
Friday, February 15, 2013


This is a typical morning here in Western Washington. 

We haven't seem Mt. Rainier in days. Maybe weeks. I can't remember the last time. 

But somewhere behind all those clouds, the mighty mountain rests. 

Mist envelopes everything in it's path. 

Making hunting difficult for this Red Tailed Hawk. 

But underneath - a glimmer of hope! 



  1. Pretty photos! Too bad you can't see the mountains, but it does look beautiful. Of course the fog will lift soon enough :)

  2. Oh how I love the way the fog hugs those hills. I love the hawk picture!!!

  3. i know you must get tired of it, but it is a treat to see. :)

  4. Even with all that fog the view is still breathtaking! I don't think I'll ever take it for granted. Love you Mom! XXOO

  5. Hope you are enjoying a sunny day...we are up here. I did not realize you live so close to me...I am up in the Vancouver BC area. xo Enjoy your weekend.

  6. You always make me feel so peaceful and relaxed I think it is good that I read this before bed. Goodnight and thank you. Have a nice weekend. B

  7. What a fabulous post - I can feel the fog on my neck. This is so very typical of W Washington - except today we had sunshine all day up here in the NW corner. It was almost 50 degrees - nearly spring - but I fear the rain is headed back our way - but it was glorious while it lasted.

  8. L really love the foggy photos. I hope you see the sun again soon though.

  9. All of these photos give such a soft calming feel - cool you spotted a Hawk..

  10. Wow! It's a beautiful series Karen! I love these!

    Greetings from The Netherlands,

  11. What a wonderful view of Washington it must be cold and fresh! :)
    when the first time I read "morning" i thought it would be like sunrise and the morning stuff but they are beautiful though.

    Here has been cloudy everyday because of rainy season.
    Well Kath, I hope you have wonderful day.


  12. Although cloudy, it's still beautiful. I could use some more sunshine right now though, as I'm sure you could. I'm looking at snow outside right now. :)

  13. Hi Karen I remembered you because I love being here, but I understand perfectly.
    The photos are amazing and I always sigh in front the mountains!
    A big kiss and a lovely weekend.

  14. Your photos remind me of Japanese prints of trees peeking through the mist. In Ireland, they refer to a misty day as a "soft day". I like that.

  15. it's been cloudy here for days. But yesterday it was blue sky and sun with a bit of breeze. I saw Mt. Hood in all her glory too. So pretty. Today it's back to clouds again and a bit of rain. Sigh...that's Oregon in the winter. One day of great weather and everybody talks about an early spring.Really>whatever!

  16. Hello,

    I am new in your blog and it seems I am feeling at home. So warm and welcoming.

    I see that you have a cold winter days too? No clouds over Stockholm however, snow is thawing and that make me desperated. Wet & cold, OMG!

    Hope you have a great w/end.

    /CC girl

  17. There is something so mystical about foggy mornings.. I like the feeling of mystery it creates. Great shots Karen.

  18. Lovely serie of photos! Well done!
    I love the "fog".

  19. There's always a glimmer of hope, Karen - and your blog is one of them. <3

  20. Your photos are magazine worthy... That and they make me want to move somewhere with that kind of view. Beautiful!

  21. I remember those misty days on the mountainside...beautiful photos as always, Karen.


Thank you for stopping by! Your comments are important to me and are very much appreciated. xx Karen