
Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Snow in the Foothills and Heartfelt Gifts

Can you see what has fallen on the foothills outside my window?

Yes, it is snow!

If not for a few hundred feet of elevation, that would be us!

It has been so cold and wet here, but today we are getting a little break from the rain before the next 'system' as they call it, comes in from the Pacific.

This is mid morning, when it had 'warmed up', Last night before I went to bed, it was 39 degrees and falling.

You can see on my slightly blurry digital temperature gauge, that it is 43.8 degrees at 9:43 this morning. Not exactly t-shirt weather! My little digital model is warmly dressed today. She has various costumes according to the temperature, all the way down to a bathing suit!  It is 39% humidity, and 71 degrees inside, as I have a nice cozy fire going.

The sun is teasing us, peeking out from the low gray clouds, then hiding once more. Oh, how warm she is when she is showing her face!

But no matter! Today I will be working upstairs in my little office/art studio on the hand made gift for my sister in law.

Here is a little peek!

But I will have to leave you guessing for a while yet!

So while it is too cold to play in the yard, I will play with my colors instead!

And later this evening, I have the most delightful reading to attend to!

A Dear and Special Friend sent these to me. An ocean and a continent away.

She knows of my love of reading, my love of art, my love of writing. A Dear Friend from Far Away,

So much to be grateful for.

So let it rain, let it snow, I am cozy and warm, surrounded by my favorite past times,

Life is Good.

I wish the same for all of you! xoxo


  1. Your little thermometer is so funny! I've never seen one like that. And I've seen just about every style there is. I'm pretty sure there are about 67 different thermometers around this house. The old owners really liked to know what the temperature was!

  2. Love your artistic bent...

  3. That's funny Courtenay! My parents loved thermometers, too, and had them everywhere! In fact, my Mom gave me that digital one. Must be a generational thing! xx

  4. Your art studio corner looks SO inviting! I'd better not show my daughter. I'm curious to see what you are inventing there.

    And - I think your wee temperature model is hilarious! I'm imagining a Scottish temperature gauge that has a man with a kilt on it. But I think he would only have two outfits, one with jacket (70 degrees and under) and one without (between 70 and 75 degrees). Over 75 degrees and he passes out, probably.

    The airport website tells me it's 52 degrees here at the moment, so we're not all that different from you I don't think.

  5. It is cool and wet here also although I do not see snow on the foothills across the way...just green. After the heat of Dallas last week, this actually feels good. I know the dry season will be here soon enough. I love your art nook! Can't wait to see the finished project...

  6. Hi Christine, that is a very funny visual of the Scottish man in his kilt! I do think our weather seems to be the same, and maybe that is why we have quite a sizable population of Scots here. So many, that we have the 'Highland Games' at our local fairground every summer! xx

  7. Hi Dianne, yes the dry season will be here soon. It's hard to imagine right now, but once the rain stops, it stops! xx

  8. That thermometer is hilarious! It's been wet and cool here, and I am missing my Louisiana spring, but, like you, I have gifts from a friend on another continent to keep me company. <3

  9. Oh you must do a post about your Highland Games for me!

    By the way it was SNOWING this morning, May 5th! (Not lying, but still...)


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