
Thursday, February 28, 2013

Rainy Day

It was raining when I woke up today. 

And it's been steadily raining all day. 

But I did venture out to feed the birds and take a rainy day stroll. 

I love the sound of raindrops. Pitter Patter, Pitter Pat.

They cling to branches and soak the ground, 

releasing earth's fresh scent.

And making the moss extremely happy. 

The Indian Plum trees are starting to bud. 

The first trees to flower, here in the foothills of the Cascade Mountains. 

The birds are becoming more talkative and the air is full of discussion. 

Who will be my one true love? 

And fly away with me!

The gentle mist rises and falls, changing the landscape minute by minute. 

Floating over the rolling hills.

And highlighting singular beauty. 

The cats are content to stay inside where the fire is crackling, warding off the damp chill. 

Where Maggie can have a bird's eye view of the hummingbird feeder. 

She doesn't have to wait long before there is a tiny visitor. 

A male Anna's Hummingbird stands watch over the feeder, looking for rivals. 

While Maggie lashes her tail and chatters her teeth, dreaming of hummingbird stew. 

Raindrops form a jeweled edge, more beautiful than diamonds. 

Dressing up the late winter landscape. 

And magnifying the delicate beauty of nature's fleeting blossoms.

A nodding Jonquil demurely hides her face.

As I pluck a few winter pansies to brighten a rainy day.

Cheerily watching as I do a little shortbread baking to share a sweet surprise.

Rain, rain, go away!

But until then, I will try to enjoy your stay.

What do you do on a rainy day? 


  1. Beautiful rain pictures / flower pictures you show .... and some delicious cakes. Wishing you a good Friday / good weekend :) Hanne Bente

    1. Thank you, Hanne! I have visited your site and you have a beautiful blog. I will follow along xoxo

  2. Oh how I love the rain I see from the weather you are going to get more on the west coast. Your photos are beautiful. I wish I was floating over those mountains taking in all the views. B

    1. Yes, Buttons, rain until July - he he. Thank you for your sweet comments. I saw a small plane skim the foothills yesterday, but by the time I got my camera it was gone. I do wish I knew how to fly a plane! Hope your weekend is wonderful xoxo

  3. You are making me wish I was there such gorgeous photos, Karen! I love rainy days, as long as it's not lightening out then I let the kids play in it (it's my excuse to play in it as well). :)

    1. Me too, Wendy! I do miss having children to play with, but my dogs keep me playing in the rain! Hope your weekend is lovely xx

  4. Love the perspective of that second shot. I love the smell of Spring rain showers - so clean and refreshing.

    1. I do love that sweet, earthy scent on a rainy day! Thanks for stopping by, Nicki! xx

  5. I love the chickadee in the tree :)

    I love the rain - it's one of the most beautiful things in the world to me.

    1. I am partial to chickadee's. They are the only birds that are tame enough to let me photograph them! Thanks for visiting, Keith and hope your weekend is nice. xx

  6. Wow - these photos are simply beautiful! I'm usually one of those praying for the rain to go away, but I think I would very much enjoy this rainy day. I've been enjoying peaking through your photos, and look forward to seeing more.

    1. Thank you, Karen! Nice to hear from another Karen and with the same spelling! So glad you came to visit. xoxo

  7. beautiful views, even quieted by rain and fog. so pretty!

  8. Dearest Karen,
    Your rain looks like the good rain; steady and soft so the earth can absorb it for later use. Our rains were way too hard and only in a couple of days so it runs off. We slept our first night as we no longer need to run the wet vac in Pieter's workshop. So glad with that; slowly catching up on our rest...
    Hugs to you and enjoy, together with Maggie (no teeth chatter though!) the arrival of spring.

    1. Dear Mariette, Yes, a soft and steady rain....this time. We know flooding here, but this year we have been spared - so far! I'm glad to hear that you are finally able to rest after your ordeal. Sweet Dreams tonight! xoxo

  9. Lucky you looks like spring has already started. Wonderful photos and post as always!

    1. Thank you, Andrea - yes we have an early spring here in Washington. But lots of rain! Enjoy your weekend! xoxo

  10. Beautiful photos and prose, Karen! After being "snowbound" for a few days, I had planned on getting out to the grocery today and awoke to MORE huge white snowflakes falling down. I'm almost out of coffee so that means I will probably venture out anyway! Loved the promise of Spring in your photos...


    1. Oh, Dianne, It's no fun being snow bound without coffee! Drive safely, and thank you for your sweet comments. xoxo

  11. Rainy days are so pretty in your neck of the woods! I love rainy days if I have nothing to do. Napping during rainfall is always so perfect :)

    That shortbread - yummmmm!

    1. Hi Tammy, I did fit in a tiny nap- but then my sister called! But that's o.k., I'd rather talk to Sis than sleep! Thanks for the visit. xoxo

  12. You have a fantastic view from your window! It's just beautiful there. Lovely photos!

    1. Thank you, Marie, but I'd rather be where you are! Enjoy your weekend! xoxo

  13. Still can't get over your view Karen. It looks amazing even in the rain!

    The shortbread looks delicious!

    Happy weekend,

    Madelief x

    1. Thank you, Madelief! We did eat too much shortcake! Now I need to work it off...Hope your weekend is lovely, too. xoxo

  14. Absolutely stunning view and images . Love this post

    1. Thank you, Olympia. Glad that you stopped by! I visited your lovely blog today and am now following. xoxo

  15. I love to sit on the porch with a cup of coffee when it rains. Love the sound, love the smell. <3

  16. You have the most gorgeous view from your home. We desperately need some more rain can send some down.

    1. Thank you, Betsy and I would love to send you some rain! Have a lovely weekend and thanks for visiting. xx

  17. Yes...the same is happening here....has been raining for 3 days now..nonstop! Oh well...I too don't mind the sound of rain...your shortcakes look so yummy.
    Thank you so much for your sweet comments about my book and for purchasing one....I really hope you enjoy it...Jo's book is so much fun...especially if you are a pie girl {like me} You are so sweet..thank you. xox

    1. You are welcome, Koralee, and I can't wait until it arrives! I am an ice cream and pie girl! Have a lovely weekend! xx

  18. KAREN!!!! So beautiful! You swept me away with this post! I loved reading it and viewing the calming! Your view is amazing and it made me want to be right there by the fire! A wonderful weekend to you friend!

    1. Thank you, Nicole, you are so sweet. I hope your weekend is wonderful, too! xoxo

  19. Oh the raindrop photos and the fog photos are spectacular. I love what you do on a rainy day. Which is pretty much the same as we do here - enjoy the rain because it is going to be here whether we do or not. We don't have a fireplace, but it is nice to snuggle up with an afghan or a quilt and read for a while - or look out the windows at the drip drip dripping rain and the birds at the feeders. Love your header!!!

    1. Hi JoAnn, We do share the same weather, don't we? Snuggling up with one of your beautiful handmade quilts or afghans and reading the day away sounds like my cup of tea. My next read is your book! Thanks for sharing and always love your visits. xoxo

  20. Delightful post. Stumbled on your blog and it quite lovely. I do believe we photographers are the ones that truly see the beauty in the raindrops.

    1. Thank you, Deanna! We do tend to focus on those little things that make us smile, don't we? Have a lovely weekend and so glad you stopped for a visit! xoxo

  21. Sitting by the fireplace and reading is my rainy day choice.
    In summertime I like to sit in one of my rockers on the front porch and read or just watch the rain and smell the freshness of the air.
    Your photos are lovely! I like the fog with the one lone tree and your flowers are looking wonderful!

    1. Hi Carletta, I do think that is the universal choice! Sitting on the front porch sounds wonderful. I don't have one of those, but my Dear Grandma Beatice Euphemie did and I have such fond memories of sitting there with her and my Mom, drinking home made rootbeer that she made and watching the rain fall. Thank you for your sweet comments and I hope you have a lovely weekend. xoxo

  22. Karen, my rainy days are not as enjoyable as yours by a long shot! Your foggy photos are mesmerizing and delight my senses. I would be glued to those gorgeous views.
    I'm in awe of the beauty of the world that surrounds you.

    1. Thank you, Pam for your sweet comments. Nature is pretty awesome and I feel very fortunate to share this little piece of her with all of you. So glad you stopped by today! xoxo

  23. Beautiful pictures of raindrops. We are still getting freezing temps here in IN, but by the weekend they say 50's. Then the bulbs will really pop up. Can't wait!

    1. Hi Cindy, I am glad to hear that you are finally coming out of your deep freeze! Aren't you so glad that spring is coming- I know I am! Enjoy your 'warm' weekend and thank you for stopping by! xx

  24. Absolutely breathtaking views! I feel instantly calmed just looking at them.

    1. Thank you, Jen - I hope your have a lovely weekend, too! xoxo

  25. I loved seeing your photos Karen, I also like the sound of raindrops!

    1. Hi Vicky, so nice of you to visit - enjoy your weekend! xoxo

  26. What lovely photographs - you make a rainy day look so enticing! I particularly like your little hummingbird. That's not a bird we have in Scotland and they are so wonderful. You have such a gift for showing the beauty in ordinary things.

    And - is your 'shortbread' also called 'shortcake'? My granny used to make strawberry shortcake, which was strawberries and cream over a sweet scone/biscuit cut in half. I think that's what you've made here (yum). And do you say shortbread for shortbread biscuits as well? (I can't remember any more!)

    I tried a few times to leave a comment on your For the Ladies post but I think it never got through. I thought it was brilliant. My teenage daughter and I often discuss such things - she can't understand why so many girls think "everything is equal" now.

  27. Thank you, Christine, my little hummingbird is a recent year round visitor from California, as they have been expanding their range in recent years, as far north as Vancouver Island.

    Yes, it is called shortcake and your granny made it exactly as I have done! We have a 'shortbread' cookie, that is very buttery and made with a mold (something I want to bake soon and will show on the blog, as I have just acquired a new mold). Biscuits are called just that, and of course there are scones. All very similar ingredients, I would say, with a little more of this and a little less of that to make them individually different.

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I hope you have a wonderful weekend xoxo

  28. A great serie of photos.
    Well done!

  29. Your photos are always so beautiful. No rain here, but it is so cold out. Looking forward to spring, warmer temps and strawberry shortcake!!

    1. Thank you, Brandi, I hope it warms up for you soon. Always love when you stop by! xoxo

  30. What a sweet surprise to find you and your lovely blog....I really enjoyed talking the walk with you in the rain and seeing all the beauty of the world that surrounds you.....

    1. So nice of you to come for a walk with me, Nancy! I have stopped by your beautiful blog and am now following. Thank you for your very nice comments. xoxo

  31. Beautiful post, Gorgeous photos.. no rain here at the moment.. Boy that shortcake looks so yummy... Hugs May x x x

    1. Thank you, May, wish I could share some with you! Thanks for stopping by for a visit! xoxo

  32. Totally fun to see all these sights in your photo images today -- # 2 and #8 are my favorite photo shots today and the very last one -- reminds me of my mothers - looks just it her's..yummy now I want some..wink!

  33. Oh one more thing - I've notice your blog header has been changing and I've loved every one of the,.. it's been fun to see the changes..

    1. Hi Kristeen, glad that you liked my photos. I am a total amateur, but I learn as I go! The shortcake was very good, the strawberries were so tasty - fresh from California.

      Thanks for the compliment on my blog headers. I did a whole bunch of them right before 'Picnik' shut down. Now I have to learn how to do them all over again on another site. I saved quite a few to keep me going, though.

      Thanks for visiting me today! xoxo

  34. Hi Karen,
    Lovely lovey pics as always!! I love the rain too, when I first moved to WA it took a long time to like it, but you gotta embrace it or go coo coo:-)


Thank you for stopping by! Your comments are important to me and are very much appreciated. xx Karen