
Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Winter Skies

It's been very still and cold here. 
Sound carries from great distances. 
When I went out to feed the birds yesterday, I could hear the train rumbling and whistling down in the  Valley. 

15 miles away. 
But not so far as the crow flies. 

When I took a little drive to the market the other day, the sky looked like an upside down snowfield. 
The sun never gets too high in the sky these days and that creates interesting textures and colors. 

It's been so cold, but this home looks cozy, although right now there is a ban on wood
burning due to the stagnant air, unless it is the only adequate source of heat. 

Even though we've had these rippling clouds, there has been no snow for a week. 

What little snow we have had, has slowly crystallized into a dusting of glitter, giving the landscape a magical quality. 
This pretty little farm sits at the base of our mountain road. 

As I make my way up the winding road, the sky peeks out from among the trees.

It slowly starts to change hues, changing from gray to lavender as the evening sun begins to fade.

I catch a peek at Mt. Rainier as I come to the crest of our mountain, beginning to catch the colorful rays. 

As I unload my groceries, the skies become saturated with color. 

Turning from orange to pink as the sun dips lower. 

Deepening to fire as I come inside.

Where I find the Mr. watching the game! Get out here and help with these groceries! 

But we stop and watch the beautiful sky,

Until it slowly fades away, fire turning to embers. 

As the long winter night begins again. 

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Weekly Top Shot


  1. That view of yours is amazing Karen! Beautiful photo's of Mount Rainier! Lots of snow has fallen in Holland too. It looks like a winter wonderland :-)

    Have a lovely day!

    Madelief x

  2. Those pictures of the orange sky take my breath away...the sky on fire with brilliant orange. WOW.

  3. Oh, Karen, you delight me with your frequent stops for photos! What kind of camera do you have that you can shoot rom inside and still the deepest reds of sunset?

    1. Thank you, Maureen, the camera I used here is a Canon Power Shot ELPH 300 HS. I did some research on what kind of camera takes good photos in low light and this one was on the list. It is a small camera that I can slip into my purse and take everywhere with me without having the fuss of changing lenses, settings or use a tripod. So far I am very pleased with this model. Thanks for asking! xx

  4. Oh my gosh. That pink sky is utterly gorgeous! I've never seen anything like that. I've said it before and I'll say it again - you have the best view! :)

  5. Stunning pictures... WOW! What a view.. such beauty each day to feast your eyes... Breathtaking!! Hugs May x x x

  6. Your view is incredible Karen! I think I would sit and stare out the window all day long. Amazing photo's!

  7. Wow! What a wonderful succession of the sun setting behind Mt. Rainier! What I wouldn't give to have a view like that! Just gorgeous!

  8. What a beautiful view outside your window. Those colors are so pretty. We always stop what we are doing and call everyone to see the pretty sunsets. It's such a great way to end the day.

  9. The views you must see on a daily basis most be heavenly! :)
    I love that shot of the expanse of mackeral like cloud cover. The upside down snowfield comparison is perfect.

  10. Dearest Karen,
    Love your phrase of the sky looking like an upside down snowfield. Great wording and you write ever so captivating for the reader.
    You have so many different stages during the day for the sky and Mt. Rainier.
    Hugs to you,

  11. Hi Karen, every time I see your images I think that you live in paradise, the landscape around your house is amazing. Enjoy it

    Good night from Spain


  12. Breathtaking Karen! It was great being there to enjoy the sunset with you and watching the football game :-) I wish we had vistas like you do. I see you don't have much snow on the ground though.

  13. Wow! Thank you for sharing your sunset with us. I almost felt like I was there with you!

    That kind of bumpy sky is what over here they call a "mackerel sky". But I can't remember what it's meant to portend!

  14. I know I said it before, but is is SO BEAUTIFUL where you live. Having this mountain in your backyard is like living in a palace with the best view in the neighbourhood.

  15. Oh, my goodness, Karen ~ you have the most beautiful view imaginable! Just gorgeous...(I have a cotton field!)....
    Want to trade?

  16. Lovely post and beautful pictures.

  17. What an amazing view - I'd turn that couch around and sit there all day - staring at the mountain and taking photos every minute or so - or more. The sunset and ski photos are fabulous. It is mind boggling how fast things change. Thanks for sharing.

  18. Wondrous sights abound this time of year, don't they? It must be hard to leave your cottage, knowing what is in store for you every evening! <3

  19.! what a view!!! i'm awestruck at what is outside your window!!!

  20. Oh Karen your world is beautiful, I can imagine waking up in that little piece of paradise watching the sun rays bounce off the mountain and the sense of peace that surrounds you. Thank you so much for sharing. I know how this must calm the soul much like my bush but your view is stunning. B

  21. Wonderful shots of winter in the NW... love that image of a 'hooded' Mt. Rainer, the colors are spectacular! I'm so glad you came by to share on Weekly Top Shot #66!

  22. How absolutely beautiful! Amazing captures of snow...and color!

  23. I loved how you doled out little pieces of your story in between the beautiful photos. Everyone else is saying it, but I'll say it too: What a view!

  24. Beautiful shots. I like the views out the windows.

  25. Wow, your area is very beautiful. I love the blues and pinks in the sky. It looks rather cold outside, but warm and cozy in your home!

  26. gorgeous images and i have to admit, i'm a little jealous of that view you have out of your windows!


Thank you for stopping by! Your comments are important to me and are very much appreciated. xx Karen