
Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Potting up Springtime

Here in Washington State we are blessed with early Springs. 

They say there are really only two seasons here. 

The rainy season and August. 

Of course I am exaggerating, but not by much. 

Because we have such mild winters, we are able to enjoy gardening nearly year round. 

If you like tromping around in the rain. 

Which I don't. 

But I do like to garden in containers for my deck. 

The garden centers are full of early spring flowers now, so I have taken advantage of the bounty. 

This little alcove sits right outside my kitchen and I do love coming out here for a bit of fresh air. 

Yesterday we had a rare sunny afternoon, so I spent the day potting up my flats of flowers. 

Here I have Hellebore, Heather, Vinca,, and hidden on the other side, Pansy. 

The second pot has the same combination, except the center plant is Daphne. 

The flowers aren't quite open yet, but when they do, they will fill the deck with sweet fragrance that hummingbirds love. 

An easy way to pot up a planter with a center plant is to place the empty pot where you want the plant, place the perimeter plants, then remove the pot and you have a convenient hole all ready. 

All done! 

A vintage metal sign to advertise! 

Wouldn't it be nice if pansies were only 5 cents? 

Some tiny bulbs poking up out of the soil. 

I planted these last fall. 

I can't remember what they are! 

It will be a little surprise! 

Some wire vines awaiting future hanging baskets tucked into moss filled urns, still in their pots. 

These are placed where they will not get wet, so I must remember to water them.

A small pot of Forget Me Not's rests in front. These will bloom in a few weeks. 

Some welcome springtime cheer at the end of a dreary winter.

 Can you see my small pots of red primroses on my tables? 

I think Ling Ling approves. 

Did you know that Daylight Savings Time is only 18 days away? 

And the official start of spring is only 30 days away? 

There is an end in sight! 



  1. What a beautiful corner! I want to buy a shelf for my terrace. thank you for sharing


  2. Lovely images with "Spring mood". Wish you a good day :) Hanne Bente

  3. Thank you for the visit to my blog. Looking at your post, I agree we could be in the same part of the world. Our garden centres are full of primulas, violas and pansies at the moment and spring is knocking on the door. Take care. Chel

  4. How gorgeous. I am going to follow you now, I love these planters.

  5. what a beautiful patio garden you have! i am sooooo ready for spring!!

  6. I adore what you have done with your garden patio- its absolutely delightful. Spring is starting to arrive here in south Fl. also.

    Thanks for sharing the beauty Karen.

  7. Gorgeous shots and love the name of your blog, and the reason you have named it what you did! Awesome goal! Thanks for stopping by my blog, and I am your newest follower. Will look forward to seeing more of your life and photography

  8. I am so ready for spring and your flowers are making me happy and inpatient! Your deck looks so nice with all your posts and accessories. I also planted up some bulbs in pots, but they haven't come up yet. Can't wait!

  9. What a pretty garden patio! I am so ready for spring and some color in the landscape. But we are expecting 2 snowstorms over the next few days. So it will be a long time before we see flowers here. Thanks for sharing yours!

  10. really cute little potting place. my sis loves frogs - i gave her one of those frog-duo candle holders. :)

  11. Oh I am sitting here looking out at the blowing snow and feel a chill from the cold wind blowing while looking at your beautiful flowers and listening to the plans. Thank you you made me smile. I love pretty flowers in the snow:) b

  12. Dearest Karen,
    Loved your frogs too, I've bought many as a gift for my biologist brother. Guess the heath is providing some honey for the hummingbirds. They can't live from fragrance alone... that's more for the human pleasure; an added bonus. When Pieter was teenage boy he used to have bees and he did always bring them to the heath fields. He lost all of his bees when the allied forces bombed the area; you all know 'A Bridge Too Far'. That's the area where he lived and had to evacuate from with his Parents.
    We have tried to grow heath as well, Dad always had a beautiful heath garden in different colors where many a bride and groom had their wedding pictures taken. But here it's too hot for them. You're lucky to have the perfect climate for them and also for the forget-me-not, a favorite of my Mom and me. We lost several here to the heat and drought.
    Hugs to you and enjoy what you got also for me. I drink my eyes full by looking at your pictures...

  13. Gorgeous post, Love your beautiful flowers & frogs...Ling Ling looks so relaxed... Just beutiful... Hugs May x x x

  14. Oh thank you for this glimpse of spring time... especially love those little pansy faces!

  15. Gardening year round would be fabulous, but I don't know if I could take the rain! Your flowers do look so pretty :) We are stuck in winter with freezing rain and sleet today, so pretty flowers are a welcome sight!

  16. Such lovely containers! I love all of the bright colors! And that vintage sign rocks! I had no idea that your winters were so mild! You learn something new everyday!

  17. Your deck plantings are lovely - and it will be fun to see what the bulbs turn out to be. I keep saying that I am going to get out and trim back my violas - but it has just been too cold. It is 39 right now - and drizzling - with more to come - and I'm tired from two days of doctor visits - one for me - one for Don today.

    I like that idea of putting the planter in the middle to save a spot for a special plant. I have to think about what I am going to grow on the deck this year.

  18. can't wait for spring... love your porch...

  19. A Paz de Cristo!

    Vim conhecer seu blog e logo de cara gostei muito do post, sua forma simples de expor o assunto e ao mesmo tempo profundo, esclarecendo com muita propriedade o tema em questão.

    Espero no meu cantinho, por isso estou deixando o link para visita:
    Será uma honra tê-la como seguidora.


    Em Cristo,


    P.S. A pouco conheci o blog do irmão Araújo e as mensagens lá postadas são bem interessantes.
    Acesse e confira.

  20. Hi Karen,
    Your deck looks great!! I am so excited to see spring coming, and I love Daphne too:-) Great planting tip!

  21. How lovely your deck looks. This time of year is always so exciting - I've also got bulbs popping up and I've got no idea what they are yet! It must be so nice to have this little oasis outside your kitchen door x Jane

  22. I'm right there with you, I plan on spending some down time this weekend doing the same thing. Your flowers are all so pretty and colorful and I love the shot of the bulbs popping up!

  23. I am sitting here looking at a beautiful (but cold) heavy snowfall outside and enjoying the promise of Spring on your lovely deck! My porch outside my sliding glass doors awaits furniture of some sort and flowers! I look forward to Spring and being able to fill the porch with some color and maybe at least one rocking chair! ;-)


  24. You're giving me a lot of ideas for the coming years at our new house. I haven't had a garden or porch in years and am looking forward to digging in the earth again! <3

  25. I can hardly believe you have potted plants already. It will be a few more weeks before we are past the hard freeze time.
    You've done a lovely job making your porch inviting!

  26. Oh quelles jolie photos!! Juste MAGNIFIQUE!

    Bonne semaine!

    xxx Maria xxx


Thank you for stopping by! Your comments are important to me and are very much appreciated. xx Karen