
Monday, June 3, 2013

Chive Blossom Salad, Broccoli Soup and Other Good Things

It was a beautiful weekend and such a nice change from our cool, rainy weather. 

I had forgotten what a beautiful blue the sky is!

The sun was streaming in through the windows and it made me so happy!

The Mr. and I spent the weekend doing what we love best - hanging out at home, tidying up, doing yard work and all those little things that always need doing.

With lots of breaks in between to meet up and enjoy a few minutes of conversation and some nice meals.

I had prepared a big pot of Broccoli Cheese Soup and Irish Soda Bread.

To go along with it, I decided to make a nice

Chive Blossom Salad.

So off to the herb garden I went to gather a few snips of Purple Sage, Golden Oregano, some Dandelion Greens,

And some Chive Blossoms and stems.

Aren't they pretty?

I submerged them in icy cold water for a few minutes with the Chive Blossoms upside down to dislodge any interlopers.

We don't need any of that kind of protein in our salad!

Shake excess water and dry on clean towels.

I arranged them on a bed of fresh baby spinach that I bought at the market.
(Organic, of course)

They do create a lovely presentation!

Served with a cranberry-walnut balsamic vinaigrette.
(Low fat, store bought)

A lovely weekend lunch.

Healthy and surprisingly filling. 

Just pull apart the little chive blossoms with your fork or fingers before eating.

They impart a delightfully mild onion flavor to the salad.

Afterwards take a little walk in the afternoon light.

Don't forget to feed the faithful friends first!

Then come home and enjoy the fruits of your labors!

I hope you all had a lovely weekend, too.

Even if the sun didn't shine.

I want to thank you for being the Dear Friends that you are.

You are my sunshine on a cloudy day.

(A line from 'My Girl', which also happens to be 'Our Song')

Do you have a special song with your loved one?

When I hear the beginning notes of 'My Girl', I always catch my breath.

Even after all these years.

Life is good.



  1. makes a very pretty salad! i liked your 'extra protein' precaution. :)

  2. I just LOVE your creativity Karen! :-)

    Greetings from the Netherlands,

  3. Oh Beatrice this sounds so lovely the time we spend with our husbands is truly special, we are very similar in that way of thinking. Your photos are gorgeous and I feel so relaxed after visiting here.Beautifully displayed meals I love that.
    Our song which My Hero always sang to me is "Ain't No Sunshine When She's Gone" this still makes me weak in the knees:) B

  4. WOW! That last picture is just glorious! Your salad sounds interesting yet good :) I have chives, but I didn't know you could eat the blooms (there is a lot I don't know about gardening). I think I will try this sometime - thanks, my friend, for sharing.

    I always love coming to your blog. Have a great week!


  5. chive blossoms never thought of eating them -- and it indeed makes for a colorful salad.. Number 13 photo is my favorite today... and our song other then our wedding song is from Journey "Faithfully" the line "I am forever yours faithfully - thrills me to the bones..

  6. Lovely, lovely weekend you had along with that delicious lunch, soup and that beautiful salad. So glad the sun was shining and all's well.

  7. My favorite soup is broccoli cheese soup and a salad with raspberry-walnut vinaigrette- yum!
    Love your fantastic view Karen!
    After 54 years together my sidekick and I are still lovers at heart and enjoy our time together- lucky me ~:)

  8. Your meal really looks wonderful!

  9. What a fabulous looking meal - sounds tasty too. The photos are wonderful. We had a great weekend too - it was nice to finally see the sunshine.

    We do have a special song - Till - and it makes me happy whenever I hear it - even after 49 years.

  10. That salad looks fantastic!! Well...the whole meal looks fantastic but my goodness....the salad!!! I so have to try this!! We are big salad eaters here and I have just never even seen chive blossoms on a salad before! Thank you for sharing the recipes!!! Your day sounds perfect! That is all I need to make me happy too! A little home time is so good for the soul!!!

  11. Lovely looking meal and good words to live by. The photos add a sense of peace and are without a doubt gorgeous.

    Thank you

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  13. A weekend hanging out at home is sometimes the best weekened. The meal looks fantastic by the way!

  14. Thank you Karen for another wonderful insight into your life - beautiful pictures. Wishing you and your a really good Tuesday :) Hugs Hanne Bente

  15. A perfect meal to go along with your perfect day. Everything looks delicious!!

  16. edible flowers - what a cool idea for a salad!

  17. Very pretty salad! I want to try it, we love our salads here and the chives are blooming like crazy. Have a great Tuesday!

  18. Beautiful and just like heaven! :)
    and the salad looks good.
    whitey and Champ are so adorable.


  19. What a heavenly retreat you have made your home :)

  20. All so beautiful! Beautiful views, beautiful salads and a beautiful song. My two teenagers are now singing 'you are my sunshine' me! Have a great week. Chel x

  21. Dearest Karen,
    Haha, those interlopers... We once grew our own broccoli and when I immerged that in water to which I'd added some salt, the caterpillars kept floating to the top. I picked up ALL of it; broccoli (organically home grown!) + protein and fed it to my tamed wood pecker that I called 'Woody'. Woody talked a lot for joy and ate it all, I fed him at times boiled potatoes too. Now with our felines I no longer can do this.
    But organically grown is such a hype and it is IMPOSSIBLE to grow any commercial crop without using some pesticides. But people eagerly pay a higher price for a perceived healthier product...
    Your herbs are fine to use fresh that way and it looks so pretty! I always loved edible flowers.
    Hugs to you,

  22. What a delicious looking meal! I've never seen purple sage before - it's so pretty! I really need to plant chives again. Mine didn't do very well last year and didn't come back this year. The blooms are so pretty and it's really neat how you can use them in a salad. Love it!

  23. It sounds as though you both had a perfect day...your soup & salad look so yummy...and kind weather to enjoy...lovely post... Hugs May x x x

  24. A beautiful photo essay of your day!
    As to your lovely lunch - well-plated Karen, well-plated!

  25. I just feel like I had a visit with you at your lovely home! What a very special post Karen. I got lost somewhere and it was delightful. The salad looks so good! My hubby would love it. We have the sun back too and it's wonderful. Have a great week! Thanks for stopping by. I have missed blogging.

  26. The presentation of that salad is beautiful - it's a work of art, almost too pretty to eat (almost). <3


Thank you for stopping by! Your comments are important to me and are very much appreciated. xx Karen