
Monday, July 9, 2012

A Quiet Time

It's been a quiet time for me this week. I've been spending time in nature, taking woodland walks, tending to my roses.

Nature is so peaceful.

Just what I have needed.

The sun has been shining, finally. The woodlands filter the light, leaving pretty patterns to follow.

There is always beautiful birdsong and delicate wildflowers to soothe the weary soul.

I follow the woodland path in the filtered sunlight searching for delicate blooms.

I am rewarded with the discovery of some ethereal blossoms.

Tiny flowers against impossibly green leaves. As delicate as a fairy's wing.

The forest is a lovely place to clear your mind and ground your spirit. Connecting with nature seems to put life in perspective.

You can leave behind the cares of the world and simply exist, surrounded by the beauty of the forest.

Exquisite creation, unhampered by the hand of man. A fragile blossom that will soon turn into a nourishing Thimble Berry, so named for it's hollow core when plucked.

An ancient Cedar gives shelter to a woodland wildflower.

And it's own progeny, bravely reaching towards the light to begin it's own journey in the forest. Someday home to birds and woodland creatures not yet born.

The circle of life.

My woodland walk brings me back around to home once more.

With a deeper understanding of the rhythms of life.

And a feeling of peace deep within my heart.

That life goes on and so do we.

Protected and nurtured by those before us, so we can do the same.

Full circle.


  1. This is so true Karen. Nature does have a way of soothing the soul somehow. There are many nights if I can't sleep due to many thoughts racing through my mind, I pour myself a glass of wine (Yes its true) and go out in the backyard to reside in the hammock for a permitting or sometimes I end up under cover on the patio (most of the time). There is just something so peaceful to me about the night sky that I've always loved. Road trips accompanied by warm weather and the car windows down, camping, you name it. Nature has been a great friend in times of need.
    It somehow has a way of comforting you and letting you know that whatever troubles are on the mind, they too shall pass.
    Been thinking of you lately

  2. Dearest Karen,

    What a beautiful poetic pondering of the soul... about life, its existence and its full circle indeed. We are all here on borrowed time and comes our turn, we will pass on to the unknown. But we live with the knowledge of hope, of love forever... And in the quiet of nature, we almost feel being touched by our loved ones that did brave the journey.
    A tight hug to you and enjoy more peaceful summer walks through your beautiful forests. Soaking up energy from the sun and its warmth will help you through autumn's cool evenings and winters cold.
    But by kindling the flame inside we will be well prepared.

  3. Thank you, Sarah, for sharing your experiences with nature and how it helps to ease a restless mind. Thank you for thinking of me, it means so much. xoxo

  4. Thank you, Mariette for your poetic thoughts, so kind and beautiful. xxoo

  5. I'm so glad you're back, Karen, and what a beautiful way you have with words. Nature, the soul, the connection to all things - beautifully written. <3

  6. So beautifully said (written), Karen... and thank you for bringing us along. I love seeing what's growing where you live. :)

    RE: your comment over at my blog... I've tried growing a few herbs this year. The parsley disappeared immediately, so I'll have to come up another way to grow it other than in a container pot. A small greenhouse is on the To-Do list.

    Hope you have a lovely week,

  7. (Apologies if this is a duplicate comment - I've been having difficulties posting.)

    This is such a beautiful post. You're so right that nature can soothe and comfort us, and bring us closer to those who have gone on before. I'm glad you live in such a beautiful place and have that comfort all around you - and some sunshine as well. Take very good care, Karen. xox

  8. Thank you so much, Stacy Lyn and I am so glad that you are here to share with me. xx

  9. Dear Christine, you are very kind and I am happy to share this with such understanding friends. As comforting as nature. xx

  10. Dear Zuzu, thank you for coming along and I am sorry about your Parsley. A greenhouse is in my dreams, also. Nature rules sometimes but is always beautiful. xx

  11. Karen,

    You have such a beautiful woodland area to reflect. So peaceful.

  12. Thank you, Donna, and so glad that you stopped by. xx

  13. Beautiful post, Karen. I think you're doing what I did after Mama died...pouring heart & soul into writing. I wrote a story about her that took me a while to re-read when I had written it.

    I love your forest...actually so different from the one here for you have more hardwoods which I love. Here, I live on a conifer tree farm...



Thank you for stopping by! Your comments are important to me and are very much appreciated. xx Karen