
Monday, December 10, 2012

Light a Candle

Inspired by a Dear blogger Friend, Mariette, on her blog 'Mariette's Back to Basics' -
I did light a candle.
In reverence.
This time of year can be difficult for so many who have lost loved ones, especially children.
Memories come to mind of Christmas past, however long ago.
This special time of year brings to focus the loved ones that made this season special.
My Dear Father loved Christmas.
When I was a child
He dressed in Santa Suits,
He made us believe there were really reindeer on the roof,
 with the sound of sleigh bells and 'footprints' in the snow.
We left carrots for them, alongside the home baked cookies we left for Santa.
Years later I asked him how he made the footprints.
'Carved Potatoes', he said.
He decorated all the shrubs around the house with those large old fashioned bulbs.
Always red.
He took us on expeditions in the forest to gather greens for beautiful wreaths that he made
for my Mother, My Grandmother's, and Friends.
As the years went by and he became a Grandfather, he hand crafted rocking horses, wooden pull toys, fairy tale table and chair sets, doll houses.
My Dear Mother did all the painting.
One year he helped my own Dear Husband make wooden blocks.
With every shape imaginable.
Hand sanded and dyed with Kool-aid to be safe.
A huge crate full.
My children played with them for years, building forts and dollhouses and castles.
Oh, those simple things mean the most, don't they?  
He made us believe in magic.
Always a child at heart.
No matter how difficult his life was.
He always looked on the bright side with a twinkle in his eye.
I like to think that Dad is looking down on us as we celebrate his favorite time of year.
And I hope his eyes are Twinkling.
"One Hundred years from now it will not matter what my bank account was, the sort of house I lived in, or the kind of car I drove.
But the world may be different, because I was important in the life of a child." - Forest Witcraft


  1. Oh Karen, reading about your dad brought me to tears. He sounds like such an amazing man. I am sure he is looking down on you with pride.

  2. I LOVE the idea of the Scrabble tiles on the mantles :)

  3. Your Dad's eyes are twinkling just like his daughters. Your Dad sounds like a wonderful man as is his wonderful daughter. My Dad's birthday is the 19th of Dec. it is hard but you are right.
    I love the quote at the bottom it is so true. HUGS B

  4. Thank you for sharing about your sweet father. He sounds like a wonderful man!

    Your decor is so pretty. I love your book, and scrabble letters especially.

  5. I remember those darling handmade chairs and table Papa made for us girls. The chairs had hearts carved out of the backs and they were pink and blue. Jennie and I loved them so much and played with them until we just couldn't fit our bums in them anymore. Ha! Papa did make Christmas so magical for us and now you do Mom. I look forward to you and Dad's surprises every year. XXOO

  6. Dearest Karen,
    Touchy post... at least for me. We lost so many loved ones this year and it is tough if you not even can attend the funeral. If it was not for our religion, it would be really hard. Your Dad did what my Dad did for winter evenings. Creating wooden things and they means far more than anything store bought. They did it out of necessity, for being thrifty but it turned out much grander than they could ever start it. Labor of love and made with all their heart for those that meant so much to them. Family was still holy in those days and it is said to see so many broken families nowadays; that's the main problem of society and it is even being encouraged by the government with easy handouts.
    Hugs to you and thanks for the shout out!

  7. A lovely tribute to your father!
    My Dad's special touches were real mistletoe he shot out of trees, and always bags of oranges and walnuts under the tree. He was always meticulous in the way he wrapped presents. He's always with me in spirit when I'm wrapping presents.

  8. I love this post Karen, you are a very sensitive person.


  9. Such a beautiful post, Karen. I'm sure his eyes are twinkling with love. I know mine are.

  10. A wonderful post in tribute of your father. Cherish those memories Karen. He sounds like an amazing man.

  11. Thank you for your sweet thoughts, Dear Friends, and for sharing your own personal experiences of a loving Father. I do think it is the small gestures of love that transcend time and you have shared these very things with us in your lovely comments. Hugs, Karen xx

  12. What a beautiful tribute to your father. He was a special man. <3

  13. How wonderful to have had a father who loved Christmas so much, and believed in its magic!

  14. What a sweet post! Thank you for sharing your happy memories of your father. It made me smile :) What a great dad!

  15. I love this! I love that your dad made Christmas so memorable for you! Happy memories are continual gifts. :)

  16. I love reading about cherished Christmas Memories -- Glad you were blessed with a Dad who enjoyed Christmas and you have Christmas memories that have touched your life for the better.. I love this post!!
    Hugs.. Happy Holiday


Thank you for stopping by! Your comments are important to me and are very much appreciated. xx Karen