
Thursday, October 11, 2012

Goodbye Sun - Hello Rain

The sun has been pouring through the windows for the last 81 days.
We have had no measurable rain in all that time.
This has broken all records.
But the forecast for the weekend is rain. And more rain next week. And more rain after that.

With possible flooding.
And so we have taken down the umbrella's.
And put away the cushions.

I took these photos just yesterday.
I must say goodbye to the warm sunshine for another year.
I'll miss my cotton calico mornings spent watering my flowers while sipping my coffee in the dew fresh sun.
But all good things must come to an end.
It is time for a change.
The forest is so dry.  
 I have enjoyed our long, long stretch of sunshine.
But it is time to embrace Fall.
I am looking forward, once again, to hearing the subtle glistening sounds of raindrops falling in the mist.
To the rush of leaves blowing in the Autumn breeze.
I've already heard owls and bugling elk.  
I've seen a few flocks of migrating geese.
The Swallows and Grosbeaks and Western Tanagers have all left for warmer climes.
 But the Stellar Jays and Woodpeckers and tiny flocks of Chic-a-dees remain.
 Next year's wildflowers are being dispersed while I wait for the rains to loosen the soil.
I have bulbs yet to plant.
But I am so happy I don't have to water anymore. I have spent hours and hours of free time trying to keep my precious plants alive.
Finally, finally I can spend my time elsewhere.
So while the rain will rob me of my sunshine, it will finally give me time to create some beauty from my summer harvest.


  1. I think it must be something about spending vacations going to Vancouver to visit my grandparents growing up, because I just love the rain. It's been pretty dry here too. Last year at the time, the creeks were all overflowing and now they're bone dry. I worry about all the poor animals that need our creek!

  2. Earlier this year it seemed as though all I did was water...but thankfully we had a fairly rainy summer and my backyard gardens have been thriving nicely on their own...which is good because it has been too darn hot and humid to venture outside...although this morning it is wonderfully chilly outside!! Love your beautiful photos...and how you write about 'winter' coming.

  3. HI Karen,
    Your deck looks so pretty and just a wonderful place to hang out! We had a very dry summer here in Indiana, but I was glad when the rains finally came. I was very tired of watering!

  4. Dearest Karen,

    You have quite a bounty of summer harvest in your baskets. Love the roses, hydrangeas and the lovely pine cones.
    For you it was the opposite of our weather. On June 28, we received the big hardcover book from Pieter's daughter Liz in The Netherlands. It is printed on glossy paper with the intent to fill in the blank pages with a kinf of biography. Pieter has done that beautifully, with photos and all in fountain pen after writing it on a bloc note first. He could stay at it because he didn't need to pull the hose and water our huge garden; due to almost daily showers of rain. What a difference! So I know what you are talking about. There are only that many hours in a day.
    Enjoy the coming season as it will be more for you at your leisure.
    Hugs to you dear friend,

  5. What a beautiful post!
    Your deck is gorgeous and you've tended those plants well - they are so lush and gorgeous!
    Your fall foliage shots are lovely!
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  6. My dearest friend. First: your photos are fantastic!
    Second: your hose and garden are so lovely!
    Third:Yes...time to welcome the rain. Here we do need rain as soon as possible... or else it will be catastrophic to agriculture.
    last winter was dry...we had few rain...summer was extremely hot...Last 2 weeks we has , at last 4 days of rain...but forecast is that next week it will rain all week, and the next also...thank God!
    Once again I have to say that I'm in love with your photos and garden...and flowers...and those last roses....what are they???How do you do that??? Amazing!!!

  7. Thank you for all of your sweet comments - I wish you could come and visit on the last day of sunshine! It does seem that everyone has had a dry year and understands about the effort to keep our gardens alive despite it all.

    For Blue Shell; the roses are simply enjoyed in the vase until they start to wilt and then bundled and tied and hung to dry upside down. Simple as that!

    Happy Weekend and I so enjoy your visits! xx

  8. Hi Karen you have a lovely blog, and you have a little surprise in mine ;)

  9. Hi Karen, you visited me and here I am visiting back! How lovely to have had all that sunshine. Your garden and flowers are lovely. I'll have to join your followers so that I can see your 'rain' pictures! Joan

  10. The photo with the blue ball is great! The ray of sunshine reflected from its surface is almost tangible.

  11. You know I love the rain, and I know that you will put this time to good use with your creativity! <3


Thank you for stopping by! Your comments are important to me and are very much appreciated. xx Karen