
Tuesday, November 13, 2012

A Drive in the Countryside

We took a little country drive recently. We had no destination in mind, just a drive to see where it took us.
In the last few years, some of the water towers have been given a little face lift to blend in better with their surroundings. This one is particularly appropriate.
 In Washington State, logging is a big industry. Here we are driving through one such tree farm.
I would not want to get lost in these woods! Every tree looks the same. These are Douglas Fir.
Winding our way down from the forested hills, we came upon fields of left over pumpkins, glowing in the late afternoon light.
These fields host snow geese during the winter months and these pumpkins will feed the hungry.
Stopping to stretch our legs, we took a little stroll along the Carbon River. This time of year, the river is still placidly low, but it becomes a raging torrent during winter rains and spring runoff, as it flows directly from the Carbon Glacier on Mt. Rainier. You can see whole trees deposited in the center channel.
It is only in late summer and early fall that this center channel is available to play on.
Someone has left these stone towers for us to admire.
But don't let the seemingly calm water fool you....
Further along we see the force.
This is a deadly river that has taken many lives. Just this past spring a young man drowned trying to raft down it.
It has also taken out roads, bridges and homes.
But for now, it is only showing it's gentle side.
It was a beautiful afternoon. The late afternoon sun highlights seed heads of Queen Anne's Lace.
Ghostly Snow Berries grow in the thickets.
Nearby these bright crimson beauties add unexpected color.
As we leave we are sent on our way with a cryptic message written on the underside of the roadway bridge.
Next time I will show you the rest of our journey.


  1. Dearest Karen,
    That is a lovely post with an insight of your region. Those rivers are wild and dangerous after all the snow has melted and run down from the mountains. The difference between calm and wild can be frightening.
    Thanks for sharing all that and I LOVED that water tower.

  2. Hi Karen,
    Lovely shots around the plateau, the Queen Annes Lace is stunning!

  3. What a lovely drive, Karen. And those pumpkins! First thing that came to mind -- pies! I miss those pumpkin pies during Thanksgiving dinners in NYC.

  4. Hi Karen, thank you for sharing your trip, I love those images, trees, pumpkins, sun :)

  5. Good morning, Karen! I loved the drive around your neck of the woods. I especially like the glowing pumpkin field, the little stone towers, and the ghost berries. It's a sunny, cool morning here in Maryland, and I'm going for a ride, too. Down interstate 95 and the Washington capitol beltway to IKEA! LOL! But, "Everything is beautiful in its own way..." A song from the 70's, I think.

  6. Thank you my Dear Blogger Friends for coming along on my little drive. I so wish I could rent a big van and have you all with me - we would stop at the bakery and have pumpkin pie and Mocha's! xx


Thank you for stopping by! Your comments are important to me and are very much appreciated. xx Karen