
Thursday, July 25, 2013

Raindrops on Roses

Raindrops on Roses.

"These are a few of my favorite things"! 

My favorite song from 'The Sound of Music'. 

We had a little shower the other night. 

Just enough to turn everything magical. 

And refresh the tiniest among us. 

I watched this little guy go from blade of grass to blade of grass, taking tiny drinks from water droplets. 

And then he and the magic were gone. 

We haven't had any measurable rain since June 22nd! 

But this is normal for Washington State. 
We are cloudy and damp for 9 months and then we have our 'dry season'. 
Which can become dangerously dry. 

Last night my Mr. and I stood on our deck until late in the evening watching through binoculars a very large bonfire that someone had built on the neighboring ridge along the power lines.

Where nobody lives and where there is no water for miles.
Surrounded by timber as far as the eye can see. 

We called it in, and were informed that one of our neighbor's had already done that. 

But the fire dept. never found it and it gradually died down and we were able to sleep, although fitfully. 

This is wildfire season here.

But all is well this morning and take a look at this beauty, peeking through the deck railing to say Hello! 

I bought her as a commemorative rose in memory of my Mother. 

My Mother loved yellow roses. 

Although this one is more apricot, I think. 

Never-the-less, she is a beauty. 

I have been spending my afternoons watering. 

Our water is supplied by a deep well, 200 ft. deep! 

It gets low this time of year, because we are on the top of a little mountain. 

So my watering chores must be rationed. 

I am very careful and this is another reason why I primarily garden in pots. 

Whatever I plant in the ground must be very hardy and drought resistant. 

Still, I do have to water when it has been so dry. 

I finished planting my cutting garden. 

When I stopped at the plant sale I bought a few more pretties to fill in. 

Deep maroon Hibiscus. This is a non-flowering variety. 

My very old Butterfly Bushes bloom in the background. 

They have the most amazing, spicy scent that fills the air. 

Every year we look forward to them blooming.

The scent will forever remind me of late summer. 

I also added some shorter purple 'Osteospermum' to my cutting garden. 

Later I will add some creeping phlox and candytuft to spill over the stone wall. 

I will keep my eyes open for those at the nurseries. 

I already have tiny forget me nots sprouting here and there from last spring's flowers. 

My Mr. relaxes on the bench after dinner while I finish watering. 

We love these long summer evenings together. 

While I water, I toss the ball to Champ. 

Whitey steals the ball every now and again. 

But he never brings it back. 

Instead he takes it and tosses it up in the air and plays catch with himself. 

Until Champ steals it back. 

My dwarf apple trees have a nice crop of little green apples. 

Does anyone remember that country song, 'Little Green Apples' by Roger Miller in 1968? 

I was a young girl and fell in love with that song. 

'Little Green Apples' won a Grammy for 'Song of the Year' in 1968. 

A little trivia for you.....

I have two dwarf apple trees and both produce a heavy crop every other year. 
Seems they know to take turns! 

Sometimes I even get to have some if the deer and other wildlife don't get to them first! 

My old rain barrel has seen better days! 

Now it holds recycled plastic jugs until ready to go. 

As the sun sinks lower in the sky, plantain plumes glow in the sepia light next to the rain barrell. 

I continue my watering chores as the day slowly drifts away.

The Sweet William is starting to set seed in my wildflower garden by the tool shed. 

I will gather some seed for my new cutting garden and leave the rest for future flowers. 

Sweet William is a biennial. 

But the Bird's Foot Trefoil is starting to bloom. 

Can you see my maze of twine holding things together? 

And the yellow button flowers of Tansy are starting to color. 

I grow Tansy for it's pungent leaves that are dried and used for moth repellent sachets. 

The cool evening air feels refreshing after these hot, dry summer days. 

With my watering chores done for the day, we enjoy the last rays of languid light as the full moon rises over the hills. 

A soft breeze brings the spicy scent of Butterfly Bush while the forest birds sing their evening songs. 

After a lifetime of struggle and hard work, we are enjoying this tranquil, peaceful time in our lives. 

Life is good.

For now! (cross my fingers)

Wishing you peace and tranquility for your summer evenings, too! 



  1. How nice to have a little rain shower. I think watering plants is a fun chore and you really have to slow down and take in all of the beautiful flowers. I am glad that fire didn't get out of control.

  2. So beautiful, Karen. Your plants must be soaking up the rain-shower. I love the snail picture the best. I have never seen one so big (and cute!) before. Your photos are a delight to see. Visiting your page always makes me feel refreshed! xoxo

  3. love your furry watering buddies. i hate when folks ignore burn bans and burn brush, etc., anyway. i've called on a neighbor or two, also. too much at stake...

  4. Even tho you haven't much rain everything is still looking lush.
    The photos of raindrops on roses is great.

  5. What a lovely summer flower fest. I love the butterfly bush - I'm hoping to get one to plant next to my deck - the scent is heavenly. All your flowers are so pretty and the moon over the hills is wonderful. Such peaceful summer evenings. We didn't get any of the rain - not a drop - but that's ok - we love the sunshine.

  6. The rain around your house make it more live in my eyes. So fresh reminds me the greatness of our Father :)

    Blessing to you Mrs. Karen.

    Love and praying for you.


  7. Dearest Karen,
    Lovely apricot rose you start with and those raindrops look like diamonds.
    Wish we could send you some of our soggy earth here. We can't even get to the back of our garden, so muddy and soggy it is. Today it was so humid and 104°F Real Feel, that feels like all your energy is being killed.
    Those idiots that start a bonfire can really scare the surrounding residents! It would affect my sleep too.
    Enjoy your beautiful late summer and its tranquility.

  8. The views you showed in your pics were beautiful. What a wonderful place to live! The thought of wildfires would be so scary. I enjoyed seeing your gardens with all of your pretty flowers. Whitey and Champ are such cute posers for pictures.

  9. I really enjoyed this beautiful, informative, and perfectly ramble-y post. :)

  10. Amazing and beautiful! What a wonderful world we have got!


  11. Beautiful pictures you show Karen. Wishing you and your a good weekend :) Hugs Hanne Bente

  12. Oh that is what it is all about Beatrice a lifetime of struggle and hard work and then being able to finally enjoy the seeds that you sowed. Beautiful I love the song Little Green apples by Glen Miller. Beautiful post. Hug B

  13. You have an amazing talent all your photos are incredibly beautiful, I love pictures of raindrops on flowers. xx

  14. Such beautiful shots with those raindrops!

  15. Reading your post I become mesmerized by your words and awesome photos.
    Karen, after all the years of you the Mr working hard you both deserve to enjoy life.

  16. Gorgeous photos, Love how you captured the true it is a life of hard work & struggle bringing up your family working full time Both parents...We retire in 3 years I can't wait to smell the roses.. & enjoy nature... Have a Great weekend... Hugs May x x x

  17. Lovely, lovely photos! I love all the colors and the rain drops are amazing!

  18. Karen, I am so glad nothing came of the fire....Your area is so beautiful is would be a tragedy for any of it to burn...Your views are just majestic and I always love wandering around your garden with you....You have developed a beautiful garden and it's obvious you enjoy it very much..

  19. Oh I am so glad that you were able to see that and call it in! It would make me nervous too! Your roses are just magnificent! In honor of my grandmother I would like to include roses in my new side yard garden....your blooms brought a tear to my eye as they reminded me of her beautiful blooms! Your garden is just so very pretty Karen!!!

  20. You not only have an amazing view, a beautiful house and garden as well!!

    Happy Sunday Karen,

    Madelief x

  21. JUST beautiful photos, and the area surrounding your house is so lovely! I can appreciate your watching the fire on the ridge. We also have fire concerns at our cabin in the woods when it is dry. We are 3 miles up a dirt road on the ridgeline, and that is the only road out... so we watch it carefully. Can just imagine you and your husband enjoying these lovely summer evenings together out in your beautiful yard!

  22. Your roses are stunning! I always enjoy seeing your yard in bloom and the beauty you're surrounded with every day. Glad to hear the fire fizzled out, that could have been a disaster.

  23. Such peace and beauty! You are having your dry season as we have our monsoon season. The rose in the first photo and then later, is amazing! I love that rain barrel too, and all your wonderful flowers. How funny about the nest of twine...I didn't even see it, the flower was so lovely! :-) May you continue to have peacefulness and sharing in all the years to come in your haven there.

  24. Such beautiful surroundings, Karen. I especially love your cutting flowers. Stay safe in the dry season! I am always thinking of my northwestern friends this time of year. <3

  25. Oh Karen, your pix are stunning in this post! WOW. I love all your flowers. We haven't had any rain but may have a little shower on Thursday. Everything is pretty dry here too.
    Thanks for your comments on the baby. It is all so exciting.
    Have a great week.

  26. Your first words made me smile as me and my daughter were singing this on Saturday evening. There was a lot of 'da la la's when we couldn't remember the words! Your photos are stunning as usual Karen and thank goodness the bonfire had fizzled out! Oh to be sitting on your deck and enjoying the surroundings! Have a wonderful week. Chel x

  27. Wishing you a tranquil day and evening, too.
    Especially lovely are the raindrop photos.

  28. Well you've done a great job! Everything looks beautiful and lush. You've captured the raindrops and a cool evening beautifully. Such a lovely place you have.

  29. Hi Karen,

    Even the raindrops on the flowers are beautiful! Your butterfly bush is gorgeous. Mine isn't doing quite so well. You have created such a wonderful place to relax and enjoy nature.

  30. Good morning, Karen! I'm enjoying a second cup of coffee and catching up on your wonderful blog. Your house and garden look like a fairytale setting - so beautiful! I loved the pics of all the raindrops on roses. What type of camera do you use? Have a great day!


  31. How many wonders! beautiful roses, love seeing jardon flowery. We harvest every season something new. That tranquility and how much sensitivity ... big kiss and a nice week my friend.
    I also love this song, I fell in love as a teenager.

  32. I love the raindrops on roses! So pretty! And of course I started singing the song in my head as soon as I read the title of this post :) I could look at your flowers all day long. They are all so beautiful!

  33. Lovely photos! I love to watch snails on the move. So cute. :)

  34. Awe -- my goodness filled to the brim -- and loving ALL the photo - it's almost like I am walking around your place.. That rose colored apricot number 5 photo is my favorite today coming in 2nd place is number 3.. but oh my photo number 5 is stunning.. Glad you are having wonderful evenings with your sweetheart -- love that photo of him in the distance..sweet!


Thank you for stopping by! Your comments are important to me and are very much appreciated. xx Karen