
Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Life Interrupted

I have been thinking of coming back to blogging again, and then Hurricane Sandy hit. Not that I am affected, in so much as I live on the West Coast.
But this doesn't mean I am not affected in other ways.
I have been watching the news channels and have seen the beginning reports of the devastation.
So many people have lost their lives.
So many people have lost their homes.
So many people have lost their livelihood.
Over 7 million people without electricity.
In the cold and wet weather.
Many places with snow by the foot.
This just reminds us of how fragile life is.
At any time, we could suffer a similar catastrophe.
These things happen regularly, all over the globe.
Jet trail mimicking tornado over Cascade Mountains
But it is precisely during these types of difficult situations that you see the shining light of the human spirit.
Brave Policemen and Firefighters, Emergency Responders, Doctors, Nurses, National Guard Soldiers, Utility Workers, Governors, Senators, Congressmen, and the President, all working together to help one another.
But it is the selfless acts of ordinary people that really shine.
It is all of these wonderful, heroic people who risk their lives to save others, to save a pet, to save an elderly person, a child, or the disabled that are truly extraordinary.
But it doesn't stop there.
Selfless hours of work by aid workers, clean up crews, churches, charities, individuals and organizations will go into the massive undertaking of helping the displaced, helping the homeless, helping the tired and the hungry.
And that is where we can join in.
Even if we can't be there to help, we can remember to donate.
The need is great.
It doesn't end.
But we are a generous people.
We help the world.
Now we can help our own.
Even if all you have to give is a prayer.
Prayers are the most powerful of all things to give.
So let's say a prayer for everyone who suffers in harm's way.
Not just today.
But every day.
'But for the Grace of God, Go I.'


  1. Dear Loredana, I am very relieved to hear that you and your loved ones are o.k. My thoughts and prayers are with all of you there at this difficult time. xx

  2. Dearest Karen,
    Indeed, things can change life in a heart beat and mother nature is so strong and brutal at times.
    Let's hope that those affected will be protected by their guardian angels and may prayer may connect our nation once again.
    Hugs to you,

  3. Hi Karen, I agree with you, I've been thinking on all my followers from the east coast people I've never seen but I've worried, I think the only thing I can do from Spain at this moment is to pray


  4. WOW quelles jolie photos!! :0) J`adore c`est tres jolie!!
    Et aussi j`ai vous a donne le prix Liebster award!! :0)
    Visitez mon blog pour la prendre!! :0)

    Bonne semaine!!
    xxx Maria xxx

  5. Karen, I too, have been touched by this latest catastrophe ... what a sad series of events... but I agree that the resilience of the human spirit to love and help is what makes it withstandable in the end...

  6. We've been following this on the television and praying for the safety of everyone in this storm's path. I know you have family in New England and I hope they are all okay.

  7. I agree with you in all respects... I blogged about it too and put a hotlink in my sidebar to the American Red Cross for donations...

  8. Thank you, Madge for making it easy for us to donate! xx

  9. Thank you, Christine for your prayers and yes, all of my family is safe, but without electricity.xx

  10. Thank you so much everyone for your thoughts and prayers. xx

  11. Oh the images on the internet and the news is heartbreaking and yes it is so hard to get past them. I am overwhelmed thinking of all that is going on in this world right now. The need is great.
    We must remember all the people that help in these situations being the Aunt to a Fire fighter I know what a toll this work takes on their own families and sacrifice they give to help.
    My thoughts and prayers are with all dealing with this horrible situation.
    I love your images they have a nice calming effect for us all.
    Great post. Hug B

  12. Hi Mom! Isn't it overwhelming to see the wrath of Mother Nature? Your blog is spot on - my heart is so heavy thinking of all the loss that the East coast has suffered. I don't think enough gratitude could ever be given for our first responders who sacrafice all. Thank you for sharing!

  13. Insightful post, Karen. You offer those victims hope. <3


Thank you for stopping by! Your comments are important to me and are very much appreciated. xx Karen