
Friday, March 14, 2014

March Musings on a Three Year Anniversary

The wild plum are blooming here in the foothills; a sure sign of spring. 

It has been sunny and warm the last few days and I have been outside preparing garden beds, planting perennials and roses and cleaning up after a long winter. 

Suddenly, everything is bursting into bloom, little by little. 

I can't tell you how welcome these sweet little blossoms are to my winter weary soul. 

We had buckets of rain before these precious sunny days and everything was flooded. 

My front walkway had 6 inches of water! 
(Something new after the neighbor above us did some drainage work. Guess we need to do some now!)

The river down below us was raging and we had a fast flowing stream through the property in what is usually a muddy drainage ditch.
 It did sound very pretty ...

Finally the skies cleared...

But the clouds always linger over the mountains. 

As the Indian Plum bloom, I am reminded that 3 years ago this month I started this little blog. 

It's been a wonderful experience of learning and connecting and inspiration.

Sometimes living here can be isolating and blogging connects me to the world.
I started my blog one month before my Mother died. She never got to see it or know that I named it after her own Mother.

It was hard losing my parents - my Father to Alzheimer's and my Mother to heart disease.
They lived within walking distance of me for 30 years, always willing to open up their cozy kitchen to a weary mom with pie, coffee and good advice.

Raising 4 children kept me home. I could never keep a job or leave for very long with 4 spirited kids always getting into trouble. One weekend my husband and I went away and the party they had was legendary.

Some of the neighbors have never forgotten....

When I found myself with an empty nest and both my parents gone,
I lost my creative desire.

Being out in the gardens or sewing was so quiet and contemplative and all I could think about was sad thoughts of missing them.

But blogging helped me reconnect with the world.

A beautiful world of caring and interesting people. 

My saving grace. 

I have learned so much from all of you - crafting, photography, gardening, cooking, life....

Sometimes I get so excited to put what I have learned into practice, especially gardening right now.

The gardens have been neglected these last couple of years.

The cleanup from the ice storm we had two years ago has taken all our time and is still ongoing.
Every tree in our little forest lost branches or broke in two.
We still have a shed to demolish after it was crushed by a falling tree.

And my grief has also been crushing.

But time takes away the sharp edges.

Now I am ready to dig in once again.

I am excited to feel the satisfaction of working the earth and nurturing my creative spirit once more. 

Thank you, Dear Friends, for sharing this journey with me. 

Blogging has opened up a world of inspiration and learning. 

And beautiful friends. 


'It would be unreasonable to demand that anything as lovely as an herbaceous border in full bloom be achieved without a little suffering.'

Eleanor Perenyi
Green Thoughts (1981)


  1. i have wondered about the name of your blog. thank you for explaining that. and happy 3rd yr blogiversary.

    i do understand your long grieving period. you were very much involved and tied into your parents' lives there. that doesn't stop after they are gone. bless you for the beauty you share with us from your place in every post. :)

  2. Hi Karen,
    How happy it makes me to hear that you are finding your way again. I hope I am right behind you.
    xxoo, m

  3. I am so happy that you did start your blog and that I have been able to get to know you through it. Your photos and words are very inspiring to me.
    You have such a beautiful family and home. You are carrying on the loving legacy of your parents!
    Take care and have a great weekend!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Oh Karen this hits close to home for me as I spend a lot of time alone as you know and I had lost my Dad before I started my Blog and now my Mother with Alzheimers and more than I can list wrong now and the never knowing what comes next so I understand.
    Blogging has taken me to a place where everyone has problems and burdens and can share openly and hugs are given freely and has gotten both of us I am sure through those tough times knowing that.
    I am sure your kids and husband are very proud of you and your parents I believe are right there with you every step of the way. Happy 3rd. Blogaversary. I am certainly happy I found you and your inspiring blog. HUG HUGS B

  6. This is such a thoughtful and well done post. I imagine it must be a difficult time to see the end of what was such a happy part of your life. You are so creative and I think your gardening and sewing will be a wonderful outlet as you find new happiness. And I laughed when I read about your kids' party ~ I've already decided I'll never leave them home alone!!

  7. Another heart warming post full of beautiful pictures and words. Thanks for sharing this Karen.

  8. My sweet Karen, my heart is so thankful that you started a blog because through our blogs we met and it is a joy to follow along and share your blogging journey - you are a precious lady who has been a blessing to me.

    This post was bitter-sweet and my heart goes out to you, dear friend. Sending you love and hugs!

  9. I've been blogging for about 2 years now and am continuously amazed by this blogging community! I'm happy that you find other blogger supportive and have made some great connections! You have so many beautiful blooms in your area! Thank you for sharing this with us!

  10. This is such a dear post. Happy Anniversary to your blog and thank you for sharing your journey with us in cyberspace. My blog came about right after my mom passed away so I can so relate to much of the emotion behind your post. Keep going and sharing, it is greatly appreciated.

  11. Oh wow. What a story about your life and this blog. Our beautiful Father has been so faithful - Everything you have posted in this blog has brought blessing to me. Honestly I'm inspired by you alot and I think every comment of mine will never able to express it. I'm sorry about your parents and I am grateful to have you in blog world. You have inspired me to be beautiful lady, mother and wife through this blogland.

    Thank you for the sweet comment. I'm so happy to knowing how to sew.

  12. Oh Karen!!!!!!!! You my friend are why I blog. To come to your space and listen to your thoughts and see your world just makes me happy! The story about you going to your parents' cozy kitchen for advice and comfort just makes my heart melt. Such a blessing to have had that with your folks. And you gave me a chuckle about your "spirited" kids and their party! I think my mom would say that we were spirited too! You did a good job...and I can not imagine how hard it is to live without your parents. I am glad that you have your beautiful garden of color around you. And that you are able to share your journey with us because I have learned so much from you! Thank you for inspiring friend! All the best....Nicole xoxo

  13. Blogging does bring so much into our lives, doesn't it, Karen? Spring looks so beautiful where you are...we are warming up, but still buried under snow...

  14. We are thankful for your blog each and every day Karen. What a beautiful post full of emotion and memories. I had no idea that your blog was named after your mother. I am so glad to have met you in blogland :)

  15. What a beautiful and heartfelt post Karen! You have a wonderful way with words. I am so happy to have met you in blogland. Thanks for sharing your beautiful part of the country with us.
    Happy 3rd blogaversary.

  16. So beautiful spring pictures! A great joy after the winter. Here in Germany the winter was very mild this year.

  17. Dear Karen,

    I never realised that living on such a beautiful spot can make you feel lonely, but I now understand. It must have been hard for you being there all by yourself in the daytime. I am happy to hear the blog world cheered you up and gave you the inspiration you needed to work in your garden. It looks lovely!!! You know, blogging helps me too, especially now. There are so many kind people around!!

    Happy Sunday!

    Much love & a hug,

    Madelief x

  18. I too think it's a good way to express yourself and connect with other people who you would not normally meet, I sit on my blog for a hour or two most mornings it's my morning chat and I do enjoy it.

  19. This is such a beautiful blog. It is enriching and enlightening. The pictures are beautiful. Thanks for sharing.

  20. Dear Karen and congratulations on the blog we make gifts, these your wonderful post .... Sometimes I feel alone and when I enter your space, I'm happy with their publications, their crafts. I feel connected in Seattle, and you're here in Brazil ... I talk to you for my husband and my children, you are part of my life and I feel honored by this friendship.
    Flowers renew the soul and they are beautiful! A big kiss and a beautiful Sunday.

  21. Enjoyed your post. Blooms abound now. It seemed like last week was the date it really started with the flowering cherry trees here. I've enjoyed your blog very much and hope you continue. Happy 3rd blogaversary! Hugs!

  22. Happy Blogaversary, Karen! I had no idea that blogging came at such a crucial time for you. I know how hard it is to regain that sense of peace and creativity after finding yourself with an empty nest and losing loved ones. My Dad also died from Alzheimers--he, three years ago January. I am blessed with a healthy, active Mom whose blogging got me started, I think about five years ago now, but it may be more like six! I will have to look! Your flowers are so beautiful! What a lovely awakening of spring! I hope and pray you have a blessed and prosperous and fulfilling year this year and that when March rolls around again, there will have many lovely blog posts inbetween. God bless you!

  23. Hi Karen, wow I am so glad that you started your blog 3 years ago and congrats! You are so creative and talented and I love everything that you share with us all! Wishing you many more years of happiness blogging. Have a nice weekend.

  24. Hi Karen, Me too as Julie says... so happy you decided to start your blog I always feel so calm after reading your wonderful heart felt posts...and your pics are always so beautiful...I am so happy to have met you in blog land...have a happy Sunday... Hugs May x x x

  25. Happy 3rd anniversary, Karen! Your blog has given me so very much, as you know. I love the little peek into the Northwest that I get here, and I learn a lot about many things from you. I think the springtime in Glasgow is keeping pace with you - I've noticed the hawthorns just beginning to come into leaf, and also the periwinkle/vinca... Such an exciting time of year. (And don't get me started about standing water!)

  26. Hi Dear,
    happy anniversary, that's great! You have a beautiful garden it was nice to have a walk. And, you still have snow on the mountains as I have in Austria.
    A wonderful time and spring sun may shine

  27. one of my favorite things about blogging is the connections we make with people we have never even met. I have so enjoyed seeing your spring blossoms. We are not there for another month or two....

  28. Hi Dear,
    happy anniversary, that's great! You have a beautiful garden
    A wonderful time and spring sun may shine

  29. Dido -- you were there for me too having lost my parents too - mother from heart disease and father from cancer and my mother in-law from Alzheimer's and her husband from heart disease.. I needed you just as much.. It was hard to get back to doing things too -- even though I was writing their history for the family by my own choice - it was still very difficult.. Time does heal... I've loved your post and hope you continue for a long time..
    Photos of breath taking.. thanks dear friend for all your kindness..

  30. My husband has traveled, for work, throughout the years and I have often been by myself raising our children. Blogging has been a great way for me to connect with people during all those times at home. Happy Blog-a-versary to you!

  31. Dearest Karen,
    First off, congrats to your 3rd anniversary of blogging!
    It is a wonderful experience to meet friends from around the world, that care and nurture each other.
    Life is full of joyful moments and also valleys of grieve. But it soothes the soul, knowing we don't walk those low and dark valleys alone.
    Your Erica is so lovely; miss that here and we for years kept some alive from your state but it succumbed to the drought and heat. My Dad used to have all sorts of heath and his garden was the focal point for several brides and grooms for a photo shoot.
    Enjoy this most beautiful season that is about to enter. We got now heavy rain and two more days. In one week, frost on Thursday night and than high 80s and back to cooler and rain... One last act from Mr. Winter I guess.

  32. Such an emotive post, as like you blogging has given me strength. Congratulations on the third anniversary of your blog.

  33. Somehow I missed this post because I was traveling to Phoenix for a wedding. I love reading your words, Karen, and I'm sorry for the loss of both your dear Mom and Dad. I am learning that grief is something that lingers awhile and something we can't dismiss lightly. I will just think a thought, or be reminded of something, or see something, and the tears will flow.
    Congratulations on three years of blogging, my friend. xo


Thank you for stopping by! Your comments are important to me and are very much appreciated. xx Karen