
Thursday, May 24, 2012

Wildflower Walk-about

I took a little walk-about to see what was in bloom here on my little hillside. I thought I would take you on a little tour.

I planted the blue bells years ago and they have spread into a little colony near my bedroom window. The tiny pink flower is 'Herb Robert', a form of wild geranium. It is a delicate wildflower with lacy leaves that sometimes turn crimson in the fall.

We have many ferns carpeting the forest floor. This time of year they unfurl their new fronds.

The Columbine are blooming a little bit late this year. Last year I had several colors. This year, just  purple in the side garden. Every year is a surprise.

Purple Columbine and Blue Forget me Not are a beautiful and carefree wildflower combination growing beyond the picnic table in the side yard. You can see Whitey hidden among the foliage just to the left of center at the top.

Here, Forget Me Not has scattered itself among two different types of fern; the leathery Ostrich Fern that persists even in winter, and the delicate, pale Lady Fern who unfurls her tender fronds every spring but dies back every fall. The stone wall is concealed beneath the lush growth along the path to the side yard.

Pale green stalks of wild 'Fringe Cup' grow among tiny wild Pink Geranium (Herb Robert) along side the parking area of the driveway.

Wild ground covers carpet the ground under a young Hemlock tree along the path to the side gate used for the wheelbarrow.

Wild grasses mimic expensive nursery cultivars, growing among the wildflowers and ferns.

The resiliency of some wildflowers always amazes me. This diminutive blossom seems to be thriving along the edge of the gravel in the driveway.

By evening this cloud foreshadowed unsettled weather.

Formed by weather systems swirling around Mt. Rainier and floating away in it's own perpetual turbulence. It foretells rain within 24 hours. It's nearly 100% accurate.

Sure enough, we have had rain since Sunday. But tomorrow will be bright and sunny once more. Something to lift my spirits a little.
 It's been a hard week losing my sweet Little Bear.
She loved our little 'walk-abouts'.
But I know she will always be with me.
Forever roaming the fields of wildflowers in my heart.


  1. Magical! Natural wildflowers are my favorite landscaping by far. Thinking of you and Little Bear this week.

  2. Magical is the word that comes to my mind too... And also, so many of these flowers and plants are growing in my own garden. Columbine, bluebells, ferns, and geraniums of various kinds although not I don't think Herb Robert.

    I'm sure Little Bear's spirit draws close by you on those walks.

  3. Thank you, Courtenay, Michelle and Christine for your kind comments. xx

  4. I'm sorry to hear about Little Bear. :( Being surrounded by such beauty, though, must be some consolation. <3

  5. Lovely wildflower shots and of course Mt. Rainier is always a delight!

  6. Thank you, Loredana, Stacy lyn, and Madge for your sweet comments. xx

  7. Beautiful! Loved your wildflower walkabout! Check out the slideshow on my blog of pics I took on Sunday at Butchart Gardens. Have you been there? You'd love it!


  8. Thank you, Dianne! I will look at your lovely blog, I have never been to Butchart gardens and have always wanted to go! xx


Thank you for stopping by! Your comments are important to me and are very much appreciated. xx Karen