
Friday, December 14, 2012

Prayers for Angels

Please hear our prayers for the innocent victims of the tragedy in Connecticut.
Our hearts are broken. 


  1. Yes, our hearts are heavy today. <3

  2. I'm so sorry Karen, yesterday was a sad day, the whole day watching news in TV about the tragedy, it's difficult to understand. when you see the photo of the boy, he looks a fine boy. But when you think about what he has done It's imposible to understand this world where we live. I ask help to god to educate my children every day and try to do it the best I can but we are surrounded by bad behaviours and bad situations,. It's a diary fight.

    Marina from Spain

    I beg you pardon for my english, you can correct me.

    1. Dear Marina,

      Thank you for your thoughts and caring words. It is very difficult to understand this and when you have young children, an impossible thing to explain to innocent minds. All we can do is pray for understanding. xx

  3. Dearest Karen,
    Indeed, words cannot describe this tragedy for so many families at the time of the greatest Peace fest...

  4. My heart goes out to you, the affected families and all your fellow Americans.

  5. It is incomprehensible. I pray for healing of those left behind, and I am sure those little souls are in a good place now. Your beautiful angel picture says it all. x

  6. Thank you, my Dear Blogger Friends for sharing your thoughts and prayers with your caring words. Peace and Love to you and to our country at this difficult time. xx

  7. Praying and sending healing thoughts.


Thank you for stopping by! Your comments are important to me and are very much appreciated. xx Karen