
Sunday, March 24, 2013

Spring Scenes

Yesterday, as I was coming home from shopping, 
I had to pull over to take some photos of our beloved Mt. Rainier. 

Can you imagine being these happy cows and horses? 

We had a very rare day of sunshine after a very stormy week. 

Just the day before it looked like this out my windows! 

That's not snow, it's hail! 

We had heavy rain, wind and hail, alternating back and forth for days. 

And then suddenly, it all stopped. 

The skies cleared, revealing fresh white powder. 
The ski resorts are still going strong. 
We have one just 45 minutes from us, appropriately called Crystal Mountain. 
The main highway going through our little town was filled with skiers and snowboarders
 heading to their destination. 
I always avoid it if I can and take the back roads. 

Once down in the valley I spied these blooming plum trees on either side of the road. 
Sorry for the reflection,  (my unzippered purse!) I took the photo through the windshield. 
The Valley is approximately 3 weeks ahead of us with signs of Spring, than here in the foothills. 

This little speckled starling was so busy looking for bugs in the grass in the parking lot, she didn't even notice me taking this photo. The birds are starting to nest here now and maybe she already has a little family. 

Her speckles were quite fetching. 

I had a lovely day with my daughter, meeting for lunch and a bit of shopping. 

On the way home I took some photos as I ascended the plateau towards my foothills home. 

This beautiful barn caught my eye. 

Here's the little farm it belongs to. 

Here's a wider view. 

Be still my heart! 

Another farm with an amazing view. 

And another...
This is a working dairy farm, one of the few left remaining in an area that
 was once known for it's dairy farms. 
Notice the corn stubble in the foreground. 
If you can take your eyes off the view! 
I love the new green roof on the large barn. 
My children went to school with the family who owns this farm. 

One last glimpse of the beautiful farmland as I turn into the forested lower foothills. 

The sun is low in the sky, illuminating the many street signs along this stretch of road. 

I turn right before the hills ahead. 

The golden rays of the setting sun reflect on the pavement behind me. 

And as I take my final turn before heading up my winding mountain road, the sun sinks below the horizon. 

A lovely day, spent with my lovely daughter and a beautiful ride home.

Linking to:

Weekly Top Shot


  1. my gosh, those farms have the most incredible view! i wonder how often folks who live there forget to look at it. bless you for sharing it!


    1. You know, Theresa, I asked myself the same thing! Do they take it for granted or realize what an amazing place they live in! I hope it is the latter, I know I enjoy driving past them! Always love your sweet visits, thank you for stopping by! xxoo

  2. Another great ride with you...I just can't believe the view these farms enjoy...Amazing....

    The sunset pictures are incredible and that last one is just beautiful....

    So glad you had a fun day with your daughter and that she is close enough that you two can get together for lunch.....


    1. Thank you, Nancy, I do enjoy and appreciate any time I get to spend with my children! You know how life is- everyone is so busy these days, including my children, and I so enjoy any time with them.

      Always love when you stop by for a sweet chat! xoxo

  3. You live in a beautiful part of the country! Thanks for sharing all those views.
    I'm glad you had a wonderful day with your daughter.

  4. Such gorgeous, gorgeous photographs! I love how all the signs along the road are golden with the sunset. And that mountain is just breath-taking, every time.

    We've had over a week of bitterly cold winds, hail and snow. It seems hard to imagine that there will come a day of sun and some warmth, but I know it will happen.


    1. Thank you, Christine, I was surprised by the way those signs lit up with the setting sun!

      We just had similar weather and I hope things warm up for you soon! It has been a long stretch of winter, hasn't it? Even if it is now Spring! Thanks for your lovely visit. xoox

  5. I can't imagine having that mountain as part of my scenery. I'm sure you don't get tired of it. I love living in Indiana, but it can get a little boring - corn, soybeans, corn...:)


    1. Dear Cindy, the scenery is beautiful, but that being said, Mt. Rainier is an active volcano and is the most dangerous volcano in the world. We all have our local risks, don't we? I have been to Indiana and there is nothing boring about the beauty there. I love a good field of corn to look out on! Thanks for visiting today! xoxo

  6. Sounds like the weather has been all over the place there! Those farms are so picturesque with lovely views. I'm glad you had a good day with your daughter :) Sounds fun!


    1. Hi, Tammy - yes crazy weather, but hopefully a break right now. Thanks for stopping by, I did have fun shopping! :) xx

  7. Beautiful photos indeed, my friend. I love the farm with Mt. Rainier in the background. I can't wait for a few weeks then out to the tulip field in bloom and hopefully Mt. Hood. It's nice this afternoon. Phil is going to mow the lawn probably since it's getting tall. He was gone Fri and Sat so has a bit to catch up with.

  8. Hi Becky, It is a beautiful weekend! I think we have much the same weather most of the time, don't we? Can you believe it's already lawn mowing time again? We mowed our for the first time this weekend, too! So happy it is Spring! Always love when you visit. xoxo

  9. You have such beautiful scenery and that is a lot of hail!

    1. Yes, lots of hail! Thanks for stopping by, Michelle! xoxo

  10. lovely day to spend with your lovely daughter....what beautiful sights you do see!!

    1. I did have a nice day - thanks for visiting today, Deanna! xoxo

  11. Glad you got back your followers list!

    1. Thanks, Jeanne! I was a little panicked for a while there, but thanks to your advice I was able to get things back! Thank you so much, my Dear! xoxo

  12. Spectacular day - I'm glad you had such a good day with your daughter. Photos are amazing.


    1. Thank you, JoAnn! I did have a great day, beautiful sunshine and always a good day when I am with my girl. xoxo

  13. You're so fortunate to live in such a beautiful place,you have such beautiful scenery ! Hugs


    1. Thank you, Vicky! I do feel blessed. So glad you stopped by today! Hugs to you! xoxo

  14. Thank you, Loredana, I did get my follower's list back! Thanks to my sweet reader's! I have been to upstate New York and it is just beautiful. Our car broke down once in New Amsterdam! The nice repair man took us out for a test drive after he fixed it and raced up and down the hills so fast! But it was a lovely place to break down! xoxo

  15. Thank you Karen for taking us on this beautiful journey. Wau - for both the snow-capped mountains and sunsets. Wish you a good day / good new week and Easter :) Hugs Hanne Bente


    1. Thank you, Hanne for coming along and for your always sweet comments. Hugs, xoxo

  16. Oh I would so love to plop my arm down there in those mountains. Beautiful just beautiful. B

    1. I love your descriptive way of looking at things, Buttons! You are sweetly unique! xoxo

  17. Breath-taking! Your photos always put me in the moment, feeling like I'm right there enjoying the sunset. Thank you for sharing with us :)

    Have a blessed Monday, sweet friend!


    1. Thank you, Stephanie, I do wish you were right there with me! Thank you for coming along! Hugs, xoxo

  18. I agree with the above commenters - your photos really do take us on a journey. That hail pic is AMAZING!!

    1. Thanks, Keith, I do like to take you all along with me. Makes it much more interesting! Thanks for stopping by today! xx

  19. Just being able to glimpse that lovely mountain would be wonderful; but living on those farms with it as a backdrop must be heavenly.
    Hope the hail didn't do any damage. It did make for a lovely image out your window.
    I had to smile atyour purse reflection. I honestly thought it was a red leather jacket. :)


    1. Hi Carletta, yes, it does look like a leather jacket! The hail was very light and didn't do much damage to my poor daffodils. Thanks for stopping by today. I always enjoy your sweet visits. xoxo

  20. Your day with your daughter sounds lovely Karen. I enjoyed seeing the photo's of your beautiful surroundings!

    Have a lovely new week!

    Madelief x


    1. I can never spend too much time with my daughter! Thank you for your lovely visit, Madelief! xoxo

  21. WOW I LOVE photo #1 and #5 --- and I want to buy that little farm with the red barn - perfect indeed view.. wink
    Aww still my heart too.. Gotta make plans for a trip to your surroundings!!



    1. Hi Kristeen - I would love that little farm, too! I always see the perfect farm and imagine all the flowers I would grow and the miniature donkeys and horses I would fill the fields with! We can dream, can't we? Thank you for your sweet visit today! xoxo

  22. oh my gosh..your photos are so wonderful!!! loved everyone.

  23. Such wonderful colors and scenery! One would think a mountain would get 'ordinary' after a while but I'm the same way about Mt Taranaki--always looking for a shot!

    1. Thanks, Bettyl - I love the name of your mountain! Thanks for stopping by! xx


Thank you for stopping by! Your comments are important to me and are very much appreciated. xx Karen