
Friday, February 8, 2013

In Praise of Friendship

Lately I have been reflecting on my nearly two year's of blogging.
And I have to say, I have enjoyed every minute of it.
Getting to know you has been a wonderful experience.

I have learned so many things from you and about you.
I've tried new recipes and crafts.
I've seen beautiful places.
I've looked at the world through your unique perspective.
And I've made some wonderful friends.

"There is no wilderness like a life without friends:
friendship multiplies blessings and minimizes misfortunes;
it is a unique remedy against adversity, and it soothes the soul"
Baltazar Gracian

I've shared your joys and sorrows.
And you've shared mine.

"I should like to tell you again of my bitter troubles so that mutually, by recounting our grief, we can lighten each other's sorrow."
The Kanteletar

We've laughed and cried, shared great thoughts and the little day to day things that make us smile.
And even though we all live different lives, we are all very much the same.
We may live far apart, but we are all so very close.

"I am learning to live close to the lives of my friends without ever seeing them. No miles of any measurement can separate your soul from mine."
John Muir

We love our families, we love our pets.
And we love our friends.  
I've met the most amazing group of people, so giving and caring.
And so very talented.
Photographers, writers, poets, artists, cooks, craftspeople, decorators, stylists.

"Writers seldom choose as friends those self-contained characters who are never in trouble, never unhappy or ill, never make mistakes, and always count their change when it is handed to them."
Catherine Bowen

The friends I've met are always quick to boost your spirits, cheer you up, make you smile, share your sorrows, and hold your hand in times of need.
They're not afraid to open their doors and open their hearts.

"Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless."
Mother Theresa

I've learned a lot since my first post almost two years ago.
But the best thing I have learned is how truly wonderful you all are.
Thank you for sharing this journey with me so far.
It's been a beautiful trip.

" Since there is nothing so well worth having as friends, never lose a chance to make them."
Francesco Guicciardini



  1. This is wonderful post and very touching, some of reasons why I do love to blogging. I met,amazing people here :) also you. I enjoy every post you share.


  2. Beautiful! I have no words, you have said everything


  3. Oh Karen I feel exactly the same way but I could not put it so graciously into words as you. Your writing has a way of calming my soul, truly at peace, and loved.
    I love the Catherine Bowen quote I have never seen it before.

    We may never meet (notice I say may?) but I truly love sharing our world together. Hugs my friend B

  4. i love the muir quote. so very true. blogging brings such wonderful souls into our lives - an unexpected pleasure.

  5. This is a fabulous post - but I have to tell you - I quickly scrolled to the end of the post, I thought at first this was going to be your last post and this was your good-bye. I'm so, so relieved that it is not your last.

    I adore all the photos -such beauty in the simple things - sometimes we don't consider that when we are taking a picture. Who in those photos would have thought they would be speeding around the world all these years later.

    Thank you for the post and thank you for continuing on - and welcome back -I've missed you.

  6. So beautiful Karen! A wonderful post with lovely quotes. I enjoy your writings very much.

  7. Beautiful post, Karen! Love the photos and quotes. But your words touch my heart. You have a way of expressing yourself that I could never do.
    I'm so happy to have met you!
    Hugs, Barb

  8. Totally heart warming post - O my goodness, it make me want to run and give you a deep felt grateful hugs - that I too m glad for you in my blogging world..
    Hugs.. to you this day my dear sweet friend...

  9. My name is Sílvia. I am Brazilian woman. I liked the stuff home and your home. I met you through the friend's blog. I will always be here. Her new Brazilian friend.

    A hug,


  10. Dearest Karen,
    No one but you with your writer skill and poetic soul could sum it up better! So true, looking back we found treasures of friendships along the road of blogging and visiting...
    Thanks for being such a great friend!
    Hugs and happy weekend to you,

  11. A wonderful post Karen, You have a gift with writing words they have touched my heart... you have said it all beautifully.... Hugs May x x x

  12. What a great post. The Edgar Guest quote is on a card that my daughter helped me pick out to give to my husband for our anniversary.

    Yes, blogging has brought me many true friends. Happy two years and I hope you will continue to offer us your friendship and lovely posts!

  13. I agree with all that you so eloquently said, Karen.

  14. What a beautiful post. I am always amazed -- even after four years of blogging -- at the wonderful people I've met. Definitely some of the kindest, most thoughtful friends I have. I never thought when I began this blog journey that I would actually make friends. But I blessedly and gratefully did and it all began with a comment. Wishes for many more years of friendship and blogging.

  15. Quelle jolie message !!! Très jolie et sympas !!!

    Bonne semaine!! merci de votre doux commentaire chez moi!

    xxx Maria xxx

  16. So, so sweet!! I couldn't agree more! Isn't blogging a wonderful blessing? So many friends that we wouldn't otherwise meet. Big hugs to you! :)

  17. Dear karen,

    Such an impressive post! Beautiful quotes and endearing photographs. Congratulations on your two year blogging anniversary. I hope there will be many more to come.

    Madelief x

  18. You've been a good friend, too, Karen. So happy that cyberspace brought you into my life. <3

  19. A wonderful post Karen, your words touch my heart,blogging has brought me many true friends.Happy two years!!
    XX Vicky

  20. Amen to all of it!!! Some of my closest friends are ones I have met through blogging. Beautiful post! :)

  21. This is such a beautiful post! I enjoyed the photos, the quotes, and especially your poetic writing.
    I agree, blogging is a great way to meet so many wonderful people and make friends. Where else can one meet so many talented, creative, kind, and supportive people?
    Happy blogging anniversary!

  22. Just beautiful, expressed so well. I have been blogging just over a year and I agree. It is wonderful to connect with so many others.

  23. Wonderful, friendly posts. The photos are so much fun to look at and thequotes so apt!

  24. Awww, how sweet! I love all the photos and quotes. I've loved getting to know you and reading about your family. I always look forward to your comments on my blog and appreciate having you as a friend! Congrats on the 2 year anniversary!


Thank you for stopping by! Your comments are important to me and are very much appreciated. xx Karen