
Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Finding Gold

As summer winds down and we prepare ourselves for the cooler days ahead, we experience the golden light of Indian Summer.
Not quite summer, not quite fall.
We get a little hint of things to come from the changing light this time of year.
At certain times of the day, with the sun lingering lower on the horizon, rays filter through the tree tops.
Late afternoons seem enchanting with dappled, flickering light weaving patterns on the path.
 Light and Shadow equal.
I take advantage of these last summer days, using any excuse to be outside.
Here I am enjoying one of my Dear Mother's favorite sandwiches.
It is simply thick slices of sun-ripened tomatoes, sprinkled with a tiny bit of salt and pepper, nestled on tender leaves of 'Butter' lettuce, and resting on toasted whole wheat bread with light mayonnaise.
She loved tomatoes and called them her 'red gold', cradling them home from the market in a hand held bag.
She grew tomatoes every year on her deck, but this cool mountain weather gave her pitiful crops.
So every year my sister would travel to the 'hot' side of the state, to Yakima, and buy her flats of sun ripened tomatoes.
When we came to visit, she would make us tomato sandwiches.
I think of her while I enjoy my Indian Summer afternoon.
Later, as the hills turn gold, I come inside to prepare dinner for my Ramblin' Man.
As the light slowly fades I am treated to one last beautiful light show.
A sudden shower and a mountain rainbow.
Showing clearly where the pot of gold is hidden!
 But wait!
 There are two pots of gold!
But the true treasures in life -  time spent with those we love -  cannot be bought or sold.
These hours are golden.
I hope you get to find a little 'gold' in your life during this beautiful season of light.
 Weekly Top Shot


  1. Love, Love, Love this post. Your pictures are so gorgeous. The views off the deck so amazing.

  2. Dearest Karen,

    You are such a poetic writer...
    So true about all the memories of our loved ones that are interwoven with our everyday life. YES, those are the threads of gold in life's tapestry and you are among the lucky few that have truly discovered the real gold!
    Hugs to you,

  3. Tomato sandwiches, exactly as you described, are my all time favorite summer food. I love them! Especially for breakfast.

  4. What a beautiful view you have!
    And I too. love tomato sandwiches. Sometimes I skip the bread and just eat the tomato!

  5. I LOVE this time of the year. It's still nice and warm but no relentless heat and humidity. In Canada, the leaves were beginning to turn all kinds of beautiful colours, there were pumpkins and other gourds everywhere, colourful corn, farmer markets, chrysanthemums, asters. The fall in Poland is beautiful too, but more monotone, just yellows, golds and browns and only a few pumpkins in stores.
    Two rainbows - what a lucky day!

  6. Wow, those photographs made me want to crawl through my computer monitor to sit on your deck with you. I really love the dappled shade ones. And your rainbows! Incredible. But as you say, the true treasures in life are our relationships. Even after our loved ones go on, we "stay in touch" through memories. I'm so glad you have a wonderful husband to share your mountain home with. Lucky him to have your oatmeal cake too!

  7. Yes, autumn gold - I believe it can stay, if only in our hearts.

    You must try Creole tomatoes if you ever come to Louisiana in the summer. They are the best tomatoes on the planet! <3

  8. A beautiful double rainbow Karen! I too enjoy the transition as autumn approaches. You can't beat your view or delicious tomato sandwiches with memories of your mother.

  9. What lovely words and photos.
    And you are right; family is the real treasure.
    You have a home which looks to be both tranquil and beautiful.

  10. Wow, what a wonderful series of shots! The rainbows, the view... wow! I love tomato sandwiches too! Thanks for sharing on Weekly Top Shot #47!


Thank you for stopping by! Your comments are important to me and are very much appreciated. xx Karen