
Monday, January 7, 2013

Country Roads Take Me Home

It has been dark and rainy lately.

But the temperatures have been mild.

Today it is 47 degrees.

Not the type of day I want to spend outside, though.

But I did get out over the weekend to do some shopping.

Come along and I will show you some sights along the way.

The fields are brown, but the dark evergreens define the landscape. Notice the partially snow covered mountain in the background to the right.

This old rusty tractor retires gracefully among the defiant young trees in this overgrown field.

While across the way, it's compatriot stands witness to a bucolic scene.

This sloping pasture has always intrigued me with it's passage into the dark forest.

My daughter saw a cougar here on Thanksgiving day on her way to our home.

Want to take a walk? No?

I am teasing you.

This golden field caught my eye with it's bright red berries lining the fence.

There are always little flocks of birds sitting on the wires along the road.

They must like these berries.

As we come to the end of my winding mountain road, we turn the corner and see this simple church spire rising in the moody winter skies.

As we journey further along, we turn around to see the foothills we have left behind.

You would never guess that there is a very large Mt. Rainier behind those low grey skies.

My favorite yellow barn peeks out from behind this large fir tree, the leafless forest sending up exclamation points, behind.

As I return home from the busy shopping plaza, the skies open up briefly to reveal the base of Mt. Rainier.

But as we arrive back home to Whitey's greeting at the gate, the clouds enfold us once again.

Can you see my tipped over container of gravel on the ground? That is for the neighbor dogs who like to harass Whitey and Champ through the fence. Did you know that throwing gravel is a good deterrent without doing harm?

But today we are not bothered and we travel down the mossy lane towards home once more.

Thank you for coming along!



  1. These country roads are all too familiar. If ever there is a day I need to clear the mind, I often drive these roads. They are full of wonderful, crazy, bittersweet, irresponsible, hilarious memories from the past. One of the perks of living in the area I grew up in I suppose. Funny thing though. No matter how big my dilema is, after a long drive through memory lane one after another...the problem seems so small in the grand chapter of life.
    Thank you for posting, look out for cougs!

  2. Thanks for taking me along! I love the photos with Mt. Rainier in the distance. So beautiful!

  3. Those are beautiful sights you see on the way to town for shopping. Sometimes what we encounter along the way is the most exciting part of the trip. <3

  4. Great shots! I really love those snow-covered mountains in the distance.

  5. Thanks for taking us along! It's fun to look at the world through someone else's eyes. You have beautiful surroundings to look at. I would normally like to go up that path through the woods, but not if there might be bobcats:)

  6. When I was young I used to curse you for living so far away from town and all of our friends. Now, what I would do to live back up on that beautiful hill. Eric and I love coming up to visit you and Dad. It's such a breath of fresh air and calming familiarity. Oh, and I always wondered what that can of gravel was for. *grin* XXOO ~H~

  7. Awe soooooooooooo Beautiful.. take me home with you down those country roads...wink! I think I like that yellow barn too - maybe you can get a photo of it alone just for me and send it to me by email -- I am into barns of all colors and shapes...I get a thrill when I see a barn.. tooo funny I know! Thanks for the ride.. your countryside is beautiful...
    "Take me home down country roads" reminds me of the title of my mother's person history book "Country Roads".. she live all her life in the country - down a country road...

  8. One more thing I like your new bog header...

  9. Dearest Karen,
    Lovely country roads for you to travel, sans cougar! That would be a thrill to observe them from the car but not to encounter them as a pedestrian. I do love all cat-like animals, they are so sleek and majestic with beautiful features.
    Enjoy your winter time; never a dull moment in your area. Oh, I just realized that I had written in your country instead of in your county on your column writing job...
    Hugs to you,

  10. A lovely ride!
    I really like the first shot with the white fence - gorgeous scenery!
    I like that unseen venture into the forest and was thinking it would be nice to explore until you mentioned the cougar. ;)

  11. You got some beautiful photos on your dark, rainy trip to town. I love the Mt. Rainier one, the moss covered tree and the pasture scene. Well I really like them all!

  12. Karen, these photos are completely breathtaking... Mt. Rainier is AMAZING!!!

  13. Just beautiful. I love seeing all these wintry, foggy pictures. Thank you for sharing!

  14. foggy dreary days - the perfect time to stay indoors and work on your photos.

  15. Hi Karen,

    I enjoyed my ride and I didn't even have to drive :-) You live in such a beautiful place - so peaceful and serene. I could stare out at those mountains all day.

  16. Wow! I love the pictures! You live in a beautiful place! Nature looks overwhelming. Hope to see much more of it soon.

    Greetings from The Netherlands!

  17. Oh I so enjoyed our little tour I would love to visit your area and see all this beauty. The foothills and Mt Rainier are incredible. You are very lucky to live there. I love the mountains I want to go back to Vancouver just so I can see them again. We do not have cougars here and now I understand your worry about my hiking. The most I see this time of year are coyotes and deer, both of them are used to my presence.
    Thank you for bringing me along I enjoyed the trip. B

  18. I loved the drive to and from your errands - we have Mt. Baker up here, she comes out now and then and when she does, the views are awesome. I love the old tractor and truck - some of my favorite subjects to photograph.

  19. What a wonderful ride you had!!!! My heart is going pitty pat. LOVE the tractor,truck, and yellow barn!! Fabulous photo's!!


Thank you for stopping by! Your comments are important to me and are very much appreciated. xx Karen