trees! Thank you for taking us takes me away and makes me smile! A wonderful weekend to you Karen! Nicole xoxo

  10. What an amazing series of fences... all kinds, colors and shapes!

  11. Fences are used in many places with different backgrounds!

  12. You have shared so many lovely fences, a great selection all of them but I did especially love those donkeys.

  13. Beautiful post as always, The fences are all fabulous.. your part of the world is simply perfect...& what a welcome home to see the lovely loyal Champ waiting your return.... Have a wonderful weekend ahead... Hugs May x x

  14. you really live in a beautiful area.
    I just joined your followers. Enjoyed the comment.

  15. Beautiful! I really need to visit the Pacific Northwest someday! Those elk are amazing!

  16. You have no idea how much I would love to visit your beautiful world Karen. The elk are amazing and so many pretty barns and the scenery well you know. Beautiful Thank you. Someday I will get there. Hug B

  17. Thanks for taking us along.....and what a lovely drive it was, not to mention some great fences. Visiting from Good Fences.

  18. I love your drive in the country. We have been to Washington state over 20 years ago visiting family and loved our visit there, such a beautiful part of the country there.

  19. Thanks for taking us along for the ride. Great scenery and fences. I love the pretty barn now used for special events.

  20. Your photos are wonderful! I really felt like I was riding along with you. What a pretty route. I like how the same country drive can be different every time you take it. And you live in such a pretty place!

  21. I too, felt that I was on a wonder ride through your countryside viewing all the surrounding scenes. You did get some great fence photos here.

  22. Thanks for taking us along on your errand running adventure. I sure wish my trips were this beautiful, lol.

  23. Lovely to get to see out and about with you!! xx

  24. I really enjoyed the ride... I think Washington state and Brittany have the same kind of weather with April showers (and also May showers...)

  25. Dear Karen,

    I enjoyed coming along on the ride with you - always lovely to see a little bit of where others live.
    You live in a gorgeous place and loved seeing the little peek of pink blossom.
    How wonderful the red barns are and sweet that Champ is waiting for you at the gate.
    Happy weekend

  26. I love fences, the older the better where they are all gnarled and worn. I can understand the barbed wire around the Christmas trees, but ouch! Thanks for taking us out on a ride around your lovely area. xx

  27. I always enjoy going on a country road trip with you, dear Karen. Thanks for taking me along for the ride! xo

  28. °✿✿⊱

    Passeio delicioso por de lugares e paisagens lindas.

    Bom fim de semana!
    Beijinhos do Brasil.
    °º。♪♫♬° ·.

  29. What gorgeous pictures. I absolutely LOVE fences. We had a lot of stone fences where I grew up in PA. You have beautiful country there where you are, Karen. Beautiful!!!!! xo Diana

    ps. Did you know that you are a No Reply blogger when you leave a comment? I can't just pop in and say Thank You via email. If you want to fix it let me know- I have the link that shows you how to do that- xo Diana

  30. Hi Beatrice,
    I enjoyed the tour with you! Such a great capture of the elks ... and the pretty tree with pink flowers on it, the barns and Mt. Rainier ... I did Google Mt. Rainier - it's really impressive, being so high and having ice on the top! Enjoy the signs of spring ... It sure is on it's way now!

  31. Dear Beatrice
    I love the landscape around your house and I have enjoyed the ride a lot

  32. Querida Beatrice lindo paseo ,, se nota que por allí esta llegando la primavera!,,deseo que tenga un óptimo domingo

  33. That's quite a drive, Karen. I don't think I'd mind doing errands at all if I had to take those roads - and I'd take a detour to see that tree as well.

    I think if I could have any job, I would love to be a Christmas tree farmer (is "orcher" a word?!). To be surrounded by all that green, and then to realize what the trees will celebrate - heaven on earth! <3

  34. Such great fences, Karen :) I always love going on a drive with you - you manage to capture so many lovely things on camera.

    Have a beautiful week, sweet friend!

  35. Due to a lot of 'hustle and bustle' I haven't been on your blog for a long time. Sorry for that Karen! Finally I found some time now and I've watched your posts and I read it with a lot of pleasure.
    Thanks for being such loyal follower of my blog :-)

    Hope you'll have a great week

  36. Gorgeous drive! Such wonderful sights everywhere you look. The elk were a nice surprise! :-) It's just lovely there.

    I wanted to tell you that when we lived here before, in the early 80s I made prickly pear jelly and mine was also runny! :-) But I also made prickly pear chutney with two other fruits and it was awesome! SOOO good, and the perfect consistency as well. I keep saying I'm going to make that again. I want a little blow torch though to get the tiny stickers off the fruit. I had a grocery sack full of them that were brought in the house in that earlier adventure, and we ended up with stickers in the carpet, and in our bodies. It was awful! :-)

  37. Hi Dear,
    thank you for taking me around. So very beautiful!!!
    Have a wonderful Easter time


Thank you for stopping by! Your comments are important to me and are very much appreciated. xx Karen