
Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Indian Summer

Driving home from my son's birthday gathering, 

I thought of how beautiful Indian Summer is, here in Western Washington. 

We have mild weather until the end of October. 

As we wind our way along the Cascade Mountain foothills 

I enjoy every moment of this time of year. 

Nature is preparing for the winter ahead and offering up her abundance. 

The Salmon are returning along the rivers and creeks

as they have done since time began, 

providing a comfortable winter for hibernating bears.

And a tasty delicacy for the rest of us.  

Barns are full of freshly baled hay,

Berries are ripe,

Black Eyed Susan are blooming,

And the Dahlia's -

Oh, the Dahlia's! 

Little puffs of happiness! 

That little sign ........

No Dahlia's today!

Livestock love this time of year, too. 
The fields are freshly cut, the temperatures are cooler and the pesky insects are gone. 

Homemade Soup and Bread is something else I love as the weather gets cooler. 

Sharing it is even better. 

The Mr. is stacking firewood for the winter. 

The scent of freshly cut wood fills the air every weekend. 

Birds are flocking together. 

I love their choreographed flights and noisy conversations. 

Of course this mild weather makes it a perfect time to catch up on painting and staining jobs. 

This week I am staining the deck. 

My 'Grand-pup', Peanut says hello! She is visiting with her sister, Weenie Baby. 

They are 'supervising'. Can you see that the deck needs some new stain? 

I am done with this end and now everything is moved here so I can finish the other side. 
I love using a paintbrush. 
I love that I can daydream while I accomplish something! 

Indian Summer always has dramatic skies. 

Although we can't see the sun set, we can see the reflection on Mt. Rainier. 

The air is so still at dusk. 

Time becomes suspended. 

And then, a small plane comes into view. 

It circles around.....

And makes another pass. 

Did the pilot see me taking photographs or just want to enjoy the view? 

I like to think both, and that I was given a splendid photo op!

I am alone these last few days with my Rambling Man away on business. 

But last night there were a million stars in the sky. 

And an owl hooting in the big cedar tree right by the house. 

And just down the hill, an elk bugled. 

I love this time of year. 

Don't you? 



  1. Oh my, do you have elk where you live. We have bear, deer and cougars, but no elk. : )

    1. Hi Nell, thanks for stopping by! Yes, we have Roosevelt Elk and all the rest that you mentioned. It is always a thrill to see them. My daughter left my house the last time she visited and had to stop for 3 cows in the road. They have the right of way. :) xo

  2. Wow Karen, indeed your piece of paradise is magnificent! Elk, owls, Mt Rainier just outside your window....surrounded with towering trees, you are blessed. Do you ever get bush fire there? You did a good job in staining the deck floors, and your assistants are so cute.
    Hope you are enjoying some quiet time alone.

    Have a good week


    1. Thank you, Aida, we do feel blessed that we found this little piece of paradise as raw land that nobody wanted. It was covered with downed trees and they had dumped all the rocks and debris from building the road onto this property. When we hiked in to see the only lot we could afford because it was the least desirable of all, we saw the view, hidden between the fallen branches of a huge tree. We kept quiet about it so the price wouldn't go up and sold everything we owned to buy it. It took many, many years of hard work (over 30) and now we have our paradise. We are truly blessed.

      I am enjoying my week 'alone' with 4 dogs, 2 cats, and one cockatiel. Thank goodness for their company or it could be very lonely here. xx

      And yes, we have forest fires - very large ones every year in Washington, but thank goodness, none in this area. But we do get nervous every summer when it gets so dry.

      I hope this answers your questions, and thank you, friend, for stopping by!

      Hugs, xoxo

  3. Beautiful pictures. What are the temperatures like out there right now? We're still in the upper 80s/lower 90s here in KY. I'm ready for some cooler weather!

    1. Thank you, Keith! We are having very warm temperatures this week, much the same as yours. We have very low humidity so it doesn't seem too hot. I have lots of shade with the big trees all around and cool breezes from the mountains, but those in the valleys are suffering, I am sure. Although in Washington, we have hot temperatures so rarely that everyone celebrates! We might break some old records this week, too! But next week will be cooler, thank goodness. I hope you get some cooling, too. :) Thanks for visiting. xo

  4. What a beautiful field of dahlias! Good for you for getting that deck job done. It's not my favorite job. But maybe because it is still in the 90's here. Nothing outside (except the pool) sounds good right now:)

  5. how lovely. we've not had any fall, yet. and still desperately need rain. when that happens, i'll breathe a sigh of relief.

    the shot of the barn with the puffy clouds was so pretty! and your deck looks great!

  6. Yes! Yes, I absolutely do!!! :)

  7. I love this time of year. As we approach the official beginning of autumn - my favourite time of year - I feel a renewal of energy.
    We see Mt Rainier from the island on a certain type of day. It mustn't be too sunny or cloudy, but on a hazy day, there it is - a shadow, a treat for anyone looking.

  8. Oh what lovely photos - the air is so wonderful this time of year - and the temperatures are fabulous. Seems everyone and everything is preparing for the change in the weather that will come all too soon.

  9. I do love this time of year - although it's 90 today which is kind of weird. Indian summer is beautiful where you are - I love those dahlias!

  10. Those blackberries were an instant deja vu to growing up there, playing outside all day long. There was never a shortage of 'snacks'; huckleberries, salmon berries, blackberries (I preferred the red tart ones)and the neighbor's plums that we'd sneak off of their tree. (Shhh, don't tell.) The deck looks great! I'm jealous that Jennie got to enjoy that yummy homemade soup and soda bread.
    Love you

  11. It is a great time of year! We are still stuck in summer with really hot days, but it's supposed to cool off a bit this weekend. Those Dahlias are soooo pretty! I'd love to pick a few. Too bad it's closed ;) And I definitely look forward to soup and bread. In the colder months, soup is pretty much all I cook and eat!

  12. I hope you have a chance to go and pick some dahlias! That field is gorgeous! Looks like you have a lot to keep you busy before the cold weather arrives. But I think we are going to have a great indian summer here in the nw!

  13. What a beautiful post, Karen. That field of dahlias is extraordinary! I wish I could see it in person. Yes, I love the fall too. Today in Glasgow it rained almost all day, and I baked oatmeal cookies! Cosy.

  14. What a lovely post, Karen...I do love this time of year! I got a new grandpup this week, too!

  15. Karen incredible place! I love dahlias, how they adorn. Your deck is very nice and homely, their dogs are enjoying.
    Congratulations to your son, and what a wonderful place. As nature is beautiful!
    A big kiss and beautiful week.

  16. This is another beautiful things.
    I LOVE the clouds over the barns, they are beautiful there :)
    I wish in Indonesia there is Fall.. fall is my most favorite season.
    and dahlia's are dancing beautiful.

    Praying for you :)

  17. Yes I do Karen! It is such a cozy and rich time of year! I will be popping over to check out your bread and soup recipes! They look delicious! And I love the shot of the wood! I can just picture a warm fire crackling in the cooler months! Oh and great job on the deck! That is a big job! We have something in common...daydreaming!! Have a great remainder of the week friend! Beautiful!!!

  18. You are certainly surrounded by beauty and I am so glad you share it with us on your blog :) The Dahlia's are incredible and the field of them made me swoon! My sweet hubby has been gathering fire wood as well for the colder months and I am already eager to sit around the warm fire with a good book and hot cup of coffee :)

    Hugs and blessings to you!

  19. Dearest Karen,
    Lovely post about your Indian Summer! How lovely and mild the climate still is, the amount of wood your husband has to prepare for winter is telling also a story. If a woman would be living by herself, at old age, how would she cope with that chore?
    My Dad however has been splitting logs for as long as he lives. They have central heat but in the living room they use the wood stove for keeping it cozy and warm.
    Oh, soup and bread is a bliss for this kind of weather!
    Enjoy some more flowers and hope the deck is coming along nicely. Yes, owning a home means always something to do!

  20. I love Indian Summer (we aren't there yet) ...
    I just wish it wasn't followed by winter :)
    Love all those dahlias ...
    and everything else you photograph, of course.

  21. I love that little photo tour! Beautiful surroundings. I am all into bread and comfort food when the weather turns too!

  22. it's hard to believe summer is almost over!

  23. Nice! Especially love the dahlias! WOW!!

  24. It is so beautiful up in your neck of the woods - I know firsthand now, as I've recently visited Washington (finally!). <3


Thank you for stopping by! Your comments are important to me and are very much appreciated. xx Karen